
October 31, 2016
October 31, 2016

As part of an assignment in their FITM 158 Counselling and Communication course students have been asked to conduct short (5 minute) interviews with faculty and staff regarding their motivation to live a healthy lifestyle. Over the next few weeks you may have students approach you for an interview. The information gathered in these interviews will be extremely valuable for students as they attempt to identify ways to improve health on campus. 

Thanks very much!

Location: North Campus

Contact: Noah Gentner ,416.675.6622 x4406,

October 31, 2016
October 31, 2016

Applied Research & Innovation is coordinating presentations under the applied research, entrepreneurship, and innovation theme. Please contact Amanda Brown (416.675.6622 x5722, if you are interested in submitting a presentation.

Canada is celebrating its 150th Anniversary and colleges and institutes across Canada will be gathering April 30 to May 2 in Ottawa at the CICan “Celebration” Conference! 

The CICan Conference will showcase the contribution of colleges and institutes in building a more prosperous and equitable Canada which embraces diversity and inclusion, openness and a strong sense of pride.

Colleges and Institutes are invited to submit presentations that will celebrate excellence in innovative practices and approaches in the following six thematic strands: teaching, learning and student success; applied research, entrepreneurship, and innovation; leadership and governance; serving Indigenous communities; serving rural, remote and northern communities; and international.

Please note that all presenters are responsible for their own conference registration fee, accommodation, travel and other expenses related to their presentation.

To submit a presentation, please visit

Deadline to submit: Monday, November 21, 2016

October 31, 2016
October 31, 2016

You Should Know…
Humber’s Sexual Assault Committee

Humber’s Sexual Assault Committee is charged to work with the Humber community on developing Humber’s Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence policy and procedures. The committee has revised the students’ Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Policy to integrate employees. There will be two separate sets of procedures; one for students, and one for employees.

The draft revised policy and procedures will be posted soon inviting your feedback.

October 28, 2016
October 28, 2016

The School of Media Studies and Information Technology is proud and honoured to announce that on August 30th 2016, Kris Alexander successfully completed his Ph.D. in Education: Educational Technology.

Kris’ thesis title was:

“Video Game Design & Interactivity: The Semiotics of Multimedia in Instructional Design”

With this dissertation, he developed the first creation-as-research thesis accepted in the Department of Education at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. This research methodology recognizes an interconnected process of creation and research as part of the development of artifacts that aim to directly enhance the discourse of a specified discipline.

His work examines the semiotics & cultural nuances of multimedia and interactivity within the context of instruction, focusing on theoretical and practical representations in video game design. There are 4 parts to this thesis:

  1. A traditional written document
  2. A 15-module online course in video game design entitled Gaming, Interactive, and Multiplatform Media
  3. 15 summary videos of the online course in video game design
  4. The performative creation-as-research dissertation presentation.

This thesis highlights the teaching practices surrounding video game design principles, while emulating those design principles as part of the instructional design, and submitted materials. The 4 parts of this thesis, collectively, are a manifestation of the findings in the written component, which suggests that video games, through their innate interactivity via the inclusion of multimedia as part of their design, hold critical implementation frameworks for course-based instructional design, when multimedia is used as part of the instructional process.

Humber is proud to feature some of Kris’ work in the Multiplatform Storytelling for Creative Producers and Screenwriters post graduate certificate course, as we prepare a new generation of storytellers, who recognize the engagement potential that video games hold. We are also proud to see Kris’ work continue through his first publication in the Globe & Mail, where he discusses some of the hidden cultural nuances of Pokémon Go*.

Congratulations to Kris on this milestone accomplishment!


October 28, 2016
October 28, 2016

Humber Retirees Trip to Sao Miguel Azores Portugal
April 28 – May 6, 2017

Members of the Humber community are invited to join Humber Retirees’ Association on our first overseas tour to the beautiful Portuguese island of Sao Miguel, Azores.

A non-stop 5 hr. flight from Toronto will take you to this exotic island, described by Lonely Planet as “One of the best destinations in the World.”

The trip includes comprehensive sightseeing excursions to stunning volcanic lakes, hot springs, lush gardens and quaint European villages. You will enjoy stunning scenery, delightful Azorean cuisine and the ambiance of a European island untainted by mass-tourism.

For a detailed itinerary and registration information please contact:

Humber Retirees, 416.675-6622, x2799,

Cost: $2089.00 + tax

October 27, 2016
October 27, 2016

Humber's 2015-2016 Applied Research & Innovation annual report is online!

Take a look at this year's responsive web report at

October 27, 2016
October 27, 2016

for the academic year
(Submission due date:  January 9, 2017)

Professional Development Leave (CA, Article 20) permits a limited number of academic employees to pursue College-approved academic, administrative, technical, industrial or other activities where such activities will enhance the knowledge and skills of the teacher, counsellor or librarian upon returning to the College. 

