
July 4, 2017

Humber College’s Annual Sustainability Report – Year Three is now available for review. Please visit our website to see how we all did in 2016-2017.

July 4, 2017

Please join me in congratulating our Associate Dean, Stephanie Dimech, as she embarks on a new journey as the Dean of Human Services and Community Safety at Georgian College.

Stephanie has been with the School of Social and Community Services for just under two years but in that short time has made a significant contribution to our school. Her influence has impacted students, faculty and staff through her work with leading a variety of initiatives, including the launch of the SSCS Teaching and Learning Committee, the rebranding of our Simulation lab, and work on strengthening our commitment to pathways in our school. Her work has been instrumental in supporting the schools commitment to the Strategic Plan and our focus on being a leader in polytechnic education.    

Stephanie has demonstrated strong leadership in her time in SSCS and has bolstered the programs in her portfolio. We will miss her sense of humour and her dedication to supporting both students, faculty and staff in SSCS and beyond. Please join me in wishing her the best in her future endeavours. Stephanie’s last day with us will be Friday, July 7th.   


Derek Stockley
Dean, School of Social and Community Services
Twitter: @derek_stockley

June 30, 2017

The Humber Communiqué will resume on Tuesday, July 4, 2017.

June 30, 2017
Roma Malik

The Office of Sustainability and Smart Commute invite you to participate in Bike Friday! Commit to a sustainable mode of transportation to campus by pledging to bike one select Friday per month from July through October. Registrants will be entered into a monthly draw of $100. 

June 29, 2017

Tomorrow you will see the new MyHumber page live!

June 29, 2017

Lakeshore Facilities Department will be performing annual fire alarm audible device testing at all Lakeshore buildings/sites (Lakeshore West & East, Fashion, Art Commons, Fitness, H.A.M.S, Welcome Centre, Medical Building, Justice Leadership).

Testing will begin Saturday, July 8th at approx. 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. including all East Campus buildings (C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J/K/L/M/N). Testing will begin Sunday, July 9th at approx. 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. including A/AX/B, Welcome Centre, Medical Centre, Fitness Centre, Art Commons, HAMS, Fashion Building, Justice Leadership.

Prior to all announcements, ‘this is only a test’ will precede the actual test of the announcements/audibles. Announcements/audibles are completed relatively quickly through the various building areas, approx. 15-20 min.

Public Safety will be placing signage on all entry doors to all Lakeshore buildings prior to the weekend testing. As there will be exterior audible testing, Public Safety will also be communicating this testing with Toronto Police Services.

Should you have any questions, please contact Scott Skrinar, Manager, Maintenance and Operations at

June 28, 2017

Are you interested in getting the word out on your services and/or events? Advertise on 96.9 Radio Humber! 

For more information, contact Kylee at
Twitter: @RadioHumber
Instagram: @radiohumber

June 29, 2017

You can now stream 96.9 Radio Humber on the Radioplayer Canada app that is available for IOS and Android.  

What is Radioplayer Canada? 
An app that allows you to stream live stations from coast to coast while receiving the power of radio through your smartphone!

Find out more at:
Twitter: @RadioHumber
Instagram: @radiohumber

June 27, 2017

Humber has partnered with motorcycle brand Harley-Davidson Canada to offer our motorcycle training program exclusively on Harley-Davidson motorcycles by January 2020. Harley-Davidson motorcycles currently make up 50 per cent of Humber’s training fleet.

To learn more, read the Humber Today story here:

June 27, 2017

Is your school or department hosting a college event that requires onsite payments? If so, Financial Services & Planning is excited to announce that we have a wireless Moneris terminal available for rent. The terminal provides a cost-effective, safe and convenient way to replace cash with credit and/or debit payments for fee based events and activities. 

To request the terminal, complete the Moneris Terminal Rental Request Form found on the Financial Services & Planning website and submit via email to

Please refer to Page 2 of the form for rental terms and conditions.

Visit us at
