
November 14, 2016

Hosted by the CAAT Pension Plan
When: Saturday, December 3, 2016 from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Where: Centennial College - Progress Campus

The Saturday morning retirement planning event will be led by Derek Dobson, pension expert and CEO of the CAAT Pension Plan. He’ll answer the questions members ask about retiring.

During Derek’s presentation, you’ll learn about the Plan’s benefits, including flexible retirement date options, valuable survivor benefits, and inflation protection. The session uses real-world examples and retirement planning tips to help ensure a smooth transition to retirement.

Representatives from the CAAT Pension Plan will be available to answer your questions after the presentation.

The session is free of charge, and open to CAAT Pension Plan members from any GTA college (and their guests).

Not thinking about retirement yet?
This session will benefit members of any age, and we strongly encourage all members over 50 to attend.

How helpful is the session?
Over 90% of members who have already attended a CAAT Plan retirement planning session say they would recommend it to others. Attendees will receive a free retirement planning workbook.

9:00 – 9:30 – Registration
9:30 – 11:30 – Retirement planning session | Derek Dobson

We’re using to register attendees to the Retirement Planning session. Eventbrite offers free ticketing and registration services. You can register for the CAAT Plan event without having an account on Eventbrite. If you receive an email from Eventbrite asking you to create an account, you do not need to respond to it. Read the Eventbrite privacy policy here.

Attend Event

November 11, 2016

From hives tucked away in the thick of the Humber Arboretum’s native tall grass meadow, the honey bees that call the Arboretum home forage throughout the forest, gardens, and wildflowers to mingle the flavours of hundreds of plants. While commercial honey is made from a range of honeys blended together for uniformity and then heated, the raw state of the Humber Arboretum’s honey preserves a local flavor that’s as unique as the landscape it came from.

We have limited quantities available in three sizes:

  • 40 ml - $3.50
  • 100 ml - $8.00 
  • 190 ml - $15.00

The honey is available for sale at the welcome desk inside the Centre for Urban Ecology (the building with the big red door in the Humber Arboretum) at North Campus. We’re open Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

For larger quantities or to check if the size you want is still available, call us at 416.675.5009 and ask for Valerie.

November 11, 2016

e-Waste Collection Week is back November 14-18! Don't miss your chance to give old electronics the boot!

Drop Off Locations

North Campus

  • ITS Support Centre, NX210
  • Library Circulation Desk, LRC 4th Floor

Lakeshore Campus

  • Registrar's Office, WEL 106
  • Library Reference Help Desk, L Building

Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Accepted electronics include:

  • Desktop & laptop computers
  • Computer keyboards, mice and trackballs
  • Desktop printers and scanners
  • Mobile devices
  • Telephones and answering machines
  • Computer monitors and portable tvs
  • Portable audio/video systems (Includes docking speakers, portable stereos, CD players, audio recorders, tape/radio players, digital media (MP3) players, voice recorders, and digital and video cameras)
  • Video projectors

Event is brought to you by Information Technology Service and the Office of Sustainability

November 11, 2016

Humber’s flags are at half-mast today in honour of Remembrance Day.

November 10, 2016

Humber President Chris Whitaker officially opened Gratitude Hall, a new space at North Campus dedicated to celebrating and recognizing the college’s donors, supporters, alumni and friends. 

On Tuesday evening 200 friends of the College and students gathered in the new Hall, transformed for the night into a festive and welcoming space for celebration.

Guests enjoyed trying out the centerpiece, Humber’s first donor and alumni recognition wall that combines unique hexagon-shaped plaques and digital interactive screens. Individuals and organizations whose cumulative contributions have reached or exceeded $10,000 are recognized on the wall as a permanent acknowledgement of their generosity. The wall also includes the names of over 350 donors who have collectively given millions of dollars to Humber since opening in 1967. 

 “Gratitude Hall is our way of saying thank you to our many generous donors and partners while also honouring our more than 215,000 alumni,” said President Whitaker, “We chose the hall’s name to convey Humber’s sincere appreciation of its many supporters and the importance of their commitment to make the college a vibrant place for students to learn, grow and thrive.”

