
March 30, 2017
Maureen Martin-Edey

The Management Essentials (Active Leadership) Program provides the concepts and practices of Leadership in a high-impact learning environment to help leaders effectively coach, empower and lead individuals and teams to higher levels of performance.

Who Should Attend?

  • New and existing managers, associate deans and associate directors with direct reports.


  • The pre-requisite to the Management Essentials (Active Leadership) Program, is the Everything DiSC  Program (replacing Insights Discovery). 

Spring Dates

  • May 30, 2017  – Everything DiSC *We have a few spots left!
  • June 6 & 7, 2017 – Management Essentials * We have a few spots left!


If you have any questions or would like to register for this program, please contact Maureen Martin-Edey, Training Coordinator at

Thank you.

March 30, 2017

College Council Highlights: March 9, 2017

Humber College Council (HCC) held its seventh meeting of the 2016-17 academic year on Thursday, March 9 at the North Campus. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives and important issues, College Council reports the highlights of its monthly meetings. For more information or to provide feedback on the highlights, please contact or

Membership Updates, Elections

R. Handler, Vice Chair of College Council, provided a membership and elections update. Members are being notified of their term status and a call for nominations will be posted in the Communiqué by March 31. Nominations will close by April 13 and if necessary, elections will be held May 1-3. Results will be made available at the May 11 HCC meeting.

CICan 2017

R. Handler announced that the 2017 CiCan (Colleges & Institutes Canada) Conference is scheduled for April 30 to May 2. The theme for this year’s conference, held in Ottawa, is ‘Celebrating the 150th Anniversary’. Each year, the Humber Executive Team sponsors 2 members of College Council to attend.

Members were encouraged to visit the website to learn more about the conference and apply using the application form located at each table. A copy of the application form will be send by email to all members. Application deadline is March 31st.

Information Technology Services (ITS) Update

S. Briggs, CIO, provided an ITS update in four key areas.

Guest Wireless – In August 2016, based on customer feedback and in order to improve efficiency, ITS launched guest wireless services that have allowed seamless access to Wi-Fi to all potential users coming to a Humber campus without making any prior arrangements. Users encompass prospective students, guest speakers, alumni and community members.

Online Print Credits – As a result of student feedback, changes were made last fall to replace the former print credit purchasing system to an easy online print credit purchase system available 24/7. The new system permits students to purchase print credits using debit, credit or PayPal.

Changes in Support Centre Model – In August 2016, changes were made to the Tier 1 client support model in order to improve timeliness and access to ITS support services. When clients call 8888 or from a classroom they are directed to a Canadian, third-party off-site business that processes all queries. This off-site provider also manages emails and web chat. S. Briggs confirmed that calls from classrooms and computer labs are the highest priority. ITS is tracking data, including the speed of answering calls and resolutions. A survey is randomly sent to clients for their feedback, which in turn helps ITS to improve service.

Academic Desktop Virtualization – Desktop virtualization is software technology that separates the desktop environment and associated application software from the physical computer. The software is delivered across a network from a data centre and, therefore, is not tied down to a lab or computer. As a pilot project, F112 (The Business School lab) has been using this technology since December 2015, as well as some sections of open labs and the Open Learning Centre. Benefits include:

  • Increased student access to Humber licensed academic software. Currently, there are about 300 different titles for academic delivery. This technology allows students and faculty to connect to this platform by using their own laptop, and/or tablet on campus or off campus, as long as there is an Internet connection.
  • Space required for the hardware is low and there is better utilization of the software license (i.e., currently we may license a software for a 40-station lab, when only 20-stations are needed).
  • Online students will have better access to Humber-licensed software required for their courses.
  • Sustainability: there will be considerable reduction in e-waste and power usage.
  • This technology will enable schools and departments to make faster changes to software during the academic year, with minimal service disruption.

However, this technology has some limitations. It is not suitable for software that requires high processing power such as 3D animation and video. As well, there may be software licensing and compatibility issues.

Items to consider for the implementation plan include: software complexity, academic program alignment, organizational readiness and the hardware cycle

Future College Council ITS items to be discussed include:

  • Humber Cloud Strategy
  • Plans for 2017/18

Fiscal 2017-18, Business Plan, Risk and Budget

Presenters: S. Puri, T. Fattore, C. Johnston

R. Dhaliwal, Senior Vice President, Planning and Corporate Services and CFO, introduced the presenters and briefly discussed the Fiscal 2017-2018 Business Plan being presented to the Board of Directors on March 28.. As well, she discussed how Humber is continuously improving the integrated planning process.

