
June 13, 2017

The Business School is pleased to share the May 2017 edition of the monthly Dean's Newsletter with the college.


June 12, 2017
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Please click on the link below to view the candidate profiles.

June 12, 2017

After a successful launch at Showcase 2017, the Spring/Summer issue of NEXT magazine is now available online.

NEXT is a twice-annual magazine that is published by Humber Press out of The Centre for Teaching & Learning. It explores and celebrates the most innovative, inspired and forward-thinking teaching and learning practices at Humber College.

In this issue, read about:

  • The Arboretum’s sustainable beekeeping workshops
  • International Development students partnering with an NGO to send aid to Syria
  • A Teaching Innovation Fund that researches the use of Lego tech to teach coding
  • Tips on adding podcasts to your class “readings”

…and more! For your free printed copies, contact Humber Press at Or visit the Centre for Teaching & Learning (D225, North Campus).

Are your inventive teaching techniques breaking new ground? Could help your fellow faculty members? Let us know and we may feature your story!

June 12, 2017

It’s Men’s Health Week, and the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation (CMHF) is collaborating with Humber by providing our employees with a Men’s Health toolkit.

Here’s What You’re Getting:

  • League of Fairly Healthy Men – simple 6-week program to get guys making small changes toward a healthier lifestyle
  • Father’s Day ebook – ideas of fun things for employees to do this Father’s Day with the dads in their life (dad, grandad, husband, brother, etc.)
  • Wallet Card – reminder card for two great health
  • Ecard – some fun for employees: Father’s day e-cards they can send out to family
  • Men’s Maintenance Guide -a reference screening and vaccination schedule
  • Health Tips on PPT – great lifestyle tips to prevent health issues in men; simply email to employees or display on your intranet or office screens

Download the toolkit

June 9, 2017

Congratulations to Poonam Dewan from the Human Resources department! She was selected as the winner of the 50th Trivia Contest, and wins the IPAD Mini. 

Thanks to all who participated.

June 9, 2017
Stephen Allen

I’m pleased to announce Mantao Tang as the new Operations Manager for the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ Offshore English Language Centre. Mantao begins her role on June 20th and will be responsible for the project-management, development, growth, and day to day operations of our offshore English Language centres. In this role, Mantao will work closely with the ELC and the International Office and be based at the Lakeshore campus.

Mantao has spent the last three years as the Academic Manager at the Hanson International Academy and previously as a student services specialist at the Canadian International Student Services Center. She’s been involved in working with international students for more than four years. Her interest in working within the field of international education is derived from her own personal experience of studying in China, Singapore, the UK, and Canada. Mantao holds a BSc from the University of Birmingham and a Masters in Environmental Studies from the University of Waterloo. She’s also preparing for the exams to become a ICCRC Regulated International Student Immigration Advisor (RISIA).

Please join me in welcoming Mantao to the English Language Centre and to Humber.

Stephen Allen
Acting Associate Dean, Department of English

June 9, 2017

The Ontario Association for Applied Architectural Sciences (OAAAS) awarded the 2017 Student Awards on May 26 at the Westin Hotel Ottawa during the RAIC/OAA conference. We are pleased to announce that Humber College placed first in both the Large Building Group category and first in the Large Building Individual category. This competition is open to all final year graduating students from all the Community Colleges in Ontario.

Humber Architectural Technology students Albert Thomson, Kevin Martindale and James Wilson placed first in the Large Building Group category with their Caledon Village Center. In fact, this project was so strong that it was announced on stage that no second place was awarded. This is unprecedented.

Humber Architectural Technology student Lenny Petrilli placed first in the Large Building Individual category with his Alton Arts Center project. The jury commended his working drawing skills.

On behalf of the Dean of the School of Applied Technology, Dr. Farzad Rayegani, Humber College congratulates all of the winners!

June 8, 2017
A boy shows off a snail in his hand.

It's almost time for summer nature camp at the Humber Arboretum! Open to kids aged 5-12, these weekday camps run throughout July and August and are designed to help children develop a lasting appreciation for the natural environment. The Humber Arboretum's summer nature day camp is based out of the Centre for Urban Ecology but takes campers on an outdoor exploration of the gardens, forest, meadow, wetlands, ponds, and river that make up the Arboretum grounds.

Weekly activities include:

  • Nature Walks 
  • Forest Exploration
  • Eco Art
  • Wildlife Spotting
  • Pond Discovery
  • Natural Mindfulness and Yoga
  • Free-Swim Fridays (Supervised time in an indoor pool)

Every week is made unique with the addition of theme-specific activities. The second week of camp - Humber River Week - is already fully booked! But there are still a few spots available in weeks such as:

Urban Greenspaces (Week One: July 4-7*)
Start the summer discovering why greenspaces are so important for a city like Toronto! During Urban Greenspaces week, campers will explore the urban ecosystems of the Humber Arboretum as they learn about the importance of biodiversity, the problems caused by invasive species, and other challenges of urban ecology. 

Dirty Science! (Week Three: July 17-21)
This week campers will explore the importance of soil. Themed activities will include seed planting, a greenhouse visit, beaver dam building, and natural paint brushes and mud painting.

Wilderness Survival (Week Five: July 31-August 4)
Food, shelter, warmth, and way-finding – this week is all about the basics of wilderness survival. Campers will learn to use clues in nature to help determine direction, be introduced to basic edible and medicinal plants, and build shelters.

Plus many others! There are nine weeks of camp to choose from. Explore all of the options, learn more, and register your child at:

Camp costs costs $235/week* and runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with before care and after care available for an additional fee.  

*The Humber Arboretum is closed for Canada Day on Monday July 3rd and the Civic Holiday on Monday August 7th and so the first and sixth weeks of camp are four days only. The price is adjusted to $190 for those two weeks.

June 8, 2017

Humber is pleased to announce that after an extensive process, the search for a new Director has been completed. Humber’s new Director of Libraries is Cynthia McKeich.

Cynthia is coming to Humber from Seneca Libraries where she built her academic career over 17 years with progressively responsible leadership experience. In addition to her experience Cynthia holds an undergraduate degree in English and Master of Library Science, both from the University of Toronto.

Cynthia has held various roles at Seneca Libraries from Information Services librarian, to library campus manager, to Manager of Library User Services. Cynthia also has experience with Test Centres where she was seconded to the role of Associate Director of Test Centres and Library User Services for one year at Seneca. Cynthia has been an active member of the Ontario Library Association (OLA) where she was President of the Ontario College and University Library Association (OCULA) and a member of the planning team for Canada’s largest library conference, the OLA Super Conference. Cynthia believes strongly in collegiality and partnerships and is passionate about excellent customer service.  

Cynthia will be a great addition to a very strong department and together, with her leadership, we are well positioned to take the Library to the next level is support of our students, academic departments and in keeping with our institutional aspirations. Cynthia will officially begin at Humber on August 8th.

Please join me in welcoming Cynthia to Humber College!


Jason Hunter
Vice President, Student and Community Engagement



June 7, 2017
Showcase 2017 is Tomorrow Banner

Join us at Showcase Tomorrow!

June 8.

Same day registration is available at our registration desk (Concourse E-1) between 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 

Looking forward to seeing your Fearless-ness, and don't forget to tweet with our hashtag: #WeAreFearless 

