
October 24, 2013
October 24, 2013


Humber College schools/departments are invited to develop and submit proposals for innovative and engaging initiatives with local community non-profit organizations

Projects funded through this initiative provide the opportunity for academic schools and administrative departments to further cultivate relationships with partners and stakeholders – bringing the community to Humber and Humber into the community in support of Humber’s new Strategic plan.

The priority of these initiatives is to enhance the lives of local children, youth, Aboriginal peoples, newcomers and other groups who would benefit from projects that enrich learning and increase exposure and access to a variety of pathways into education, training and/or employment and/or build organizational capacity of community agencies who share this same focus. Project participants would typically only be able to participate in these activities when provided free of charge or for a minimal fee.

Engaging Humber students in projects to allow them the opportunity to deepen and apply the knowledge of their curriculum through a volunteer experience or as a paid placement is also encouraged.

Submissions due: November 22, 2013

Email: to receive funding application and guidelines
Email: to discuss possible funding ideas, links to community partners and to refine concepts


October 23, 2013
October 23, 2013

 Thank You and Congratulations!

Thank you for making the Humber Engagement and Learning Profile (HELP) survey a success!
  • Thanks to the dedicated effort of everyone across the institution the survey achieved an overall response rate of 46.9%.
Congratulations to the student prize winners!
  • Every student who completed the survey was eligible for more than 70 prizes provided by Humber Institutional Research, including three top prizes of money towards Humber tuition, as well as a Customized Career Booster sponsored by the Humber Students Federation. The top prizes were presented by President Whitaker.
  • This year’s Top Response Rate was awarded to the School of Health Sciences with an 80.7% completion rate
L-R: Jason Powell, Dean, School of Health Sciences (HELP Top Response Rate award); Lenore Duquette, Associate Dean, School of Health Sciences; Lisa Teskey, Associate Dean, School of Health Sciences; Rebecca Milburn, Associate Dean, School of Liberal Arts & Science; Sydney Dufresne, General Arts and Science ($1,500 towards Humber Tuition); Chris Whitaker, Humber President; Vincent Shaikh, Associate Dean, School of Applied Technology; Jason Hunter, Vice President, Student and Community Engagement; Paula Gouveia, Dean, School of Liberal Arts & Science; Ruth MacKay, Director, Planning & Government Relations.  Photo Credit: Ryan Patterson
What have we learned from HELP?
  • 94% of respondents are interested in what they are learning at school.
  • 93% of respondents can relate what they are learning in classes to future career plans.
  • 92% of respondents agree that their classes are giving them skills that will help them in the job market.
  • 90% of respondents believe that they are enrolled in a program of study that is right for them.
  • 76% report of respondents agree that “Humber is a place where I feel like I belong”
  • 86% of students requested additional information about 24 specific support services; of those:
    • 13% requested information in 1 or 2 of the areas;
    • 60% requested information in 1 to 10 areas; and
    • 40% requested information in more than 10 areas
Who benefits from HELP?
  • Students – they’ve told us how we can help them be successful at Humber and received a personalized email connecting them to support services on campus.
  • Academics – student reports at the program and school levels will help identify areas of focus to support student success and retention.
  • Student Success and Engagement – HELP data reveal student demand for key support services, which allows for short- and long-range planning and resource allocation.
  • Humber Community – aggregate data at the program, school and institutional levels will help us to develop institutional retention strategies that will help more students be successful in their program.
Where can you get HELP reports and info?
  • Initial reports have been distributed to participating students as well as all Academic Schools and service areas.
  • For HELP reports or information about the survey please contact Humber Institutional Research.
Ruth MacKay, Director at or x4630
Pat VanHorne, Manager at or x4943 
October 23, 2013
October 23, 2013

Humber Research is pleased to announce that the ground-breaking online student resource Get Your Hours was launched this month.

Get Your Hours is an innovative web platform designed to help high school students meet their volunteer goals. The first of its kind, Get Your Hours connects students in need of volunteer hours with charities in need of volunteers.

As part of the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), every student who begins secondary school during or after the 1999-2000 school year must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities. While previously students had to track years of volunteer work on a piece of scrap paper, Get Your Hours makes the process of youth engagement and volunteer work more exciting, intuitive, and accessible for the internet savvy high school generation. The platform matches students with volunteer opportunities based on their interests, allows students to track their hours online, and receive verification from guidance counselors within their school.

Get Your Hours founder Christiane MacKenzie and faculty member Bernie Monette, Program Coordinator of the Website Development Program, began project development for Get Your Hours in April 2013 after receiving a Colleges Ontario Network for Industry Innovation (CONII) grant. Their challenge was to create an online tool that could be used as a central resource for school boards looking to track and verify students’ volunteer work, as well as help students find more meaningful volunteer opportunities in their community.

Students in the Website Development Program at Humber were hired to design the back end of the platform under the supervision of Bernie Monette. After months of development, networking, and partnerships, the site is being pilot-tested in schools across the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Catholic District School Board.

