
November 19, 2013
November 19, 2013

College Council met for the second time this semester on Thursday, November 7, 2013, at the North Campus. In the interest of keeping the Humber community informed about upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, Lisa Salem-Wiseman will be reporting on the highlights of the monthly meetings. For more information on any topic, or to give feedback on the reports, please contact Lisa directly, at

Executive Advisory Committee (EAC) Introduction

Gina Antonacci, Dean, School of Social and Community Services, and Amy Kaufman, Manager, Planning and Government Relations, introduced members of Council to a new committee, which will function as a key advisory body to the President and the executive team.

The Executive Advisory Council’s primary mandate is to support the implementation and successful achievement of our five-year goals as identified in the 2013 -18 Strategic Plan. Specifically, EAC has been tasked with ensuring an integrated approach to identifying the key initiatives in Humber’s annual business plan/budget and the well-aligned and successful implementation of those initiatives. Members of the committee are drawn from a large variety of roles across the college.

For more information on the EAC and the implementation of Humber’s 2013-2018 Strategic Plan, please visit:

New Programs

Consistent with Humber’s strategic priority of strengthening our polytechnic identity, the new programs that were brought before Council this month represented a range of credentials and provided multiple pathways for current Humber students.

The Bachelor of Community Development is a four-year baccalaureate degree offered by the School of Social and Community Services. The program consists of eight academic semesters and one 14-week work placement.  As in the Criminal Justice and Child and Youth Care degrees, the first year is composed of a common platform of courses including psychology, sociology, interpersonal communication, counseling, and ethics. The next three years provide more specialized study in the field of community development. This degree will meet the needs of the graduates of related diploma programs who currently must go elsewhere for degree completion. Graduates of the program will be well-positioned to respond to the needs of the community with strong academic and applied knowledge in the field of community development.

The Bachelor of Health Sciences (Workplace Health and Wellness) is the first fully integrated cross- school baccalaureate at Humber. While this innovative new program will be offered by the School of Health Sciences and the School of Hospitality, Recreation, and Tourism, a total of five academic schools were involved in its creation. The Bachelor of Health Sciences (Workplace Health and Wellness) is a four-year baccalaureate degree program consisting of eight academic semesters and one 14-week work placement. The program will provide specialized education in the workplace health and wellness field, and will provide opportunities for degree completion to students in a large number of diploma programs within both the School of Health Sciences and the School of Hospitality, Recreation, and Tourism.

The new Welding Techniques program, offered by the School of Applied Technology, is a one-year certificate designed to introduce prospective welders to the trade. This hands-on program aims to facilitate student employment and entry into the apprenticeship program by providing students with practical experience with trade regulations and practices, as well as opportunities for networking in the industry. Students will be exposed to subjects including health and safety, blueprint reading and sketching, metal arc welding, and computers. This program complements the existing Techniques and Apprenticeship programs, and there is opportunity for movement amongst the different programs.

The Bachelor of Commerce (eBusiness Marketing) in the School of Business has applied for Consent Renewal, which is required every five years. The degree consists of eight academic semesters and one 14-week work term. As with all of Humber’s Bachelor of Commerce degrees, the program begins with a common two-year platform of foundational business courses, which provides students with flexibility in choosing a specialization. This is followed in years three and four by the eBusiness marketing courses, which explore how information technologies support the processes that link an organization to its customers and business partners. The core courses are enhanced by a strong breadth component, which provides graduates with the critical thinking and communication skills that are valued by employers, as well as the adaptability and resiliency that they will need to thrive in a rapidly changing industry.

The Humber Staff and Children’s Christmas Party

This year’s party will be on Saturday, November 30, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the L Building at the Lakeshore Campus. The theme is “A Can EH! dian Christmas,” and highlights will include Canadian-themed games and crafts, a hot breakfast, a live band featuring Humber students, and of course a visit from Santa. There will also be a raffle for exciting prizes, including two front row tickets to a Raptors/Celtics game. Raffle tickets can be obtained in exchanged for canned food items, which will be donated to the HSF Food Drive.

Tickets are available at campus bookstores and online at until November 27, 2013. ($8/adults, $6 children).


Good2Talk, a 24-hour post-secondary student helpline, offers free professional and anonymous counselling for Ontario students, in a wide range of areas, including mental health and addictions, relationships, sexuality, disability supports, academic and health services, employment, financial stresses, and legal concerns. The number is 1-866-925-5454

College Council New Procedures

In keeping with Council’s new mandate to report back to the President on key items, members of Council met in small working groups to discuss the evening’s presentations and to make notes that will be brought to the President.


November 19, 2013

Sheryn Beattie began her career teaching at Humber College in the summer of 1980. Over the years at Humber Sheryn’s creative energies and passion for teaching have blossomed not only in the Humber classroom, but as a representative of Humber in various countries around the world.

Sheryn has participated in numerous teaching and learning conferences in countries such as China, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Bangladesh and is currently finishing a teaching assignment in Indonesia. It is through Humber that Sheryn discovered a passion for helping disadvantaged women and has supported the Global Summit of Woman around the world. Sheryn also was instrumental in support the Ontario College Marketing Competition for the last ten years. To quote Sheryn: ‘volunteering to help students is just part of what I do in a student-centered learning environment.’

