
November 25, 2013
November 25, 2013

On Friday, November 22, 2013, we learned the terribly sad news that Dawn Bryan, a long service staff member at Humber, had passed away.

Dawn started working at Humber in 1985, retiring in 2011. During her time at Humber, Dawn worked tirelessy to support students in a variety of areas, including The Business School and Counselling and Disability Services. At the time of retirement, Dawn was working as a Disability Services Officer and helped countless students navigate the college environment. Her commitment to student success was felt daily by her colleagues, and most importantly, by the students themselves.

If you wish to join the Humber community today to honour Dawn, please find the details regarding service arrangements here.

Our thoughts go out to her friends and family during this most difficult time.


Jen McMillen
Dean of Students


November 22, 2013
November 22, 2013

Humber and Guelph-Humber Libraries will take $2 off eligible library fines (to a max of $20) for each non-perishable food item donated at the circulation desk from November 25 – December 6, 2013.

Donations are being collected in support of the HSF Food Bank, which supports students in need.

Don’t have any library fines? All donations will be accepted at the circulation desks at both North and Lakeshore Campuses.

For more information, please contact: 

Amy Weir
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4840

November 22, 2013
November 22, 2013

  The Humber Community Honours

Jane Smith

After 39 years of enthusiastic service, Jane Smith is retiring from Humber. Jane joined Humber in 1974 as a scheduling technician and is currently a member of the Implementation Team of the Enterprise Systems Project at The West Mall as a business analyst. Jane has applied her analytical and training skills serving Humber's schools and departments in support of Humber’s student systems, EIS and LIS.

Jane has had many roles in such areas as the Office of the Registrar, Computing Services, Marketing, Career Services and Information Technology. She has provided friendly advice to both students and clients of Humber’s information systems. She is also a loyal ambassador for Humber!

Jane looks forward to travelling and enjoying more time with friends and family.

Please join us in wishing Jane all the best in her retirement.

A reception will be held on:

Monday, November 25, 2013
3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The Humber Room, 205 Humber College Blvd, Room EX-1

Donations are being accepted towards a special gift.
Contact Judy Mislan ( or Reva Harknett (
(A drop box will also be available at the party.)


November 21, 2013
November 21, 2013

Humber College currently has a contract will Bell Canada. They offer a very competitive cell phone plan for Humber Employees. We have posted the current pricing for the cell phone plan to the Finance website which can be found at:

If you have any questions please contact myself, Jessica Powell 416.675.6622 ext. 5172 or by email at

Or contact Shawn Katzman our Bell contact for the employee cell phone plan directly at 416.606.4625 or by email at

November 21, 2013
November 21, 2013


for the academic year
2014 - 2015
(Deadline for Submission:  January 10, 2014)
Professional Development Leaves (Article 20) permit a limited number of academic employees to pursue College-approved academic, technical, industrial or other pursuits which will enhance the ability of the teacher, counsellor or librarian upon return to the College.
The College will notify Professional Development leave applicants by February 21, 2014 regarding the disposition of their applications. 
In the event that there are not enough approved applications for Professional Development Leave by February 21, 2014, the College will inform employees that additional applications will be considered if submitted by March 7, 2014 for the period from September 2014 to August 2015. 
Application Process
  1. Applications are made in the form of a letter that incorporates the required information (as outlined below) organized by section.  You are advised to consult with your Department/School Head during the development of your proposal.
  2.  Your Professional Development Leave Application must be submitted to your Dean or School Head not later than noon on January 10, 2014.
  3.  The applications will be forwarded to the Office of the Vice-President, Academic.  They are then ranked based on seniority and are reviewed at Dean’s Council.                 
Outline for Proposal
(a) Name, Program, Division/School.
(b) Identify start and end dates for the leave.
(c) Describe the overall objectives of the leave.
(d) Provide a plan of the activities which you will undertake to achieve these objectives and the measurable outcomes to be achieved.
(e) Identify how the objectives will benefit:
  •  You, and how they will enhance your abilities upon return to the College;
  •  Student learning.
Examples of Pro Dev Leaves that have been approved over the past number of years include:
  • a graduate degree in a discipline related to the vocational field that enabled the faculty member to develop and/or teach a new course or courses at an advanced level;
  • a placement in industry, including specific training opportunities, in which the faculty member obtains an industry certification relevant to teaching responsibilities;
  • faculty expertise upgraded in professional software applications to prepare upper-level courses;
  • professional designation which enabled the faculty member to teach specialized subjects, i.e., C.F.P., C.H.R.P, C.M.A.;
  • faculty member completed a resource guide on careers and educational programs in their field including bibliographies and web sites for further reading and research.
(f)  Identify the resources required from the college (if any).
(g) Identify the resources provided by the faculty member (if any).
(h) Identify whether there will be materials developed during the Leave and specify if these will or will not become the property of Humber College.
(i)  List and describe any paid employment (if any) that will be undertaken during the leave period.  Indicate the amount of time and remuneration associated with this employment.
Please Note
Your Professional Development Leave proposal application will be reviewed.  Approved submissions will then be rank-ordered based on seniority, as required by the Collective Agreement.  Should your plan of activities or outcomes change, you must submit a description of the change, in writing, to your Dean. 