The design of the donor recognition wall is inspired by the connection between the college, the Humber River and the green spaces surrounding the campus. Each donor plaque represents a stone in the riverbed, the foundation of the river, representing the donor’s generosity and support. Students are represented by the water flowing through the college, as they advance in their career journey. 

Humber donors Bob and Francine Barrett were featured speakers at the event. Bob is the owner and CEO of Polytainers, headquartered in Etobicoke and one of the largest producers of specialty food containers for food and dairy companies in North America. Their Barrett Family Foundation recently gave $5,000,000 to the College, the largest single donation to date, and together they spoke of their confidence in the strong vision of Humber College.

Brien Gray, Chair of the Humber Board of Governors also spoke and noted that, "Having a permanent on campus symbol of Humber’s gratitude to our benefactors shows that donor support is, and has been crucial, to ensuring that the college provides the best possible education and learning environment for our students. It also serves to remind us of the importance of philanthropy in advancing Humber’s mission.”

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact Krista O’Donnell, Chief Advancement Officer at or call 416.675.6622 x5386.

November 9, 2016

Judy started at Humber in 2004 as Divisional Coordinator for the Dean of the School of Social & Community Services. She then worked as the Campus Coordinator for the Principal, Lakeshore Campus. In that role she was instrumental in supporting the campus and managed the field placement operations, interacting with students on a daily basis.

Colleagues at Lakeshore remember that she always wore a smile and was the go-to person for Humber knowledge. One particular colleague remembers that Judy always made time for you and helped to make you feel welcome and that you belonged and had a place in this greater institution.

Judy always had a keen interest in technology and in 2010 moved to Information Technology Services to provide business and financial management support to the Enterprise System Project. She contributed to the success of the project by creating an organized successful off campus project environment. She was also the key coordinator to relocate staff and services back to the North Campus in July 2015.

Over the last 13 years Judy has made significant contributions to Humber College. Most of all she has been a trusted, reliable and professional colleague. 

Judy’s last day at Humber is Friday, November 11. Judy has asked to leave quietly and we are respecting her wishes, but please do stop by and wish her well.

November 8, 2016

In August 2016, Financial Services and Planning introduced a new email address,, to be used for all Banner Finance Security inquiries/questions. This enhancement ensures that your emails are channeled directly to the Banner Finance Security Team.

Please note that is to be used only for inquiries/questions. There is still a requirement to submit Banner Finance Security requests through the "Submit an eForm" option on

For any other Finance related questions, please visit the Financial Services and Planning website ( and fill in the "Ask a Question" form. 

Financial Services and Planning 
You can count on us!

October 20, 2016

Notice of Hydro Service Interruption:
Welcome Centre/Lakeshore Campus

Service shutdown has been scheduled for:
Saturday, October 22, 2016
6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.

Purpose: to perform electrical maintenance/installation requirements.

Location: Welcome Centre/Lakeshore Campus.

Emergency power will be available. No other buildings will be affected at any Lakeshore sites.

Staff, faculty and students will not be allowed entry into the Welcome Centre during the hydro shutdown.

If you have any questions, please contact Scott Skrinar at 416.675.6622 x3634.

October 27, 2016

It is my pleasure to congratulate Lynne Bentley, Director of Humber Libraries, on a successful career and wish her well in her retirement, while acknowledging she will be missed.

Lynne started her career at Humber in 1980 as a reference librarian supporting both the North and Lakeshore campuses. In 1992, she moved to North campus to become the Systems Librarian, overseeing the migration to a new integrated library system. In 1997 Lynne became the Manager of Humber Libraries with responsibility for all campus locations; in 1999, Lynne became director, a position that she has held for the past 17 years.

