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Labs & Innovative Spaces

Humber has a network of cutting-edge labs, equipment and facilities to support research and innovation projects. This research infrastructure is used by partners, faculty and students to conduct applied research and foster innovation.

For inquiries related to facility or space rentals, please contact Humber Conference Services.

Facility Category
three people working in the culinary lab arranging plates of food

Baking, Pastry and Culinary Labs

Business-related and Hospitality & Tourism

Learn in one of our three new state-of-the-art Bake Labs, our new multifunctional Culinary Lab, the Mandarin and Garland Induction Cooking Lab, the Culinary Demonstration Theatre & Lab, the Butchery and Charcuterie Kitchens, small quantity multi-purpose kitchens, and cold & hot food kitchens of The Humber Room restaurant.

Anatomy Dolls in lab

Bioscience Lab

Health Sciences & Wellness

Humber's Bioscience lab is equipped with anatomical models, embedded and biological tissue specimen and other aids to enhance students understanding of anatomical relationships and physiological principles – including ‘wet labs’. Humber is the only publicly funded college lab that houses cadavers in Ontario.

Person using lab equipment

Biotechnology Lab

Health Sciences & Wellness

Humber’s Biotechnology lab is outfitted with equipment fundamental to this field. It also houses advanced equipment used in many industries arming graduates with skill to operate these instruments.

Students in a meeting


Media, Creative Arts, and Design

Specializing in communications, BuildingF brings marketers and agencies together with advanced students from virtually any Humber program to produce strategic creative content and technology solutions.

Trees in front of building

Centre for Urban Ecology

Humber Arboretum and Centre for Urban Ecology

Walk through the bright red door of the Centre for Urban Ecology to discover a model of sustainable design. Completed in 2007, this striking LEED Gold certified building is home to the Humber Arboretum’s educational programs and special events for the general public. Students in programs such as Early Childhood Education and Nursing benefit from semester-long placements offered by the Centre, and all Humber Polytechnic students have the opportunity to get involved with the Centre’s Learning by Leading™ service-learning experience and propose nature-connected projects related to their own program and interests.

Hospital room with dolls

Clinical Simulation

Health Sciences & Wellness

The Clinical Simulation Learning Centre is one of the most significant areas in health sciences education at Humber's Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness. It is a resource that complements practice education in many of our programs, including Nursing, Paramedic, Occupational and Physiotherapy Assistant, and Personal Support Worker. The Clinical Simulation Learning Centre is an essential learning environment where students are able to work, learn and practice in a risk-free setting.

Students in trainning

Conflict Resolution Sim Lab

Social & Community Services

The 180-degree conflict resolution simulator is a critical learning tool for students who require the skills needed to deal with people in crisis.

Student in crime scene class

Crime Scene Lab

Social & Community Services

The mock crime scene apartment houses an overhead viewing theatre where students can learn from and apply forensic techniques.

Student in driving simulator

Driving Sim Lab

Social & Community Services

Police pursuit driving, city, highway, snow and rain – students get exposed to the toughest challenges in a controlled environment in our driving simulation lab.

Studnets in Lab with machinery

Festo Industry Digital Factory

Applied Sciences & Technology Facilities

The Festo Industry Digital Factory (CP Factory) features advanced technologies to support Industry 4.0. This modular smart factory is a learning system for recording information using intelligent sensors, control using programmable logic controllers, communication based on bus technologies, binary pallet identification, identification via radio-frequency identification (RFID), and a manufacturing execution system (MES) needed for communicating an in-depth knowledge of Industry 4.0.

Student Firefighters training

Fire Facilities and Burn Tower

Health Sciences & Wellness

To ensure that student firefighters get training under conditions they’ll face in the real world, students experience several live burn exercises at a burn tower.

Students in Exercise Lab

Fitness and Exercise Science Labs

Health Sciences & Wellness

Two Exercise Prescription Labs, two Group Exercise Studios, a High Performance lab for strength and core training, a Biomechanics Lab with an integrated Qualisys system, plus a Bod Pod and multiple metabolic carts for assessments.

Focus Group Room

Focus Group Room

Business-related and Hospitality & Tourism

The Focus Group Room is fully equipped with audio and visual equipment, as well as a control room for viewing the room.

Person using Microscope

Forensic Studio

Social & Community Services

A varied array of tools are made available to students are all state-of-the-art equipment that’s the latest in technology available to the crime solving industry.

Students in Recording Room

Gordon Wragg Recording Studios

Media, Creative Arts, and Design

The Gordon Wragg Recording Studios is a professional, educational recording facility consisting of a state-of-the-art studio, electronic classroom, and individual digital audio workstation rooms. With a host of the best professional recording equipment and expert supervision, the Humber Recording Studio provides students and clients with the highest quality professional environment in which to realize their artistic vision.

HD Television Mobile truck

HD TV Mobile Unit

Media, Creative Arts, and Design

The HD TV Mobile Unit is a multi-camera television facility used for remote broadcast television production. The mobile unit contains all the high definition broadcast television equipment found in a television studio, but has the ability to travel to an event to cover it live.