C. Johnston, Director, Strategic Planning and Institutional Analysis, provided an update on the 2017/18  Business Plan. New initiatives are based around Humber’s three pillars and foundations of the Strategic Plan:

  1. Strengthening our polytechnic identity
  2. Maximizing partnerships
  3. Teaching and learning excellence

Other priorities have also been identified including: talent management strategy, awards and recognition programs, expansion of physical capacity through infrastructure projects, review of business requirements for disaster recovery and development of Humber’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan.

T. Fattore, Associate Vice President Administrative Services, provided an update on the different processes in place with respect to Integrated Risk Management (IRM). The six top risks identified for IRM in the current year are: enrolment planning, recruitment competition, IT disaster recovery, change management, labour relations and brand reputation.

S. Puri, Director, Financial Services and Planning, provided an update on the 2017/18 budget. He confirmed that Humber’s enrolment trend has grown over the past five years and has plans to increase enrolment by 2.5 per cent in the upcoming academic year. The budget is a projection that is based on the following assumptions: enrolment, grants, tuition and other fees, salary and benefit costs. Also factored in are other costs such as the partnership with University of Guelph-Humber, administration fees, strategic investments, Enterprise system requirements and Banner upgrades.

The total revenue projection for 2017/18 is $412.5 million and $403.0 million for expenses. Although total revenues are increasing, expenditures are climbing at a faster pace.

The budget will be presented for approval at the Board of Governors meeting on March 28.

The next meeting of College Council will be held Thursday, April 6 at North Campus. For meeting highlights, supporting materials, or opportunities to provide feedback please visit the College Council website at:

March 30, 2017
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Do you have a vision and some great ideas to share about the planning for the future of the College? Give voice to your thoughts - join College Council.


College Council is the collective voice of the College in that it is an assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators who suggest directions in which the College should proceed. College Council advises the President on those College issues which it considers to be long- and short-term priorities as identified in Humber’s Strategic Plan.

As of 2013, Humber’s Strategic priorities follow three themes:

  1. Strengthening our Polytechnic Identity
  2. Sustained Focus on Teaching and Learning Excellence
  3. Maximizing the Impact of Partnerships

The Council advises the President of the College in matters affecting academic policy, planning, and practice, including, the successful implementation of Humber’s Strategic Plan initiatives. College policy or business items ultimately proceeding to the College's Board of Governors may appear at College Council at the discretion of the President, before final disposition at the Board of Governors.

Please visit our website for further information:


College Council will be comprised of elected representatives from academic staff members, support staff members, administrative staff members, and students.

College Council meets once per month on Thursdays, September to May, from 4 to 8 pm. A meeting is also held in the first week of June, one day following the annual retreat. It is the representative’s responsibility to represent their constituents by attending meetings and contributing to the discussions, and bringing back information from College Council meetings to their constituents. Members of Council can have the opportunity to become more involved through sub-committee membership.

The College Council Executive would like to acknowledge and thank the following employees who will be leaving Council having completed their second term:

  • Yuri Sura, School of Applied Technology
  • Bhupinder Maholtra, SVP Planning & Corporate Services
  • Pat Tait, Other Academic Areas (including: Academic Operations/Centre for Teaching & Learning/Orangeville/Program Planning & Development/Research)


The following positions are open for nomination/election on College Council for the term June 2017 to June 2019.

Elected Academic Areas

Area of Representation


Employee Group


Continuing Education




School of Applied Technology




The Business School




The Business School




School of Health Sciences




School of Liberal Arts & Sciences




School of Media Studies & Information Technology




School of Media Studies & Information Technology




School of Creative & Performing Arts




Other Academic Areas (including: Academic Operations/Centre for Teaching & Learning/Orangeville/Program Planning & Development/Research)




                                                      Elected Non-Academic Areas

Area of Representation


Employee Group


SVP Planning & Corporate Services




SVP Planning & Corporate Services





Every potential candidate for College Council must be nominated by TWO constituents in their area. The signed nomination form must then be forwarded to the Vice-Chair of College Council, Risa Handler, Student Wellness & Accessibility Centre. Once nominations are closed, potential candidates will be contacted with further information about the election process. If you require further information, please contact Risa Handler via email or at ext. 3181.




