
September 19, 2013
September 19, 2013

The Business School was recently featured  in Academica Top Ten, for its interactive marketing in Marketing Magazine. The ad, pictured below, was highlighted because it successfully drives social media engagement. By asking the question, “Where do you fit in business?” it engages viewers to, which is a quiz to determine which college business program would suite them best. “For context, the average for prompting readers to visit websites is 10% [among all ads studied], and this is at 39%,” says Brian Hickey, president of the research company that ran the readership study that determined Humber’s ad was the number one ad, among those studied, to drive traffic to its website.


September 18, 2013
September 18, 2013

Migration is still open for Culture days!b If you haven't yet, drop by an contribute to the lively terrain of the gallery floor!

The Migration project is an invitation to transform the L space Gallery into an active area where anyone can mould their own clay bird and add to the flock. Migration is an act of movement and like the changing ecology along the Lakeshore; participants will occupy the gallery space with their creations becoming part of the instillation and Humber’s continually evolving creative, social, and physical environment. People are invited to post their photos of birds around the gallery.

This audience driven project will transform the gallery into an active space that questions our environment and the way we interact with the people and space around us. Migration asks people to create clay birds and relies on participants to bring the project to life.

Please note, the gallery will be open on September 28 & 29, 2013,  from 10 4 p.m., for Culture Days.

Visit the website for more information.

September 17, 2013
September 17, 2013

After much discussion at the June retreat, members of the former Academic Council voted to change the name of the committee to College Council. This is the first step in the evolution of Council’s role. Under the direction of Humber’s President, Chris Whitaker, College Council will be changing our procedures going forward, and will be playing an instrumental role in supporting Humber’s 2013-2018 Strategic Plan. Please stay tuned for further updates.|

In the interests of keeping the Humber community informed about new initiatives, important issues, and upcoming opportunities, I will be continuing to post monthly updates to the Communiqué. As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please contact me at

If you have items that you would like to bring before Humber College Council, please contact the Chair, Henri Berubé, at

Lisa Salem-Wiseman
Highlights Reporter, Humber College Council


September 17, 2013
September 17, 2013

 New Course Offering
Internationally Inclusive
Educator Certificate Program

International Inclusive Educator program is designed for those interested in the field of teaching or private sector training. The courses within this certificate program provide participants with an opportunity to enhance their intercultural knowledge, communication skills, curriculum development and differentiated teaching skills when teaching and learning with international higher education students.

The certificate is comprised of five individual courses that are designed to develop essential teaching competencies for supporting international higher education students.

Upon successful completion of the five courses, participants receive a Certificate of Completion.

To register:
Call: 416.675.5005
In Person: Visit the Customer Service&Registration Centre at the North or Lakeshore Campus

If you have any questions please contact Denise Gardner at:

Register online at:


September 16, 2013
September 16, 2013


                                                September 16, 2013 – December 7, 2013


September 16, 2013
September 16, 2013

What is HELP?

  • HELP is the Humber Engagement and Learning Profile survey for incoming students.

Who is HELP for?

  • HELP asks incoming first-semester students in certificate, diploma and degree programs to tell us about their preparation for college, their educational and career goals, early opinions about their program and Humber generally, and to identify particular student support services they may use.
  • • Participating students are entered into a draw for more than $5,000 in prizes, including $1,500 towards tuition and a Customized Career Booster valued at $500 sponsored by the Humber Students Federation (HSF).

When does it happen?

  • The HELP survey is open to students this week! (September 16 - 29).
  • The survey is administered online and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Why is HELP important?

  • Students tell us how we can help them be successful at Humber, and receive individualized emails and timely information about Humber’s services based on areas of assistance they identified as beneficial!
  • Humber Institutional Research creates reports based on student responses to key questions and distribute these to student service areas as well as academic faculty/staff; identifies those who are struggling or at-risk of leaving early.
  • Aggregate data at the program, school and college levels will help us to develop institutional retention strategies that will help more students be successful in their program.

Where can you get HELP info?

  • For more information about the survey or reports please contact Humber Institutional Research.

Ruth MacKay, Director at or x4630
Pat VanHorne, Manager at or x4943

Improving student success is an institutional priority, and benefits all of us!


September 16, 2013
September 16, 2013

Moving from Blackboard CE8 to Blackboard Learn 9.1

Humber College has now officially, and successfully, moved their LMS platform from Blackboard CE8 to Blackboard Learn 9.1. But what does that mean? What have faculty and students gained when it comes to the new software? What has changed? Please refer to accompanying document comparing the major changes between the old and the new LMS platform.

Click here for a printable version of this annoucement.

For more help documentation on Blackboard Learn 9.1 or other e-learning pieces of software, please select the Technology Strategies tab on the Centre for Teaching and Learning website at:

September 13, 2013
September 13, 2013

The Test Centres now accepts Blackboard based exams via email.

It's fast, convenient, secure and easy!

No more paper copies or need to drop off/pick up exams from the Testing Centre. Please click here for more information on this service.

If you have further questions, please contact Leah Barclay.

Leah Barclay
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 4696


September 13, 2013
September 13, 2013

The Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR) application form has recently been revised. The new form can be viewed on the Humber Transfer site.

The direct link for the PLAR application form is here. Please ensure that you use this link if you are sending the form to students.

The main revision on the form is that effective immediately, the application fee has increased to $90.64 per course.

If your department has any of the old PLAR application forms, please recycle them and print out the new application form.

For any questions regarding the PLAR application process, please contact Tanya Reda 416.75.6622 ext. 4332 or Jennifer Smith 416.675.6622 ext. 4819.


September 13, 2013
September 13, 2013

The fall 2013 Learning & Organization Development Calendar is now available at


For more information, please contact:
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext 4509