November 21, 2013
November 21, 2013

The Purchasing Department is giving away their time stamp clock. The machine is from SimplexGrinnell and is still in good working condition. The clock was replaced because the ribbon does not produce enough ink for stamping important documents (where the information must be clear and concise).

If anyone is interested please email the purchasing team at

Please Note: This offer is for Humber Employees only.


The Purchasing Team


November 21, 2013

I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Corinna Fitzgerald to the position of Director, Student Life Programs within the Department of Student Success and Engagement. Corinna comes to Humber College from St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, where she has served as Director, Student Life since 2010. Before heading to St.FX, she worked at McMaster University as the Judicial Affairs Coordinator (responsible for the adjudication of the Residence, Athletics and Student Codes of Conduct) and played a key role in driving policy and practice that was grounded in student success and student development theory. Her experience also includes working as a Residence Life Manager, supporting a positive living and learning environment for students.

Truly a believer in life-long learning, Corinna (who hails originally from Baie Verte, Newfoundland) completed a Master of Arts degree in Labour Studies while at McMaster. This complements her Master of Education in Post-Secondary Studies from Memorial University and an undergraduate degree in psychology from Grenfell College – Memorial University.

Corinna has held executive positions within a number of provincial, regional and national boards, and was a founding member of the Canadian Association of College and University Student Services (CACUSS) division for student conduct administrators. Currently, she is a Member at Large of the CACUSS board. Corinna has presented on the topic of student conduct systems, student behaviour and mental health at several national conferences.

In her role as Director, Student Life Progams at Humber, Corinna will work with the SLP team to provide leadership and guidance to the areas of Judicial Affairs, Orientation, Transition and Leadership Programs, Residence Life, Town and Gown relations, and Inter-faith Chaplaincy Services. She will also work closely with our colleagues in the Humber Students’ Federation. Please join me in welcoming Corinna to the SSE team, and the Humber community.


Jen McMillen
Dean of Students


November 20, 2013
November 20, 2013

On November 18, 2013, members of the Humber College community gathered to celebrate and honour six Humber alumni with nominations for Premier's Awards. The evening was a great success with a win for Humber!

Lee Renshaw was announced as recipient in the Recent Graduate category.  As president of Round Circle Group Ltd. Lee has taken the luggage industry by storm with his new creation, the Rise and Hang travel bag, the only luggage system of its kind. In 2012, he was offered two deals on CBC’s Dragons’ Den. His product has appeared on the Today show and in US Weekly. The product was selected as “the” gift bag for the 2014 Grammys and Oscars. Lee’s technology has been licensed to a global firm and, by 2014, the bags will be in retail worldwide. Sales are projected at $3 million by the last quarter of 2013.

Along with this recognition, Humber will receive a $5,000 bursary in Lee's name to support Humber students.

For more information about the Premier's Awards please contact Adelia Marchese at 416.675.6622 ext. 5110 or




November 20, 2013
November 20, 2013

As part of the campus development plan, Facilities Management and Public Safety are conducting a parking and traffic study at Lakeshore Campus. We are conducting a short electronic survey that takes only two minutes. This will help us provide better parking, transportation and pedestrian routes within the Lakeshore Campus.

Do you want to have a say in how access and parking at Lakeshore Campus develops long term?

YOU can be a part of our decision making!

We are conducting a short electronic survey that takes only two minutes. This will help us provide better parking, transportation and pedestrian routes within the Lakeshore Campus.

Please complete the survey by clicking on the link below:

The survey closes next Wednesday, November 27, 2013.

For more information, please contact:
Scott Valens
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4272

November 20, 2013
November 20, 2013

The semester has flown by, and before you know it, we will be busy with final exams in the Testing Centre.

Please note, for those students writing in the Test Centre – including those students who require accommodations for their tests – please submit exams two working days prior to the student test.

This gives us sufficient time to review the exam and test it with the adaptive software which the student may be using. Should something not work appropriately, it gives us time to communicate this with you and troubleshoot. The booking screen which will be sent to you for those students registered with Disability Services will mention if an electronic copy is needed. If electronic copy is not noted on the booking, then please drop off a hard copy of the test.

All tests must be accompanied with a completed referral form so we know what the permitted time and authorized of the exam will be. The referral form can be found here:

Submitting tests to the Testing Centre two working days prior to the student booking, is greatly appreciated!

 For more information, please contact:

Leah Barclay
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4696