Please forward the completed nomination form to:
Risa Handler
WEL 202 - Student Wellness & Accessibility Centre, Lakeshore

No later than 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, 2017

Download the nomination form below:

March 29, 2017
Leah Barclay

Testing Services will be closing early or opening late on the following dates listed below.  Please keep these dates in mind when submitting tests and exams to Testing Services at oth Lakeshore and North. 

Date North Campus Lakeshore Campus
Friday March 31, 2017 Closing @ 1:30 p.m. for day Closing @ 12 p.m. for day
Tuesday May 16, 2017 Closing @ 2 p.m. for the day Closing @ 12:30 p.m. for the day
Tuesday June 6, 2017 Open @ 1:30 p.m. Open @ 1 p.m.
Wed June 14, 2017 Closing @ 1:30 p.m. for day Closing @ 12 p.m. for day

Testing Services will be closed all day on Friday June 16th for staff training.

Should you require further information, please contact Leah Barclay, Manager Testing & Intergrated Services at x4696.

March 28, 2017

Earth Week 2017 kicked off with Humber’s annual Campus Clean Up event at both North and Lakeshore. Over 120 staff, faculty and students joined forces to help make our campuses shine with a little spring cleaning.                                     

The Humber Earth Week festivities continue all week long! The complete schedule and event descriptions are available on our website.

Thank you to everyone who participated!

March 28, 2017

View Paikin’s Talk on his New Biography of Former Premier Bill Davis.

On March 2nd, Humber College was very pleased to host the first event of our 50th Anniversary celebration year with Steve Paikin – award-winning journalist, author and host of TVO’s The Agenda.

Held at the new Centre for Entrepreneurship at Lakeshore Campus, the informative afternoon was a great start to our 50th Anniversary as it featured Steve’s new book “Bill Davis: Nation Builder and Not So Bland After All.” Paikin’s work is the first major biography of former Premier Davis and chronicles his visionary accomplishments as nation builder and especially his founding of Ontario’s college system. 

As a special gift to Humber, Steve has kindly offered his new book for sale at $50, with $10 from each purchase going to support Humber’s 50th Anniversary Scholarship Fund!

A limited number of the Bill Davis books are still available for sale. If you’d like to reserve your copy, and to support the 50th Anniversary Scholarship Fund, please contact Sophia Reid at the Advancement and Alumni Office at 416.673.0152.

March 28, 2017

Toronto Star – January 3, 2017 – Mark Forward is a Nationalist of Laughs
Feature article on Humber’s comedy program graduate and comedian Mark Forward.

The London Free Press – January 4, 2017 – Jazz Duo Deals Out Ace Sounds
Feature article on Humber’s alumni, Rachelle Courtney.

Toronto Sun – January 12, 2017 – Become an Immigration Consultant
Feature article on Humber’s Immigration Consultant Certificate program.

CBC News – January 23, 2017 – Norovirus Struck Humber College, Toronto Public Health Confirms
Article confirms norovirus is reason students in Humber’s north campus residence were sick.

The Washington Post – January 27, 2017 – What we talk about when we talk about Donald Trump and “gaslighting”
Article features interview with Humber’s Cultural Studies professor, Naveen Joshi.

Toronto Star – January 30, 2017 – Andre ‘Anti-Giant’ Arruda was the ‘little man who gave us some big laughs’
Feature article on Humber’s Comedy Writing and Performance graduate, Andre Arruda.

City News – February 7, 2017 – CityNews Investigation: College and University Eateries not making the grade
Investigative report regarding eateries on campuses across Toronto, report features Humber College as one of the campuses who has passed all Toronto Public Health inspections.

Etobicoke Guardian – February 19, 2017 – Registration Opens for Toronto Police Service Community Police Academy
Feature article on the partnership course between Toronto police and Humber College, in which graduates will be eligible for two credits toward Humber’s police foundations diploma.

