Investigation of feasibility and impact of voice-based detection of prediabetes in the South Asian population in Ontario. A Pilot Study.

Funder: GRIF
Program: Mobilize / GRIF
PI Name: Kinza Malik
Faculty/Department: Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness
Research Area(s): Systems Integration; Social Innovation

Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) is a chronic disease that can be prevented with an early diagnosis;
however, this can be difficult as early symptoms do not always appear. Nearly 9% of Canadians
have diabetes, with 90% of all cases being diagnosed as T2D. While everyone is at risk of T2D,
South Asians face a higher risk compared to the general Canadian population. This study seeks to
screen prediabetes in younger demographic groups in the South Asian population living in the Peel
and Toronto regions using voice recognition technology. The study seeks to uncover a specific
vocal biomarker in the voice of individuals with prediabetes and to make sub-analyses using other
factors such as: age, sex, gender, family history, socioeconomic status, smoking, drinking, postal
code, and housing