
October 28, 2016

I am delighted to announce the permanent appointment of Melissa Gallo as the Associate Director, Advising & Career Services. Melissa has significantly advanced a number of the integrated advising objectives since she took on the role on an acting basis this past January, not the least of which was the launch of a joint Advisor training program and an Advisor listserv. Under her leadership, the Advising & Career Services team have deployed some new tools to help students access advising including a new website and a web-based appointment booking system. Melissa has also given a significant amount of her time to improving referrals between the Academic & Career Success Centre and the Academic Schools, mapping referral pathways and advancing conversations around best practices for triage. All this plus opening a brand new Academic & Career Success Centre at the Lakeshore campus. Melissa brings to this role over 10 years of experience at Humber including time spent as an Academic & Student Development Advisor with International Services, a long tenure in the role of Manager, Peer Programs, and most recently as the Faculty Resource Consultant on Service Learning in the Centre for Teaching & Learning. Melissa has also taught part-time both here and at Seneca College. She is currently a candidate for Doctor of Education at the University of Liverpool. Melissa brings to this role a depth of knowledge about student development and learning, and a strong track record in developing new and creative programs and services designed to enhance student success. Please join me in congratulating Melissa on this recent appointment. 

Chantal Joy
Director, Advising & Student Academic Support

November 3, 2016

I am pleased to announce the permanent appointment of Melanie Chai as the Manager, Peer Assisted Learning Services (PALS). Melanie has been at Humber for 6 years now, starting her tenure here coordinating the Transition Advising Program. During her time at Humber she has also worked for Student Life, coordinating leadership programs, and completed two terms as Acting Manager in PALS. In that capacity, Melanie was instrumental in the development and launch of a number of new initiatives in PALS including the Professional Skills Enhancement program and key improvements to our Note Taking Services. Melanie is currently completing her Masters of Education at York University where she was a Teaching Assistant in the Urban Diversity Program in the Faculty of Education and coordinated the field placements in the community. She holds two Bachelor degrees – one in Education and one in Psychology. Melanie has nine years of experience in student services, and over five in a managerial capacity. She brings to the role sound knowledge of learning methodology and demonstrated effectiveness in the application of that methodology to programs and services designed to support student learning and success. I invite you to join me in congratulating Melanie on her appointment. 

Chantal Joy
Director, Advising & Student Academic Support

November 4, 2016
November 4, 2016

In case you haven’t been following the social media blitz, Team Humber won GOLD at the Culinary Olympics last week!

This is a huge international competition with over 2000 Chefs from over 50 countries that gather every 4 years (yes, just like the sporting Olympics) in Erfurt, Germany to compete for gold, silver, and bronze medals.

The weeks, months, even years of practice, planning and preparation take an incredible amount of dedication and focus. This team’s commitment to excellence is outstanding and we thrilled that this has now been internationally recognized.

If you have had the opportunity to taste the food prepared by this gold medal team at some of their fundraisers – surely you would agree it was some of the best food you have ever tasted! This is a team of extremely talented Chefs and we are so fortunate to have them share their craft as our Faculty and Alumni.

Please join us in congratulating our team:

Core Team Members
David Bakker-Team Captain (HRT Faculty)
Dimuthu Perera-Pastry Chef (HRT Faculty)
Joe Kumar (HRT Faculty)
Kire Boseovski (HRT Faculty)
Jonathon Brum – Alumni Cook Apprentice Program

Support Team Members
Vincent Capitano – Alumni Culinary Management Program 
Annalisa Lattavo – Alumni Culinary Management Program
Alysha Muir – Alumni Culinary Management Program

Team Manager
James Bodanis (HRT Faculty)

Rudi Fischbacher (HRT Associate Dean)

November 4, 2016
November 4, 2016

If you haven’t heard, Testing Services is now accepting testing materials electronically through our Online Test Submission Platform. We have close to 300 instructors currently registered for the service. If you haven’t already, please register at

Our Online Test Submission Platform is a constantly evolving service, and I want to take this opportunity to bring a couple changes to your attention. First, we now have an electronic scantron available. This is a digital version of the college wide 8.5x11 standard scantron. Students can complete the scantron in Adobe, and it would be submitted to you along with the other test materials – all online! You can then print the scantron, and process it for grading along the rest of the class. If you select “Scantron (please upload w/ test)” as a Permitted Test Material we will be providing the student with the digital copy of this scantron. I have attached a copy to this message.

