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Student and Research Staff Onboarding

Research & Innovation is happy to have you as a part of our research team! Working on an applied research project will provide you with valuable experience while allowing you to collaborate with our expert Faculty and industry partners. You will receive paid training and access to research-related learning opportunities and state-of-the-art facilities that will help you transform your knowledge. Please review the resources below and complete all the necessary onboarding steps before beginning work on your research project.

Tips for Success:

  • As soon as you receive your employee #, enter your banking information. Adding banking information instructions
    Once your contract is active, you will be assigned a @humber.ca employee e-mail. You can access this e-mail by going to mymail.humber.ca, and logging in with your n# and password. Once active, this is the only e-mail that should be used for research project communication.
  • All onboarding training must be completed within the first two weeks of employment and submitted to Catherine Folgar Lemus (catherine.folgarlemus@humber.ca)
  • Submit your timesheets on a bi-weekly basis, ensuring that you copy your project supervisor and research@humber.ca.

Onboarding Process and Requirements

Applied Research Projects

Within the first two weeks of work, complete the ALL 7 mandatory trainings.

Please click the link below to access each training module. Please send a copy of your completion certificates to catherine.folgarlemus@humber.ca

  1. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Customer Service Standards Training
  2. Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) & Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC) Training
  3. Health & Safety Training (Student)

Please note: If you are unable to download the AODA and IASR certificates, please reach out to humanrightseducation@humber.ca.

Please follow these instructions to register for training modules accessed through Blackboard Ultra.

  1. Research Assistant Tutorial
  2. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) in Research Design and Implementation

If you are unable to access the Research Assistant Tutorial or the EDIB training, please e-mail nandish.dave@humber.ca.

The following training modules are automatically loaded on Blackboard Ultra. No registration required.

  1. Sexual Violence Training for Employees
  2. Human Rights and Harassment Training

If you are unable to access the Sexual Violence Training or the Human Rights and Harassment, please e-mail humanrightseducation@humber.ca.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Projects

Within the first two weeks of work, complete the ALL 5 mandatory trainings.

Please click the link below to access each training module. Please send a copy of your completion certificates to catherine.folgarlemus@humber.ca

  1. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Customer Service Standards Training
  2. Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) & Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC) Training
  3. Health & Safety Training (Student)

Please note: If you are unable to download the AODA and IASR certificates, please reach out to humanrightseducation@humber.ca.

The following training modules are automatically loaded on Blackboard Ultra. No registration required.

  1. Sexual Violence Training for Employees
  2. Human Rights and Harassment Training

If you are unable to access the Sexual Violence Training or the Human Rights and Harassment, please e-mail humanrightseducation@humber.ca.

If your study involves human participants, please complete the TCPS 2 training module. TCPS 2: CORE-2022 (tcps2core.ca)


All research assistants are required to submit timesheets on a bi-weekly basis. Timesheets are due every other Friday (see Payroll calendar below). You will receive a bi-weekly reminder for the upcoming submission deadline.

How to submit a timecard

Payroll calendar 2024

Applied Research Projects

Within the first two weeks of work, complete the ALL 7 mandatory trainings.

Please click the link below to access each training module. Please send a copy of your completion certificates to catherine.folgarlemus@humber.ca

  1. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Customer Service Standards Training
  2. Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) & Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC) Training
  3. Health & Safety Training (Student)

Please note: If you are unable to download the AODA and IASR certificates, please reach out to humanrightseducation@humber.ca.

Please follow these instructions to register for training modules accessed through Blackboard Ultra.

  1. Research Assistant Tutorial
  2. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) in Research Design and Implementation

If you are unable to access the Research Assistant Tutorial or the EDIB training, please e-mail nandish.dave@humber.ca.

The following training modules are automatically loaded on Blackboard Ultra. No registration required.

  1. Sexual Violence Training for Employees
  2. Human Rights and Harassment Training

If you are unable to access the Sexual Violence Training or the Human Rights and Harassment, please e-mail humanrightseducation@humber.ca.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Projects

Within the first two weeks of work, complete the ALL 5 mandatory trainings.

Please click the link below to access each training module. Please send a copy of your completion certificates to catherine.folgarlemus@humber.ca

  1. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Customer Service Standards Training
  2. Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) & Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC) Training
  3. Health & Safety Training (Student)

Please note: If you are unable to download the AODA and IASR certificates, please reach out to humanrightseducation@humber.ca.

The following training modules are automatically loaded on Blackboard Ultra. No registration required.

  1. Sexual Violence Training for Employees
  2. Human Rights and Harassment Training

If you are unable to access the Sexual Violence Training or the Human Rights and Harassment, please e-mail humanrightseducation@humber.ca.

If your study involves human participants, please complete the TCPS 2 training module. TCPS 2: CORE-2022 (tcps2core.ca)


All research assistants are required to submit timesheets on a bi-weekly basis. Timesheets are due every other Friday (see Payroll calendar below). You will receive a bi-weekly reminder for the upcoming submission deadline.

How to submit a timecard

Payroll calendar 2024

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Your contract becomes active 2-3 days after you have accepted your offer. Your will receive an automated message from Human Resources indicating your Humber Username and password. If you do not have access after 3 days, please contact catherine.folgarlemus@humber.ca

Yes, the onboarding training is paid. On average it should take 8 hours to complete.

Please contact research@humber.ca and we will assist with diagnosing the problem and entering your hours.

Each contract at Humber has a unique assignment #. When creating a timecard, on the Assignment # column, select one of the Assignment #’s. The department should then pre-populate. If the department is not “Dean Research”, you are using the incorrect assignment number. Select the other Assignment # option and confirm the department is correct.

You can only use your personal email to communicate if you are still in the process of setting up your profile during the hiring process. Once you have been hired, you are expected to use your Humber email for any communication. This is meant to allow for professional work communications and not personal, and lost information can be retrieved more easily.

Employees get paid 2 weeks in arrears. This means the payment will be received 4 weeks from the start date. Any hours that were submitted after the manager’s approval deadline will be reflected on the next pay run. All hours must be submitted a week before the pay date to guarantee payment.

Research Assistants may work any day of the week, as assigned by their Project Lead. However, work on statutory holidays or on College closure days is not permitted.

schedule showing when people get payed

  • When entering hours, the system will automatically deduct for meal breaks.
  • After 5 hours of continuous work, 30 minutes will be deducted.
  • After 7 hours of continuous work, 1 hour will be deducted.
  • If you have not taken any meal breaks, on your entry, enter the first 5 hours, then click on “+Add Row Below”, select your assignment number, and proceed to enter the remaining hours.

Reported hours

Payroll Time

If you are unable to download the AODA and IASR certificates, please reach out to humanrightseducation@humber.ca and they will provide you with your certificates.

If you are unable to access the Sexual Violence training, please reach out to humanrightseducation@humber.ca and they will provide you with access.