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Research & Innovation supports faculty and staff members who want to engage in applied research activities by collaborating with industry and community partners to solve real-world problems.

Faculty Research at Humber

Faculty researchers bring innovation into the classroom, which helps to prepare students for career success. Research & Innovation works with faculty to bring forward projects and create connections with industry and community partners. This can happen in a number of different ways: industry, community or not-for-profit partner-driven capstone projects can provide students with valuable skills and relevant work experience; projects funded by one of Humber’s internal research funds enable faculty members to pursue their own research interests and engage students as active members of the research team; externally funded projects allow faculty members to stay actively involved in their field, cultivate industry partnerships, and provide intensive work experiences for students.

Research & Innovation helps faculty members form new partnerships, especially interdisciplinary collaborations, and explore innovative ways to enhance curriculum. Ideas can start with a sketch on the back of a lunchroom napkin or with a blue-sky conversation at an event or trade show.

Are you a Humber faculty member interested in pursuing research? Complete the Researcher Intake Form and a Research & Innovation staff member will contact you once it has been submitted.

Person writing down on notebook

Cultivating a Research Community:
Integrative Approaches at Humber Polytechnic

When it comes to cultivating an integrative research community, Humber's vision of Building Brilliance is the foundation of our goals to reimagine learning, nurture partnerships, and drive impact. We want to grow a sustainable research culture that is centered on collaboration and creativity, with benefits for our students, faculty, community, country, and beyond.

In an effort to engage the Humber research community, we have partnered with SEDA (Staff and Educational Development Association) to provide an accredited Applied Research Program. This program consists of two certificates delivered over seven weeks, featuring key research topics and practices, expert guest speakers, exciting field trips, and more.

About SEDA

SEDA’s mission is to enhance Higher Education, through educational and professional development, for the benefit of students, staff and the wider public. SEDA does this by offering scholarly and accessible developmental resources and opportunities to everyone involved in positive educational change and innovation in Higher Education.

Applied Research Program at Humber Polytechnic video

SEDA Certificates in Research at Humber Polytechnic

Certificate 1: Foundations of Applied Research

  • Foundations of Research
  • Research on Learning
  • Current Research Topics
  • Knowledge Sharing

Certificate 2: Enhancing Applied Research Practice

  • Learning and Communities
  • Professionalism in Research
  • Research Application and Impact

Upon completion of the SEDA certificates, learners can identify a personal topic of interest and conduct research, complete an interdisciplinary literature review, and improve curriculum and learner engagement.

Two people smiling at table during professional seminar

Person holding up a piece of paper

Group of people seated around board room table

Two people presenting slideshow

Learn More about the ARP

SPARK Special Issue - December 2024

In 2024, a group of 10 professional learners at Humber Polytechnic embarked on a rich learning and applied research experience as part of the inaugural Applied Research Program (ARP). This special issue of SPARK showcases one example of the unique opportunities made possible by Humber Polytechnic’s growing ecosystem of research and innovation.

Applied Research Program: An Autoethnography of Participant Reflections and Experiences

Learn more about the program in an article published by the first cohort in Humber’s peer-reviewed Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE).

Featured Researchers

Timothy Wong

Timothy Wong

Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology

Salomeh Ahmadi

Salomeh Ahmadi

Faculty of Social & Community Services

Maria Jacome

Maria Jacome

Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology

Adam Thomas

Adam Thomas, MA

Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology

Aqeela Tabassum

Aqeela Tabassum, PhD

Longo Faculty of Business

Cristina Alexandra Guerrero

Cristina Alexandra Guerrero, PhD

Faculty of Social & Community Services

Hanadi Alnawab

Hanadi Alnawab, BComm

Longo Faculty of Business

Louise Zimanyi

Louise Zimanyi, MEd

Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness

Parisa Pouladzadeh

Parisa Pouladzadeh, PhD

Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology

Prabhpreet Sidhu

Prabhpreet Sidhu, MMA

Longo Faculty of Business

Rameen Sabet

Rameen Sabet, MPPAL

Longo Faculty of Business

Yasemin Fanaeian

Yasemin Fanaeian, PhD

Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology