
July 12, 2022
Neal Mohammed
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Barrett CTI's July newsletter is now available.

Read about SICK Ltd. Canada (SICK) extending their partnership and learn more about Humber recently being awarded $2.5 million from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Ontario Research Fund (ORF) and industry partners to build an end-to-end IoT ecosystem for a full spectrum of research collaborators in the Barrett CTI.

July 12, 2022
Human Rights Education and Training Team

Dear Humber community,

As I prepare to transition into other roles outside of Humber College, I am taking this moment to thank you for your support, care and kindness over the years. I am honoured and grateful for the opportunities I have had to serve many talented colleagues, students and community members. It truly is the people—especially students, faculty, support and administration staff, alumni and community members—who have made this work challenging and yet deeply fulfilling and rewarding. I would be remiss to not specifically thank the many people who work in facilities to ensure that we have the cleanest college in the world. Many of these individuals who work in this capacity never fail to seek me out on the fifth floor - LRC to check that I am okay. For your gentle kindness, I am grateful, and it is your care that fueled me each day to work towards building dignity and respect for all.

Since joining Humber College on July 8, 2008, and with the input of several equity and human rights practitioners who I have been privileged to call “my team”, Humber has secured a place in the global equity and inclusion arena. This accomplishment is not a result of any one person—it took all of us. I continue to smile when I think of “my” Humber. You all must continue to pursue those uncomfortable conversations that are instrumental to dismantling systemic discrimination in all its interlocking forms.

Remember, you cannot dismantle one form—all of these isms (e.g., racism, ageism, sexism, heterosexism and transphobia) are woven together and reinforce each other—without tackling every form sincerely and simultaneously. I am confident you will keep working at fostering equity, inclusion and antiracism in your personal, institutional and societal areas of influence.

It is difficult to predict what the future will hold. What I can confidently state is that each and every one of you that I have worked alongside will continue to exhibit the same courageous, equitable, and antiracist mindset that propels transformational actions so that Humber can continue to excel at serving its diverse students. You are all well positioned to continue the EDI and antiracism momentum required for the revolution and to respond to all challenges you will encounter.

Thanks for all that you do to advance equity, inclusion and antiracism at Humber.


Nancy Simms

July 11, 2022
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Used Washer and Dryer picture

A used washer and a used dryer is available for department/faculty repurposing. They are both Inglis brand and are in working order. They are located at the Lakeshore Campus in the Birmingham building (Humber Arts & Media Studios).

Please contact at Purchasing by by Friday, July 15 at 2 p.m. if your department/faculty is interested.

July 11, 2022

Humber College and University of Guelph-Humber (Humber) know that the safety of our community is paramount to ensure our students and staff can study/work in the safest space possible. When incidents do occur, a quick, efficient, reliable response from our security staff is imperative to ensuring a quick resolution.  As part of its ongoing goal of continuous improvement, training and education, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) is implementing an exercise program for security guards. The aim of the exercise program is to provide real-life scenarios to guards that allows them to practice their response to various scenarios in a safe, controlled setting. 

Front-line security guards will be participating in the first of these exercises the week of July 11-15, 2022, at both the North and Lakeshore campuses. In an effort to minimize the impact on the campus community, exercises will take place at times when fewer people are expected to be on campus. Exercises will take place as follows: 

  • Lakeshore campus – July 11 and 13 at 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. in the basement of F building
  • North campus – July 12 and 14 at 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. KB cafeteria

Signage will be placed in the exercise area to identify that an exercise is taking place. Exercise participants will be identified by wearing orange vests that indicate “Exercise Participant” on the back. Any community members who may be in the area are asked to not interfere with the exercise activity. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Nancy Deason, Manager, Security Operations, North Campus at or Thomas Urbaniak, Assistant Manager, Security Operations, Lakeshore Campus at

Rob Kilfoyle,
Director, Public Safety and Emergency Management
Kathy Branton
Manager, Business Continuity and Emergency Management 
July 8, 2022

With the ongoing wide-spread Internet and phone outage/interruptions affecting customers of some networks, there are a few impacts at Humber, including:

  • bank machines are not operational
  • cash or One Card can be used to pay for food services, debit and credit is not currently available
  • if your device is impacted by the outage and you are in or see an emergency situation, please use the emergency phones throughout campus or any available land line to call for help

Any applicable updates will be provided on and social media.

July 8, 2022
Human Rights Education and Training Team

Humber’s Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Policy (SASV) and Procedures were approved in December 2016 based on a directive from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. The leading practice is to review such policies every three to five years. The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion worked alongside Student Success & Engagement and the Sexual Violence Committee to review and update the policy and procedures. In 2021/2022, as a result of extensive consultations throughout Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber, the name of the policy was changed from SASV to the Sexual Violence Policy (SV Policy).

Feedback from an external law firm and the Humber community were solicited and taken into account in the finalized version of the Sexual Violence Policy and procedures. Specific updates include an amnesty clause, removal of irrelevant questions, a mechanism to review interim measures for both students and employees, student complainants’ right to appeal in the case of sexual violence and clear reference to student employees.