Toronto Star – February 20, 2017 – Winter Stations Bring Whimsical Designs to the Beach
Article mentions “The Illusory” by Humber College as one of the eight art installations taking over lifeguard stations along the Beaches boardwalk for the third annual Winter Stations contest.

Toronto Star – February 22, 2017 – Toronto Comedian Goes Viral by Eating Pictures of Jason Segel’s Face
Feature article on Humber’s comedy student, Noah Maloney, who went viral for eating photos of Jason Segel.

Toronto Star – February 23, 2017 – Alternative Programs for an Intriguing Career
Article mentions Humber’s Law Clerk program as one of the programs that are often overlooked but which offer variety, challenges and solid employment prospects.

Toronto Star – February 23, 2017 – Customized Education the Path to the Future
Article features interview with Jason Powell, dean of Humber’s School of Health Sciences.

The Globe and Mail – February 23, 2017 - Canada’s Meghan McPeak is D-League’s only female broadcaster with Raptors 905
Feature article on Humber’s former basketball point-guard and Radio Broadcast graduate, Meghan McPeak.

The Globe and Mail – February 25, 2017 – When Business and Politics Mix – and When They Don’t!
Article features interview with Humber’s Public Relations professor, Audrey Wubbenhorst.

Now Toronto Magazine – March 8, 2017- Toronto Schools Open Gender-Free Washrooms
Article mentions Humber’s stand on gender-neutral washrooms.

Toronto Star – March 13, 2017 – ICT where the Jobs are But not the People
Article features interview with Nancy Sherman, Humber’s acting dean of the School of Applied Technology.

Toronto Star – March 13, 2017 – Big Opportunities in Big Data
Article mentions Humber as one of the Ontario postsecondary institutions that currently offer graduate and/or postgraduate and continuing studies in the field of big data.

Toronto Star – March 13, 2017 – Post-graduate Certificates Link Grads to Workforce
Article features interview with student at Humber’s Public Relations certificate program.

The Huffington Post – March 21, 2017 – Woman Have Found Their Calling in the Funeral Industry
Feature article on Humber’s Funeral Services program.

CBC News – March 22, 2017 - World Water Day: Getting clean water from Humber College to Syria
Feature article on Humber students packing hygiene essentials to help Syrians living without clean water or basic supplies.

March 27, 2017

On Saturday, March 25, 2017 The Business School hosted the 2nd annual Ontario Colleges Accounting Case Competition at Lakeshore campus. Twenty-two teams from 13 colleges competed in the daylong event. Teams were put to the test as they prepared a case for presentation in only two hours. Over 25 CPAs judged the competition.

This year’s winners are:

  • 1st place – St. Lawrence College
  • 2nd place – St. Clair College
  • 3rd place – St. Clair College

It was a great day and all that participated found it to be an enjoyable and educational experience.

March 27, 2017

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Nazanin Amrolahi to the position of Purchasing Clerk. Nazanin will be joining our team on April 3rd and will report directly to me.

Nazanin has over 10 years of procurement experience in the oil and gas industry. Nazanin is also a recent graduate from the Supply Chain Management program here at Humber.

Please join me in extending a warm welcome for Nazanin to the Humber community.

Emily Eyre
Manager, Purchasing Services

March 27, 2017

I am pleased to announce that Julie Pellegrini, Manager, Learning and Development, has accepted a one year secondment as Corporate Training Project Manager, beginning April 4, 2017. Julie’s background at Humber and in the private sector in learning and development management roles will be invaluable to us in reestablishing Humber in the corporate training marketplace.

This new role reports to me and Julie will work closely with Lois Willson, who has been developing our Corporate Training Business Plan and Action Plan.  Julie will be responsible for implementing a number of activities outlined in the Action Plan, including: finalizing an internal partnership and revenue sharing model with schools/departments; developing and implementing a supplier assessment process; conducting external research on corporate training needs; providing input to the updating of the MS Dynamics Customer/Client Relationship Management system for corporate training; identifying existing “ready to go” content for corporate training delivery; and developing and implementing a sales and marketing strategy. In addition, Julie will also be responsible for responding to any external enquires with respect to corporate training. 

Julie will be located in LX104. Should you receive any enquires from companies seeking corporate training, please refer them to Julie at extension 5681.

Please join me in welcoming Julie to her new role!

Alister Mathieson
Vice President, Advancement and External Affairs