Garden and Pond

Humber Arboretum

Humber Arboretum and Centre for Urban Ecology

The public gardens and natural areas of the 100 hectare Humber Arboretum exist as a unique tri-partnership between Humber Polytechnic, the City of Toronto, and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. The grounds of the Arboretum serve as an outdoor classroom for students in programs ranging from Arboriculture and Landscaping to Early Childhood Education and Culinary. Numerous research plots host a variety of internal and external projects centered on ecological conservation and restoration.

Hearing Lab Facility

Humber's Hearing Space

Health Sciences & Wellness

This state-of-the-art facility boasts leading-edge equipment giving students in the Hearing Instrument Specialist program the experience they need to succeed in their careers.

Person in mask working with machinery

Javelin Additive Manufacturing Lab

Applied Sciences & Technology Facilities

Contains three Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printers used for the design and building phases of additive manufacturing.

Students working with Machinery

Product Prototyping Facility

Applied Sciences & Technology Facilities

The Product Prototyping Facility enables users to bring ideas and concepts to life. Transforming digital 3D CAD files into tangible models creates greater ease in the evaluation of product designs, testing and troubleshooting. Highlights include a DMU 50 and a 5-axis simultaneous CNC Machining Centre with a control system that is Industry 4.0 ready. It addresses skills required for manufacturing, mold-making and tooling processes.

Students working on Lab

SEW-Eurodrive Innovation Lab

Applied Sciences & Technology Facilities

This space showcases SEW-EURODRIVE’s latest Industry 4.0 and advanced manufacturing application. This lab uses automated guided vehicles (AGVs) mobile technology for the first time in North America. It includes mobile logistics, assembly assistants and fabricated cells displaying factory automation interaction with mobile technology and humans. It has an advanced manufacturing setting that uses the latest augmented reality (AR) device to assemble products with step-by-step instructions.

House Lab Inside Building

Sustainable Energy Labs

Applied Sciences & Technology Facilities

Humber's Sustainable Energy Labs include a Building Automation Systems Lab and an Energy Auditing Lab. Features of the labs include workstations for electric circuits, renewable energy and solar PV and wind, as well as an indoor air quality log station.

Two images of a classroom

The Carol Reid Education Lab and Resource Centre

Health Sciences & Wellness

These two spaces provide ECE students with the environment for discovery, challenge, and wonder! Students have access to a wealth of materials - books, toys, puppets, natural materials, and loose parts - as well as creative suggestions for their use. The area is a hub for ECE students to meet, exchange ideas, problem-solve, and to develop their own curiosity as they explore the possibilities for engaging children's imaginations and contributing to their development.

Garden in front of building

The Humber Food Learning Garden

Humber Arboretum and Centre for Urban Ecology

Where does your food come from? Why does it matter? The Humber Food Learning Garden is a space for students and community members to learn about sustainable urban agriculture, local food security, and how to grow and harvest their own fresh, healthy food in whatever space is available to them. The Humber Food Learning Garden is a joint initiative of Humber Arboretum and Humber Polytechnic's Centre of Innovation in Health & Wellness.

Humbers Arboretum Greenhouse

The Humber Greenhouses

Humber Arboretum and Centre for Urban Ecology

The Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology and the Humber Arboretum share the use of Humber’s 6,000 square feet of greenhouse space, which combines learning opportunities for students with growing plants for use on campus and in the connected public gardens of the Arboretum. The greenhouse also supports faculty research projects investigating questions related to horticulture, invasive species control, and ecological restoration practices.

Person talking on microphone

The Idea Lab

Business-related and Hospitality & Tourism

The Idea Lab is a library initiative designed to support digital fluency at Humber Polytechnic. The Idea Lab has four components: studio spaces, workshops, online resources, and student supports. The Idea Lab has bookable spaces on the third floor of the LRC building at North campus and the third floor of the Longo Centre for Entrepreneurship (G building) at Lakeshore campus. These spaces include video studios, audio studios, 3D printers, sewing machines, laser and vinyl cutters. Spaces are available to Humber and Guelph-Humber students, staff, and faculty but priority will be given to students working on assignments.

Usability Lab

Usability Lab

Media, Creative Arts, and Design

The Usability Lab is a full-fledged "Live Lab" where content creators can capture and assess the interaction between user and design. The lab is a custom 48-foot trailer which is built like a portable broadcast production facility and features five usability testing booths and a large, central collaboration space.

Students in Wine tasting class

Wine Tasting and Mixology Lab

Business-related and Hospitality & Tourism

Wine tasting and demonstrations take place in a luxurious theatre where students are introduced to wines of the world and the intricacies of food and wine pairing. The lab is equipped with its own wine cellar/cooler, a demonstration induction cooking unit, glassware racks, storage and washing equipment and full audio visual and satellite broadcast capabilities. In the mixology lab, students learn the theory and practical skills of a wide range of beverages and mixology including creating mixed drinks, and understanding beers, spirits and wines.