Project: N-Building Redesign
Partner: B+H Architects and Morrison Hershfield
Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Fenuta
Funder: Ignite Fund
Students: Stefan Bedard, Curtis Deenah, Tanya Lupo, Aaron MacRitchie, Cameron Mitchelmore, Gayatri Mohapatra, Seyed Amirmehdi Pooladgar, Pradip Sharma, Mohammed Siddiqui, and Jeffrey Taylor
Partnering with B+H Architects and Morrison Hershfield, Humber College faculty and staff constructed a new design for the N-Building at North Campus to upgrade the existing building to current standards. This new building design demonstrates and recognizes aesthetics, greater energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste reduction, carbon reduction, the use of new material, building designs, and technologies that have emerged since the building was originally constructed in the 1980s.
This project was used as a learning integration tool for a selected group of final semester students who were required to complete a capstone. The students applied their knowledge and skills acquired throughout their various programs to effectively fulfill the deliverables of the project.
Guided by faculty representatives, a multidisciplinary team of students from the project management, architectural, sustainable development, structural and supply chain departments were involved in the successful completion of this applied research project.
“As professionals, we are accustomed to working with very defined parameters. Students often don’t have those restrictions and bring a fresh perspective...”
— Kevin Stelzer, Principal, B+H Architects 8
Key benefits of this project:
- Humber fulfilling its goal of providing students with the highest level of polytechnic education through the support provided from industry to students.
- Humber acquiring additional information which can be used to increase its sustainability.
- The final design of the N-Building will facilitate an expansion of classroom space.
8 The Globe & Mail and Randall Anthony Communications. Energy treasure hunt: An integrated approach to campus sustainability. (2018, May 17). Retrieved from…