An Updated COVID-19 Safety Plan is Now Available

Updated COVID-19 Awareness Training

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Humber has maintained a COVID-19 Safety Plan that outlines the key measures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  The Safety Plan is posted publicly and is available on the page. The most recent version of that plan is now available and can be found here:

All employees are encouraged to review the safety plan regularly, as there may be ongoing updates as the situation continues to evolve. 

COVID-19 Training

The COVID-19 Awareness Training course will no longer be offered on Blackboard.  Effective February 8, 2022, employees will instead, follow these *new* steps as part of their onboarding process:

  • All new employees are required to review Humber’s COVID-19 Safety Plan, whether you work on campus or remotely.
  • The COVID-19 Safety Plan is to be reviewed within two weeks of your start date or prior to coming on campus, whichever comes first.
  • After reviewing the COVID-19 Safety Plan, new employees are required to complete Humber’s COVID-19 Safety Plan Acknowledgement Form.

Employees who previously completed the COVID-19 Awareness Training on Blackboard do not need to take further action. If you have not done the training to date, please follow the steps listed above.

If you have questions about the COVID-19 Safety Plan or the acknowledgement form, please email