Leveraging design-driven data analytics for business innovation

Funder: NSERC
Program: ARTP 1
PI Name: Various Faculty
Faculty/Department: Non-Humber Department
Research Area(s): Systems Integration

Data-driven innovation is critical to the competitiveness of Canadian businesses and an important source of economic growth (Government of Canada, 2018). As businesses recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, they can use data to look forward to – and influence – the future. One of the greatest challenges for businesses is effectively utilizing the immense wealth of data acquired, computed and stored by modern information systems, including the internet, social media, connected devices and sensor technology. Companies often lack the in-house expertise and resources to effectively design and implement data-driven strategies. The Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (Humber), located in Toronto, Ontario, is requesting NSERC Applied Research and Technology Partnership (ARTP) Option 1 funds for Leveraging Design-Driven Analytics for Business Innovation. Via this proposed initiative, which is based on the work of the previous NSERC Entry-Level Innovation Enhancement support for the Institute for Design-driven Data Analytics (IDDA), our team of experts will collaborate with companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), on this national challenge.