Get Your Hours hopes to be ready to hard launch across the province in January 2014.


October 23, 2013
October 23, 2013
Sending a big thank you to all the climbers, both staff and especially students, who participated in last weekend's 2013 United Way CN Tower Climb. 

Your hard work and dedication to this worthwhile event was admirable, and we offer you our sincerest THANKS!!! Humber's United Way Team was successful in raising more than $12,500 that support United Way’s citywide network of over 200 agencies, creating opportunities for a better life for many individuals and families.

As Co-chairs, we are very proud of you and enjoyed seeing your smiling faces after you conquered the tower and the 1776 steps it took you to get to the top. Your team spirit and leadership was inspirational. 

Again, congratulations on a job well done. Visit for additional pictures of the climb (under media), information on upcoming events as well as our United Way fundraising thermometer. Since October 11th, we have raised $23,000+ towards our $100,000 goal - just amazing!
We are Humber and we are helping build Healthy Communities. 
Wanda Buote, Paula Gouveia, Chris Whitaker
and the Humber United Way Committee  
October 22, 2013
October 22, 2013

On Monday, a bomb threat was made against Humber College’s North Campus. Toronto Police Services were immediately notified and, as a result of the threat, the North Campus was temporarily evacuated. College search procedures were activated with no threat identified. In consultation with Toronto Police, Humber lifted the evacuation after 25 minutes and all employees and students were able to safely re-enter the campus.

Toronto Police are continuing to investigate the source of the threat.

Humber values the safety and security of its community members above all else. We will review this incident to ensure our emergency response procedures continue to be ready for these kinds of situations.


October 21, 2013
October 21, 2013

Humber College is working with Smart Commute to help improve sustainable transportation options to its North and Lakeshore campuses. The survey is open from October 21 to November 1, 2013. You could win a $50 gift card to Hudson's Bay Company.

Please consider answering the five minute survey about your transportation methods to Humber College by clicking here and filling out the survey.

For more information, please contact:
Lindsay Walker
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext 5829

October 21, 2013
October 21, 2013

Safety is now in your hands!

The Department of Public Safety has released the Humber Guardian app for Apple and Android smartphones. (Blackberry coming soon!)

The Guardian is designed for Humber students, staff and faculty and provides quick access to campus safety and security resources, emergency contact information, safety services and a safety toolbox.

The Guardian primary features include:

  • One touch calling to Humber Security & Emergency Services
  • A personal emergency alarm
  • Quick-access flashlight
  • Ability to email questions, comments & photos to Public Safety
  • Campus maps and searchable navigation
  • Access to Public Transit contact and route information servicing Humber College
  • Overviews and contact information for Humber's student support resources provided by Humber Student Federation, Counselling, and Disability Services
  • Contact information for off-campus support resources including the Toronto Distress Centre, Crime Stoppers, and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
  • Access to and contact information for Humber's safety programs and services
  • Emergency Preparedness guides

Search "Humber Guardian" in your app store and download today!


October 21, 2013
October 21, 2013

Humber College is working with Smart Commute to help improve sustainable transportation options to its campuses.

Please share with students the link to the five minute survey about student transportation methods to Humber College by clicking here.

If you haven't already, be sure to fill out the Staff and Faculty survey!

For more information, please contact:
Lindsay Walker
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 5829


October 21, 2013
October 21, 2013

Flu shots will be offered at the North Campus the week of October 28, 2013, to November 1, 2013. All day flu shots from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  in A107.

Lakeshore we will be having only one clinic day at in front of the Student Success and Engagement Area in the AB building on Wed November 6, 2013, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

For more information, please contact:
Catherine Mckee
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext, 5870

October 21, 2013

Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning is pleased to announce the appointment of Susan Somerville as Dean School of Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism, effective October 21, 2013.

Susan has over 20 years of industry experience in both the public and private sectors in the fields of healthcare and foodservices. Susan first joined Humber in September 2010 as the Program Co-ordinator and Professor for the Food and Nutrition Management program. In her role she taught and developed curriculum, established industry partnerships and has acquired capital donations for the school. The program, still in its infancy has received a three year accreditation from the Canadian Society of Nutrition Management and eighty percent of its graduates have gained employment in their field. Susan has also been instrumental in improving enrolment numbers in the Food and Nutrition program by creating accessibility and pathways for our existing students. The program has increased from 12 to 140 students.

In her new role, Susan will be responsible for leading a team of academic administrators, program coordinators, faculty and staff. She will be responsible for implementing and shaping the vision for the School and creating dynamic and innovative learning environments that build and foster relationships with external partners as well as the Deans from the other Schools at Humber. Susan will also advance and champion the School through relationship development within, across and outside the Humber community. Susan is a Registered Dietitian and completed a Post Graduate Canadian Dietetic Association Program at the Fraser Burrard Hospital Society and she holds an Honours Bachelor of Science from the University of Western Ontario.

Please join me in congratulating Susan on her most recent success!


Chris Whitaker
President & CEO

