In Transition: Bridging the employability gap for international learners through integrated solutions

Funder: SSHRC
Program: CCSIF
PI Name: Parveen Gill
Faculty/Department: Longo Faculty of Business
Research Area(s): Systems Integration; Social Innovation

Prolonged temporary immigration status in Canada causes international students to face increasing challenges as they transition from post-secondary education to careers in Canada. This negatively impacts labour market outcomes compared to their domestic peers and those transitioning to Canada through bridging and settlement programs. The myriad of actors, ranging from government to post-secondary institutions, to community organizations and industry, and the role that each plays in supporting the successful transition to the world of work for international students, is not fully understood and presents significant gaps impacting outcomes. With global competition for talent rapidly increasing, a coordinated approach to engaging all actors to address barriers facing international students is instrumental in retaining talent to meet Canada’s anticipated labour market crisis. Through a human-centred design-based approach, working with our partners, the Jamaican Canadian Association (JCA) and Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto (NEW), including students, this project will map the journey of the international student from graduation to permanent residency documenting challenges and developing an innovative framework for new supports and programming that validates the skills and competencies of international learners, and expedites pathways to full-time employment. Through engagement in the project students, partners and the research will develop skills and competencies in research, project management, design thinking, systems thinking, communication and evaluation.