2022 President's Awards – Call for Nominations

The President’s Awards are a proud tradition of recognizing excellence among Humber faculty and staff. The call for nominations for the 2022 President’s Awards is open as of today, May 5, 2022.

The past year has been extraordinary and Humber employees who have contributed above and beyond should be recognized and honoured. Please consider the award categories and nominate employees who have consistently demonstrated outstanding service and/or innovation; or who repeatedly enhance Humber's reputation through their outstanding service delivery and innovation.

The award categories include the following: 

  • Distinguished Faculty Award
  • Administrative Distinguished Service Award
  • Support Staff Distinguished Service Award
  • Extra Mile Award
  • Community Service Award
  • Research Excellence Award
  • Humber Sustainability Award
  • Excellence in Teaching Award
  • Excellence in Support Award *NEW*
  • Robert A. Gordon Leadership Award  
  • Internationalization Award

Visit the President’s Awards website for details of the award categories and learn more about submitting a compelling award nomination. 

Nomination deadline: June 7, 2022