Congratulations on your retirement Sheryn, you will be missed.

Alvina Cassiani
Dean, The Business School


November 19, 2013

Wayne Hughes began his career teaching at Humber in 1986 and has been a key member of the Accounting Team; he is the resident income tax expert. Wayne has been a leader in maintaining currency in this area drawing upon experience from his private CA practice. He has generously shared this expertise with both students and his peers.

After a long career at Humber, Wayne will have time to spend at his cottage on Lake Kushog with his wife Cathie and also with three very special little people in his life, his grandchildren: Locklin, Josie and Elliott.

Alvina Cassiani
Dean, The Business School

November 18, 2013
November 18, 2013





Do you have old winter coats that have been sitting in your closet for years and have never been worn?  You could donate them to the homeless.

Joe Bowden will be collecting cleaned, gently used and new winter coats to distribute to Yonge Street Mission and to various Shelters around the GTA. Please drop off all garments to:

Joe Bowden, 300 Birmingham Street, Room BIR 214 or call 416.675.6622 ext. 79052 for pick-up.
Jennifer Hannah, Lakeshore Campus, Room A1118 or call 416.675.6622 ext. 3205 for pick-up.


November 18, 2013
November 18, 2013


Dear Colleagues,

I would like to ask for your support for the HOMELESS SINGLE TEEN MOTHERS of Evergreen Youth Centre, a program funded by the Yonge Street Mission, 270 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, Ontario. For the past nine years, the Humber College community have supported this initiative by putting together Christmas gift bags for these teen mothers. This will be my last year as facilitator for the gift bags so let’s go out with a BANG!

This year has been extremely taxing on all of our resources but if you have anything that you can donate to help with this cause, it will be greatly appreciated. No gift is too small. Lipstick, perfumes, eyeliners, nail polish, pens, candles, children’s supplies (trial size toothpaste, baby lotion, handy wipes, creams etc.), children’s books, please send them my way. They have expressed an urgent need this year for knitted gloves and scarves and gift certificates.

Evergreen will issue a tax receipt for any gift certificates or cash/cheque donation over twenty dollars. I would like to acknowledge the continued generosity and support from the Humber Test Center, Human Resources, Health Sciences and Registrar Office.

Please drop off anything that you have to Joe Bowden in BIR 214 of the HAMS building (arena), Jennifer Hannah in A118 Lakeshore Campus or Sherry Fast, room B304S, North Campus by December 15, 2013.

Please visit the YSM website to see the good work that they have been doing.

Once again, thank you for your support.


Joe Bowden – School of Creative and Performing Arts
Theatre Administrator
416.675.6622 ext. 79052


November 15, 2013
November 15, 2013

Dear Humber Faculty and Textbook Decision Makers,

This note is a reminder that the bookstore is currently in the process of acquiring books for January 2014. This information was originally requested at the bookstore by October 25, 2014. Receiving your list of adopted materials as soon as possible will allow us to source more used books for incoming students, provide top dollar for students finishing the course, and ensures that we have time to locate all of your materials.

To submit your list of adopted materials, visit us online at for the North Campus and for the Lakeshore Campus. To find the adoption page go to the Faculty Services page, and click on adoptions. To login or register, a password is requited. The password for the North Campus is 0947 and the password for Lakeshore Campus is 0948. Hard copies of your previous term information will be provided upon request. Excel templates to email your adoption are available,

This is a busy time in the term, so please let us know if we can assist you in any way. We are here to answer your questions with the book adoption process or during any time of the year. We look forward to receiving your list of adopted materials.

Thank you!

Debby Martin 

416.675.6622 ext. 4555
Humber North Bookstore

Indira Danra
416.675.6622 ext. 4987
Humber North Bookstore

Sharon Mundle
416.675.6622 ext. 3566
Humber Lakeshore Bookstore

Jim Killen
416.675.6622 ext. 3556
Humber Lakeshore Bookstore

If you need further assistance, please feel free to drop by the bookstore or give us a call.


November 15, 2013
November 15, 2013

November 15, 2013
November 15, 2013


November 15, 2013
November 15, 2013

License restrictions prohibit the use of Humber's library database content at other institutions. For more details, listen to the licences segment of the icopyright audio series.

Faculty also cannot use other institutions' resources at Humber. For more details about alternatives, listen to the databases segment of the icopyright audio series.

The icopyright pocket guide gives an overview of this and other copyright topics. Don’t have a pocket guide? Contact to get one.


November 14, 2013
November 14, 2013


$1,500 Scholarship Available to Students

The Humber College Health Centre and the Responsible Gambling Council are working together to help educate on a harm reduction approach for students when it comes to gambling.  Know the Score is a program Responsible Gambling Council travels to colleges and universities to speak to students about problem gambling prevention.  Humber supports Know the Score by hiring students to educate other students on prevention and awareness. In addition social media is used to actively reach out to students. 

Students can visit to answer a quick five-question quiz and will be automatically entered!  The survey closes on Friday, November 29, 2013, at 6 p.m.    Rules and regulations can be found online.

If you have any students who may be interested in this please pass on this URL

For more information, please contact:
Catherine Mckee