Second, we have moved up the morning submission deadline to 7 a.m. This means that if you intend to have your student write on a particular day, it must be submitted by 7 a.m. that morning. Any exam submitted after 7 a.m. will only be available the following business day. And as always, we appreciate receiving all materials multiple days in advance if possible.

I would also like to remind you of some limitations of the platform. Please note that instructors must submit all test materials themselves – you cannot have someone else submit on your behalf. This is because our system will automatically filter based on the name of the submitter. If you have a liaison submit your test materials it will be filed under their name, not yours, and we will never be able to find it when the student comes to write. We have also noticed that a number of instructors have been submitting instructions with no actual test materials attached. Please ensure your materials have been properly uploaded before hitting the submit button. Also, if you have multiple documents to upload we appreciate if you ZIP your files and upload the Zipped folder – just a little easier to navigate on our end!

We continue to develop this platform to make it as clear and efficient as possible. We realize there are some limitations in the process, and we are working with our third-party provider to iron out these issues. We are hoping there will be more positive changes in the next couple months, and you will hopefully hear from us again later this winter.

If you have any questions or concerns it’s always best to contact me at, or 416.675.6622 x5256.

November 4, 2016
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Food Drive 2016 - Tackle Hunger Banner
November 4, 2016

Humber’s Sport Management Students are organizing a food drive to "tackle hunger". The Tackle Hunger Food Drive will run from November 7th-14th. All students, faculty and staff are invited to donate canned items within the head offices of each school at the North Campus. 

Monday, November 14th is Grey Cup Day at Humber. For a chance to win prizes, you may also choose to bring your non-perishable food items to the Ignite Student Center between 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.. Come out and get your picture taken with the Grey Cup between 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Monday, November 14th. 

All canned goods and proceeds to “Tackle Hunger” will be going to Toronto's Daily Bread Foodbank. 

Contact: Lisa Buchanan, 416.675.6622 x4269,


November 4, 2016
November 4, 2016

Humber Interfaith Calendar - Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals
November 2016

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive. Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain at 416.675.6622 x4427 or for due consideration.

01 Tuesday
End of Daylight Savings Time (Canada)
November: National Native Month (Canada)
Aboriginal Education Month (Humber College)
November = Bashkakodini-Giizis (Aboriginal-Ojibwe)
Water Freezing Moon
All Saints’ Day (Christianity)
Honours known and unknown saints throughout the history of Christianity.

02 Wednesday
All Souls Day (Christianity-Catholicism)
A day for intercessory prayers by the living faithful to help cleanse the souls of those departed.

04 Friday
Qudrat (Power) (Baha’i)
Qudrat, meaning Power, is the thirteenth month of the Baha’i year.

06 Sunday
End of Daylight Savings Time (Canada)

11 Wednesday
Remembrance Day ceremonies (Canada, Humber College campuses)
Ceremonies are held at each main campus (North, Guelph-Humber, Lakeshore, Orangeville) to honour Canadian soldiers who fought in the two World Wars and other conflicts. This Memorial day is observed in Commonwealth countries, since the end of World War I, to remember the members of their armed forces who died in the line of duty.

12 Saturday
Birth of Baha'u'llah (Baha'i)
The birth of the founder of the Baha’i faith; Baha’is suspend work on this day.

14 Monday
Full Moon The moon is at its greatest visibility.
Birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji (Sikhism-Bikarami)
The founder of the Sikh faith and the first of the Ten Gurus, was born in 1469 CE. An accomplished poet, 974 of his hymns are in the Sikh scriptures, the Guru Granth Sahib.
Lokasha Jayanti (Jainism)
The full moon of the calendar’s first month is a time to celebrate the births of revered and scholarly persons, the most famous of whom is the 15th Century reformer Lonka Saha whose opposition to temple worship and the use of images led to the founding of the Sthanakavasi sect, which emphasizes scholarship.

15 Tuesday
Shichi-Go-San (Shinto)
Prayers are offered for the growth and long life of younger children. They dress up and their parents take them to a shrine to visit a guardian deity.

23 Wednesday
Qawl (Speech) (Baha’i)
Qawl, meaning Speech, is the fourteenth month of the Baha’i year.

24 Thursday
Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur (Sikhism)
Commemorates the death of the ninth Guru who is remembered for his defense of the Sikh faith and also of Hinduism and religious liberty.

25 Friday
St. Catherine's Day (Christianity-Catholic)
Commemorates a Christian martyr of Alexandria in the 4th century A.D.

26 Saturday
The Day of the Covenant (Baha’i)
Anniversary of the appointment of Abdul-Baha, the son of Baha’u’llah, as the Centre of the Covenant.

