ATSC 3.0 Broadcast Positioning System
Funder: Build IE
Program: Build IE
PI Name: Willie Perez
Faculty/Department: Research & Innovation
Research Area(s): Other
The ATSC 3.0 Signal Physical Layer standard offers a unique capability to broadcast precision Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) signals nationwide (in both Canada
and U.S. and across North America) using existing national TV broadcast infrastructure. This capability could be used as a national GPS augmentation and
replacement in the event of a GPS wide area outage. Techniques exist to implement a time distribution of a common time base, International Atomic Time (TAI), within the
ATSC 3.0 Signal. Developing an application known as ATSC 3.0 Broadcast Positioning System (BPS), the precision time can be transmitted and realigned to original time stamp with potential accuracy of 1 nano sec at the signal reception point. This can be replicated across multiple broadcast ATSC 3.0 TV transmitter
towers to form a synchronous BPS nationwide network where towers can ‘listen’ to each other and distribute precision time across the network not disturbing the broadcast service.