Website Launch & Call for Proposals: Humber COIL – Global Virtual Exchange

Global learning and engagement is soaring to new heights at Humber!

We are excited to announce that proposals are now welcome from Humber faculty and staff for COIL initiatives to run in the 2021-2022 academic year. Visit the newly launched Humber COIL – Global Virtual Exchange website to learn more, and to submit your application by April 12, 2021 to

Upcoming information sessions: Register here

What is COIL?

COIL – Collaborative Online International Learning – is a dynamic form of virtual exchange that connects students with peers around the world. With COIL, full-time faculty or staff co-create an experiential learning project or module with a faculty or staff “match” at a partner institution in another region or country.

The resulting collaborative and student-centred project or module may be:

  • Embed within a pre-existing course at both institutions (ex. as a shared assignment or capstone project);
  • Run outside of the classroom in the form of an applied research initiative (ex. supported by Humber’s Centres of Innovation Network and Applied Research and Innovation);
  • Designed as a work-integrated learning (WIL) experience overseen by an industry or community partner.

COIL initiatives are a flexible to meet the mutual aims of partners, and align with any academic discipline or program. They can differ in length and format - from projects lasting only a few weeks, to initiatives lasting throughout a whole semester – and can be a blend of synchronous and asynchronous activity. Organizing a COIL project at Humber is a supportive process, with step-by-step guidance and resources.


At the heart of any COIL initiative is a focus on intercultural learning and development. By working virtually across borders, students can develop and apply any number of the essential 21st century skills articulated in the Humber Learning Outcomes (HLO) framework and gain a deeper understanding of their discipline through multiple perspectives. In turn, faculty and staff COIL leaders expand their professional network and portfolio, acquire fresh inspiration from different worldviews, and have the opportunity to engage in research on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) with funding through Humber’s Teaching Innovation Fund.