Announcing the HRMS Website

The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Project Team is happy to announce the launch of its new website. The website will bring to life what is happening on the Project, keeping you up to date with all HRMS activities and events.  Once you begin to explore, you will find information on:

  • About HRMS
  • Timelines and milestone achievements throughout the Project’s life cycle
  • Resources, playbooks and recorded webinars with system views from the employee perspective through Employee Direct Access (EDA) and the manager perspective through Manager’s Direct Access (MDA)
  • Advisory team news and updates… and much more!

We promise to continue expanding on the resources that deliver the most updated and relevant information on all that is HRMS until we ‘Go Live’ in November 2018.

Take the time to browse the website and send your questions and comments to us by clicking on the ‘Contact Us’ icon and we will be happy to respond. The FAQ’s are a good resource to access and review for quick answers that are commonly asked.

Please visit: and use your Humber login to access the site.

Happy Browsing!
The HRMS Project Team