Application Process

  1. Applications are made in the form of a letter that incorporates the required information (as outlined below) organized by section. You are advised to consult with your Dean/Director during the development of your proposal.
  2. Your Professional Development Leave Application must be submitted to your Dean/Director, not later than noon on January 9, 2017.
  3. The applications will be forwarded to the Office of the Senior Vice-President, Academic. They are then ranked based on seniority and are reviewed by the Academic Leadership Council.
  4. The College will notify Professional Development leave applicants by March 4, 2017 regarding the disposition of their applications.   

Outline for Proposal

a)   Name, Program, Division/School.
b)   Identify start and end dates for the leave.
c)   Describe the overall objectives of the leave.
d)   Provide a plan of the activities which you will undertake to achieve these objectives and the measurable outcomes to be achieved.
e)   Identify how the objectives will benefit:

  • You, and how they will enhance your abilities upon return to the College;
  • Student learning.

Examples of Pro Dev Leaves that have been approved over the past number of years include:

  • a graduate degree in a discipline related to the vocational field that enabled the faculty member to develop and/or teach a new course or courses at an advanced level;
  • a placement in industry, including specific training opportunities, in which the faculty member obtains an industry certification relevant to teaching responsibilities;
  • faculty expertise upgraded in professional software applications to prepare upper-level courses;
  • professional designation which enabled the faculty member to teach specialized subjects, i.e., C.F.P., C.H.R.P, C.M.A.;
  • a faculty member completed a resource guide on careers and educational programs in their field including bibliographies and web sites for further reading and research.

f)   Identify the resources required from the college (if any).
g)   Identify the resources provided by the academic staff member (if any).
h)   Identify materials that will be developed during the Leave (if any).
i)   List and describe paid employment (if any) that will be undertaken during the leave period. Indicate the amount of time and remuneration associated with this employment.
j)   Should your plan of activities or outcomes change, you must submit a description of the change, in writing, to your Dean/Director.

October 26, 2016
October 26, 2016

The First Year Experience Program is holding a First Generation Panel on November 8, 2016 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

We are looking for staff and faculty panelists who attended university/college and were the first in their family to do so. Panelists will share their experiences and successes as a first generation student.

Please email Stephanie Geller at if you would like to be a panelist at this event.

October 26, 2016
October 26, 2016

Congratulations to all GCC participants – we are now at the halfway mark!

Mini Challenge three starts on October 27th and runs until October 29th.  This challenge will see participants ‘spin a wheel’ that will give you a step target that you need to achieve for three days.

Launching on November 2nd, GCC sleep will help participants measure and understand your sleeping patterns and provide helpful hints for a better night’s sleep.

We would like to give a shout-out to Humber’s top teams:

1. Carrier Pigeons

  • Danny Cunha, Hans Porten, Kristyna Wenediktow, Laurence DeFiesta, Loriann Liorti, Steve Anderson & Tony Branch

2. The Runtime Errors

  • Alex Gafu, Andrew Maggs, Bryan Nasim, Jaime Goncalves, Scott Forsyth, Steve Cook & Wilson Queiros

3. ITS Fembots

  • Darlene Gallant, Erika Silva, Lora Nasim, Michelle Moore, Reva Harknett, Shierel Caoagas & Tanya Goncalves

Here is Humber’s Leaderboard, which includes the top 20 teams.

Congratulations to all and happy stepping!

October 26, 2016
October 26, 2016

Please join me in congratulating Francesca D'Angelo PhD., Professor in the Business School, on graduating from York University last week. 

Francesca successfully defended her doctoral thesis last August with the Humanities Department, under the supervision of Professor Susan Ingram. The title of her thesis was "Standing Tall, The Stiletto Heel as Material Memory: A Contemporary Cross-Cultural Look at Perceptions of the Stiletto Heel." 

Francesca is faculty in the Bachelor of Commerce, Fashion Management Degree. Her thesis is directly related to the history of fashion, and the cultural perspectives of the 'stiletto' as a fashion accessory. 

Employing a material culture analysis, this dissertation functions as a general compendium on the stiletto heel, as it recounts the history of the stiletto from its introduction as a technological marvel in the post-WWII period to its present-day manifestations as a glamourous accessory. It surveys women’s relations to stiletto heels and the reasons why women wear, and do not wear, them. Through a comparative cross-cultural analysis, the study examines a group of Canadian and Italian women’s uses and perceptions of stiletto heels, and reveals cultural distinctions manifested in their uses and interpretations of stilettos. The women’s personal relations to and cultural interpretations of the stiletto were measured through a phenomenological analysis of material collected through surveys, interviews and online forums. The study also considers the general sentiments stilettos engender in regard to the portrayal of women in society and the feminist discourses that the stiletto challenges and reinforces. 

Congratulations Francesca on your graduation and the exciting dissertation on the "Stiletto". 


Dr. Alvina Cassiani
Dean, The Business School
