
October 21, 2016
October 21, 2016

Change the world one textbook at a time. Donate your used postsecondary textbooks.

Textbooks for Change Drive - October 24th to November 4th 2016
We are collecting used textbooks less than 15 years old to donate to universities in East Africa.

Every book you donate will have a positive impact on global education and environmental sustainability. Textbooks for Change in partnership with Humber’s Sustainability Department has diverted over 4000 pounds of used book materials from landfill, last year alone.

Drop your textbooks off at the following Textbook Drives:

  • North Campus
    Wednesday, October 26th 2016 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    In the Concourse beside Gourmet Express
  • Lakeshore Campus
    Thursday, October 27th 2016 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
    L building main floor beside the elevators

Or drop your textbooks at the permanent Textbook for Change dropboxes on campus.

  • North Campus
    • KX Building: outside Humber Student Federation – HSF
    • K107: outside the School of Media Studies and Information Technology office
    • E205: outside The Business School office
    • LRC: Math Centre – 3rd floor
  • Lakeshore Campus
    • A Building: near The Music Office and Liberal Arts and Sciences
    • H Building: Main Floor - across from the International Office
    • H Building: 2nd Floor near the Business School
    • L Building: 3rd Floor
    • Annex/Humber Centre for Justice Leadership – Main Floor near Security

Too many textbooks to move? Arrange a pick-up, please e-mail:

Thank you for your support. Changing the world book by book!

October 21, 2016
October 21, 2016

Please join in to congratulate Jessica Powell in achieving the distinction of “Certified Supply Chain Professional” from the Supply Chain Management Association. Not only did she complete all the courses, seminars and exams, in the final exam she achieved one of the highest scores from across Canada. This is also Jessica's 2nd degree.

October 21, 2016
October 21, 2016

A limited number of reserved parking spaces have recently become available in both full time staff parking lots 14 and 15 at North Campus. The cost per pay period is $44.73.

If you are interested in having your own reserved stall, please contact James Irvine, Manager, Transportation and Parking at or 416.675.6622 x5438.

Service shutdown has been scheduled for:
Sunday, June 5th, 2016, 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Purpose: to perform annual high voltage preventative maintenance on College electrical infrastructure.

Location: All buildings located at Lakeshore Campus-West (A/B/AX/Residence/Bookstore/Athletics) will be affected. Emergency power will be available.

Lakeshore Campus-East (C/D/E/F/H/I/J/K/L/M/N Buildings), Centre For Justice Leadership, Fashion Institute, Art Commons, Community Medical Services Building, Humber Launch, Humber Arts & Media Studios will not be affected.

Staff, faculty and students will not be allowed entry into the College facilities (with the exception of Residence) during the hydro shutdown.

If you have any questions, please contact Scott Skrinar, x3634.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: In future years, the Lakeshore Campus shutdown will be scheduled the first Sunday of June. The following year’s shutdown is scheduled on Sunday, June 4th 2017 and will affect all buildings (C/D/E/F/H/I/J/K/L/M/N) at Lakeshore Campus-East. 

October 20, 2016
October 20, 2016

The School of Media Studies and Information Technology are honoured and proud to announce that on October 12, Andrea Tavchar successfully completed her PhD defense.

Andrea’s thesis title: “Are there perks to being a Twitter wallflower? Peripheral participants in a Twitter-enabled learning space in public relations and higher education”

Despite the fact that industry expects PR graduates to be knowledgeable in the professional use of Twitter, the majority of PR students are seen to engage only peripherally within the requisite Twitter learning environment. Andrea’s mixed-methods study revealed that peripheral participation warrants understandings and recognition not only as a legitimate but as a complex and rich learning modality. This study offers voice to a misunderstood majority of students who struggle with the transition between personal and professional use of educational and social media networks. The findings highlight the need to develop flexible learning spaces that best prepare young people with the digital literacies required for technologically-mediated communications, particularly in the contexts of professional education.

Andrea’s advisors were: Dr. Megan Boler (Supervisor, Professor, OISE, UToronto), Dr. Clare Brett (Professor, OISE, UToronto) and Dr. Leslie Regan Shade (Professor, Faculty of Information Sciences, UToronto).

Congratulations to Andrea on this milestone accomplishment!

October 20, 2016
October 20, 2016

Calling all artists! Applied Research & Innovation is looking for you to design our new logo. Submit by tagging us on social media and using the hashtag #ARILogo, or emailing us at by November 10th for a chance to win an iPad mini!

October 19, 2016
October 19, 2016

Humber & Toronto Marlies Fundraising Project in support of Camp Oochigeas.

Looking for a fun department event or a get together with family and friends? Attend a Toronto Marlies game on Sunday, December 4th, Saturday, December 17th or Monday, December 26th and $5.00 from the purchase of each ticket goes to Camp Oochigeas. 

Contact: Kassandra Falvo at or Ashley Parks at

October 19, 2016
October 19, 2016

Take Our Kids to Work Day™
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

The “Take Our Kids to Work” day is a popular and rewarding program which allows Grade 9 students to shadow a parent, relative or friend, and experience a day in the life of an adult at work. Students get a first-hand look at activities, skills and career choices in today’s workplace, as well as an appreciation of their parents’ work lives.

Safety First! The safety of our young visitors is a top priority. Unless they are in a public area at the College, please ensure that Grade 9 students in work areas are accompanied at all times by an adult who knows how to deal with the specific hazards in that area.

Humber has prepared some guidelines to help parents, supervisors and managers make this learning experience a safe one:

  • Parents and sponsors, please let your manager know well in advance that you will be bringing a student to the workplace, and agree on which areas the student can access and which activities the student will take part in. Please look out for soon to be announced activities in the Communique.          
  • Check out the workplace ahead of time for potential safety issues particularly from a youth perspective. Maintain a high level of housekeeping. 
  • On the day of:
    • Provide students with an orientation that highlights health, safety and security. Tour the workplace and explain the types of hazards and the safety procedures that apply, including those for preventing workplace violence and harassment.
    • Allow students to undertake tasks and experiences in environments that are safe, and ensure that they follow all safety rules. 
    • Ensure that students are provided with and that they wear any required personal protective equipment (e.g. safety glasses, gloves, hearing protection, footwear).   
    • Students must not be allowed to operate motorized equipment or higher risk machinery or equipment. Accompany or closely supervise them at all times.
    • Encourage students to ask questions, speak about health and safety concerns, and comment on situations they observe throughout the day. 

Here’s to an enjoyable learning experience for students and their parents/sponsors!

HR Services | Health and Safety
416.675.6622 x4866 or 5673

™ Take Our Kids to Work is a trademark of The Learning Partnership Canada (

October 19, 2016
October 19, 2016

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this year’s Pink Ribbon Day. Your efforts helped to inspire hope and raise awareness for breast cancer research. Thank you all for making a difference.


Contact: Richard Mitchell, 416.675.6622 x72052,

October 19, 2016
October 19, 2016

The Office of Sustainability is conducting workplace assessments to determine department-wide and individual sustainable practices. Read the latest President’s Blog to learn how you can get involved.