During her 36-year tenure, Lynne has seen tremendous change and growth at Humber, and within library services specifically. By comparing library operations 30 years ago to today in terms of space, services, resources and technology, one can appreciate the context within which Lynne has led the department. Profound technological changes have literally revolutionized libraries. Long gone are card catalogues and film reels as online catalogues, ebooks, ejournals and streaming videos now predominate. In-person services remain a core offering, but email, text and chat provide additional service points. Library spaces are less about aisles of books and more about study and interactive group work spaces. Marketing library services now includes student newspaper interviews as well as Humber TV and social media. The growth of Humber's student population, our diverse academic areas and array of polytechnic offerings, particularly the addition of degree programs, have necessitated the growth of the department and radically changed the expectations surrounding the library's collections. It takes someone who is strategic, dedicated and flexible to navigate such an ever-changing terrain over a prolonged period of time. Due in large part to Lynne’s efforts, Humber Libraries is seen as a system leader.

One of Lynne's legacies will be planning and collaboration in the design of Library and Learning Commons spaces in the new LRC. Lynne did extensive research, visiting many other colleges in order to better plan for Humber's new facilities. Lynne also collected data and monitored the student experience in the previous library at North, translating this research into a vision for the new spaces. Her approach throughout the process was to try and see the Library and Learning Commons through students' eyes, so she and the library team could best plan these spaces to meet student need. Lynne's planning skills and attention to detail have paid big dividends for the College. Both the Learning Commons and Library have been full since they opened in spring 2015 and there has been a corresponding 13% increase in Library service KPI for the North campus.

Lynne has also been active in the profession at a provincial level and her efforts have been highly regarded by her peers. She has been a member and chair of Heads, Libraries and Learning Resources (HLLR), an operating group of Colleges Ontario, and she has been actively involved in Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS), the library consortium to which all 24 Ontario colleges belong.

As you might expect of a librarian, Lynne is a quiet, reliable and efficient leader who maintains commitments, works collegially with her team and delivers on all expectations. Lynne has built strong relationships throughout the institution and has leveraged them to support the success of our students and the college's academic mission. With respect to the Library team, Lynne is known for giving staff the opportunity to self-select projects of interest. Lynne also involves her team in decision making and she has structured the department to give her colleagues many channels within which to share their opinions and ideas directly.

Lynne will retire at the end of December and we aren't letting her lack of love for the spotlight prevent us from celebrating her accomplishments. Please join us as we honour Lynne on Friday December 9th at the Humber Room between 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. An official invitation will be forthcoming in the Communiqué.

Jason Hunter, Vice President
On behalf of Library Staff and the Division of Student and Community Engagement

November 3, 2016

Adrian started working at Humber in 1985 as a lab monitor. At the time he was a student in computer programming at Humber. 

He went on to have many different roles at Humber- a technician for academic computing, Network Admin and as Project Manager for Infrastructure Projects.

In 1995 Adrian, along with Greg Johnson and Kevin Adams, was the recipient of the League of Innovation award, chosen among all colleges in North America. They implemented a way for students in high school to take English competency tests remotely (WWW was in its infancy) so they could upgrade their English skills prior to coming to college. They presented their solution at a League of Innovation conference in Houston and subsequently presented in England and San Diego.

Adrian has a unique combination of IT experience and a background in construction gained by working his way through college working in the electrical trade. This unique combination of traits made Adrian a critical member of the team that has helped to build Humber from the ground up.

His attention to detail has led to the successful completion of projects like the cottage reno/builds at the lake, Lakeshore Commons, Guelph-Humber building, Birmingham, Centre for Criminal Justice, Fashion Institute, Medical Building, Arts Academy, Carrier, NX remodel, LRC, and the Welcome Centre, Athletics and G Buildings at Lakeshore.

Adrian has been the go-to person for ITS on all construction projects, his knowledge of the buildings and IT systems at Humber are unmatched by any other.

Adrian’s most recent accomplishment was to win the Wave of Excellence Award in 2016 for the design and construction of the HIVES in F building. These rooms leverage moveable furniture that can accommodate any teaching strategy. Adrian worked with Magno Cidade, Rebecca Muyal and a team to design the new audio visual solution in partnership with stakeholders.

Adrian’s last day at Humber is tomorrow, November 3. At Adrian’s request we won’t be having a party, but please do stop by to wish him well.