The online Sexual Violence training for employees has been updated and is available to all employees. To access the training module please follow these instructions: go to and login (use your Humber username and password). Click on the course title, "Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Awareness Training for Employees 2022" and complete the training.

You can print a certificate at the end of the training. Please plan to dedicate approximately 45 minutes to completing the module. All employees are required to complete the updated training.

Please contact if you require any additional information.

We look forward to your support in ensuring Humber’s commitment to ending sexual violence.


1) Request Access to SASV Awareness Training 2022

If you do not currently have the “Sexual Assault Sexual Violence Awareness Training for Employees 2022” in your Blackboard. Please complete this form to request the training be added.

2) Certificates:
Screenshots of certificates of completion can be emailed to Kindly keep a copy of the certificate for your records, should your faculty/department request it from you at a later time. Please note that your completion of the training module is only registered in the system once a certificate is generated. Until a certificate is generated, your completion status will remain as "Incomplete".

3) Technical Issues:
From time to time there are employees that have challenges accessing the training. Usually these are compatibility issues related to the computer being used. The issues can normally be resolved simply by ensuring you are using Google Chrome to access the training and/or accessing the training from a different computer than you originally attempted from.

4) Compensation:
Questions pertaining to compensation for non-full time faculty can be directed to administration within your respective Faculty.

5) Obtaining your Certificate
Instructions for obtaining your certificate are available in the final section of the training once you have completed all other elements of the training.

Deep thanks to Hamza Ibrahimi, Darren Richards, Heather Lowry, Jesse Agar, Kathy Kim, Naveed Aqeel, Ali Akhbar Khan, Morris Beckford, Errol Cyrus, Kennisha Archer, Kathryn Edgett, Sacha Ally, and Patricia Suleiman for their continued commitment to human rights, equity & inclusion at Humber. 

Live inclusively,

Nancy Simms M.A. ADR
Pronouns: She/Her
Director, Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion

July 7, 2022

In its 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, Humber College committed to continue to build a diverse and inclusive community of exceptional students, faculty and staff. 

The EDI Taskforce (Taskforce) established in January 2019, held its first meeting on March 1, 2019. The Taskforce, comprised of students, faculty, support staff, administrative employees, alumni, industry and community partners.

Humber’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Taskforce formally launched the College’s Institutional EDI Framework and Strategy on April 14, 2022.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion (the Centre) wishes to express gratitude to the Humber community and to friends of Humber who joined us for this historic moment from across the globe.

View the Institutional EDI Framework and Strategy

July 7, 2022
Michael MacDougall
HRPA logo

We are happy to announce that the Transformative Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Leadership certificate within the Longo Faculty of Business has been pre-approved for Continuous Professional Development hours with the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA).

If you are an HRPA member looking for a program that qualifies towards your CPD hours, please visit our website to register for our next cohort beginning on October 15.

If you are not an HRPA member, but would like to institute and elevate Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and antiracism principles into your workplace, this also may be a program for you. If you have any questions, please contact Michael MacDougall.

July 7, 2022
Manivannan Kannan
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
CCSIF Workshop

View the College and Community Social Innovation Fund (CCSIF) workshop facilitated by Darren Levine, Manivannan Kannan and Ozan Kirali.

CCSIF is intended to foster social innovation by connecting the talent, facilities and capabilities of Canada’s colleges and polytechnics with the research needs of local community organizations. CCSIF proposals should facilitate collaborative social innovation research that brings together researchers, students and partners to address research challenges in social innovation, leading to solutions addressing a Canadian community need.

You can choose the topic, or view the full video.

03:50 Introduction to CCSIF
05:34 Application Requirement
07:39 Components of the Application
09:29 CCSIF Proposal Overview
10:39 CCSIF Proposal Key Areas of Focus
17:53 CCSIF Anticipated Deadlines and plans
20:12 Roles & Responsibilities
23:06 Question and Answers
July 7, 2022

I’m excited to announce that Chris Irwin has accepted the role of Associate Dean, Liberal Studies, effective August 15. 

Chris has been with the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences at Humber since 2003. He has served on numerous committees, including two Strategic Plan Steering Committees, the Steering Committee for the Centre for Social Innovation, and the Degree Breadth Committee. He has been involved in the development of degree breadth programming at the college for more than 10 years and participated in the design of Humber’s current degree breadth policy.

In 2017, he became a program coordinator, beginning as general education and degree breadth coordinator at the North campus before moving to the role of GNED 101 coordinator. In Fall 2021, he assumed the role of Acting Associate Dean, Liberal Studies. Working in partnership with Indigenous Education & Engagement, he has supported and participated in initiatives to braid Indigenous ways of being, knowing, and doing into Liberal Studies programming through faculty training and curriculum revision and development. He is committed to further strengthening the role that general education plays in supporting the Humber Learning Outcomes and to working with faculty to advance EDI integration in Liberal Studies curriculum.

Chris has a Master’s degree in Philosophy from McMaster University and a PhD from the Social & Political Thought Program at York University. He has designed and revised numerous courses at Humber and has extensive teaching experience. This experience deeply informs his approach to student-centred teaching and learning and to academic leadership.

Please join me in congratulating Chris on his new role.

John Stilla
Senior Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences
