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By getting involved with applied research projects, students gain the practical experience they need to succeed.

Humber students can engage in research projects with industry partners, faculty members, and community organizations.

Working on an applied research project within a team of passionate and determined Humber students and faculty not only provides a great experience, but also helps build resumes and is a perfect opportunity to network with professionals. It allows students the chance to try new things, push themselves, and put the skills they’re learning to use in a real-world situation – an experience that provides an understanding and appreciation for what’s happening in the classroom and how it applies to real job settings.

Students working with machine

Research Assistant Testimonials

“My experience at the Barrett CTI has been very rewarding in terms of learning new skills and having many professional development opportunities. Thanks to the partnerships the Barrett CTI has with the various industry partners, I have had the opportunity to establish connections and receive career advice from individuals working in the field. Furthermore, having access to the cutting edge technology in the Barrett CTI, I have been able to acquire additional knowledge and experience. I know that this will be an asset when I graduate and begin working in the industry.”

Maramawit Demisse, Electromechanical Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma graduate, Humber Polytechnic

“As a student, being part of applied research opportunities has been an indispensable opportunity to form insightful connections with industry and gain relevant work and life skills. Working in the S.T.E.A.M. lab and participating on the Skills Team allowed me to gain the experience and contacts I needed in order to gain a summer position. Not only are the connections and experiences invaluable, it feels empowering to know you are prepared for industry after graduation, and that you are contributing to generating more opportunities for future Humber students.”

Jessica Lynn, Electromechanical Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma graduate, Humber Polytechnic