27 Sunday
First Sunday of Advent (Christianity-Western)
Begins the four-week preparation for Christmas (Advent refers to the coming birth, or arrival, of Christ and, for some, represents the start of the Christian church year).

28 Saturday
The Ascension of ‘Abdul-Baha (Baha’i)
Commemorates the death of ‘Abdul-Baha who guarded the unity of the Baha’I faith.

29 Sunday
New Moon The moon is at its least visibility.

November 4, 2016
November 4, 2016

Meaghan Strimas releases her new book Yes or Nope on November 9th, 7:00 p.m. at Monarch Tavern (12 Clinton Street).

November 3, 2016
November 3, 2016

Humber Diversity Committee (the Committee) recognizes that human rights and equity vocabulary is constantly evolving. Committee members identified that there needed to be consistency, shared understanding and definitions of four key terms frequently used in human rights, equity work and education at Humber. Through a series of town halls, Humber’s students, support staff, faculty and administration worked with Committee members to define the four terms.

Diversity Equity Inclusion Equality

On behalf of Humber Diversity Committee we wish to express deep gratitude to the students and employees who participated in the process.

To read more please visit:

November 3, 2016
November 3, 2016

Humber is becoming a greener campus and everyone is participating! Humber Sustainability Highlights feature people and departments around the College integrating sustainable practices. The spotlight this month is on Hopeton Lyle, Housekeeping Coordinator at the North Campus Student Residence.

At the end of every academic year, students leave some of their unwanted belongings at the residence. This year, 12 bicycles – still in good condition – were left behind. After some extensive research about organizations that take in used bikes, Lyle donated them to a non-profit organization called Charlie’s FreeWheels.

“We [housekeeping staff] wanted to make sure that the bicycles would be reused, so we donated them to a charity that helps benefit the community – youth specifically. We’re happy to know we were able lend a hand by simply donating,” says Lyle.

This initiative includes two pillars of sustainability: environmental by reusing the bicycles and social by helping youth in the community.

What does Charlie’s FreeWheels do?

Founded in 2009, Charlie’s FreeWheels uses bicycles to inspire a spirit of exploration and to mobilize, empower and engage youth.

Alix Aylen, Charlie’s FreeWheels Program Coordinator, says the donated bikes from the Student Residence will be used for their free Build-a-Bike program.

It teaches participants how to build and maintain a bike and road safety. At the end of a session, students keep the bike they built along with a helmet and a lock!

Charlie’s FreeWheels runs other activities throughout the year: a fall Build-a-Bike Program, Girls & Trans Build-a-Bike Program, Charlie’s Rides – when participants explore the city and the GTA and Drop-In Hours is for anyone who wants to use the tools in the shop or ask questions from a mechanic.

Charlie’s FreeWheels runs other activities throughout the year: a fall Build-a-Bike program and a Girls & Trans Build-a-Bike Program that starts in September; Charlie’s Rides – a group ride that meets up at the shop every Saturday at 3:30 p.m. and Drop-In Hours for youth to come into the shop to work on their bikes with access to bike tools and Charlie’s volunteer mechanics.

The non-profit organization was inspired by Charlie Prinsep who was struck and killed by a vehicle in 2007 while he was on a cross-continental cycling journey. In memory of Prinsep, his friends created Charlie’s FreeWheels.

“Inspired by his ideals, we hope to foster urban access and a spirit of exploration in Toronto’s youth,” says Charlie’s FreeWheels.

How can you support Charlie’s FreeWheels?

Aylen says the organization is always accepting bike donations for student use and is recruiting for volunteers to fill the roles:

  • Advocacy Facilitators
  • Bike mechanics
  • Cooks
  • Graphic Designers

More information about Charlie’s FreeWheels is on their website! To donate or volunteer email

November 3, 2016
November 3, 2016



  • Monday, November 7, 2016 at 10:10 a.m. (Including Guelph-Humber & Residence)
  • Monday, November 7, 2016 at 7:15 p.m. (Including Guelph-Humber)
  • Saturday, December 3 at 9:15 a.m. (Including Guelph-Humber)


  • Thursday, November 10 at 10:10 a.m.


  • Monday, November 21 at 10:10 a.m. (All locations including Residence)
  • Monday, November 21 at 7:15 p.m. (All locations)
  • Saturday, December 3 at 11:15 a.m. (East, Annex and Athletics)


  • Monday November 28 at 10:10 a.m.
  • Monday, November 28 at 7:15 p.m.

If you have any questions please contact Rob Kilfoyle at: 416.675.6622 x4417
