
October 11, 2013
October 11, 2013
Tonight Newspaper – August 6, 2013 – The Importance of Continuing Education
Article mentions Humber’s programs that help upgrade skills through certificates, diplomas, degrees and postgraduate certificates.

The Toronto Sun – August 11, 2013 – Serving up restaurant careers
Feature mentions Humber’s hospitality courses and includes an interview with Paul McCabe, program coordinator.
Also published on Toronto 24 Hours
Toronto 24 Hours – August 12, 2013 – Never too late to upgrade skills
Article mentions Humber’s immigration services certificate and features an interview with Kim Pavan, director of professional and continuing education in the School of Community and Social Services.
The Toronto Star – August 15, 2013 – Continuing Education: Learning the law to get ahead
Article features Humber alumni, Raj Vemulapalli who is now a parking officer after upgrading his skills with a continuing education course.

Tonight Newspaper – August 20, 2013 – Humber is ready when you are
Article mentions Humber’s Business School continuing education courses being flexible with options such as evening, weekend and online classes being available.

Tonight Newspaper – August 20, 2013 – Back to School with Continuing Education
Article mentions the importance of a continuing education course and features Humber’s various programs. The article also features an interview with Tara Kuipery, Continuing Education student services advisor.

CTV News - August 25, 2013 – College dorms throw open their doors to anxious students
Segment follows two Humber first year students while they move in to their dorms.

Toronto Metro Newspaper – August 27, 2013 – Gain Knowledge and Confidence
Article mentions Humber’s OSLT program and features alumni, Lorena Rodriguez’s account of how the program was important for her when arriving in Canada.

Toronto Metro Newspaper – August 27, 2013 – Career Dreams do come true
Article mentions Humber graduate Aaron Crawford who fulfilled his dream of becoming a police officer with Humber’s Police Foundations program.
The Toronto Star – August 30, 2013 - Scholarships started with a dream
Article features Humber graduate, Maryan Hilowie an immigrant from Somalia who completed Business Management certificate at the college.

The Globe and Mail – August 30, 2013 - Professor Oprah’s lessons on life teaching and value
Article mentions Humber’s instructors using one of his own TV productions, He Said She Said to teach students about all the behind the scenes tricks of putting on that type of show from food styling to the best way to capture two-way banter.
CP24 Breakfast Show – August 30, 2013 – Residence move-in day and Orientation Week
The Breakfast show was live at Humber for a first-year student’s move in and to show Humber’s orientation week
CP24 Breakfast Show – August 31, 2013 – College & University mascot challenge
Humber’s Hawk participated and won CP24’s College and University mascot challenge.
The Toronto Sun – September 4, 2013 – Grants that give foster kids hope
Article features Rosanne Howell, Humber jazz graduate, who says she doesn’t know where she would be without the program.
Now Magazine – August 15, 2013 – Class Action
Article is about taking continuing education courses and mentions Humber’s more than 400 courses in areas such as emergency management, human resources management, front desk and housekeeping operations and environmental ethics.
Maclean’s – September 19, 2013 – Trades: It’s not such a dirty job…
Article feature an interview with David Da Costa, student in Humber’s Electromechanical Engineering Technology program.
Toronto Metro – September 19, 2013 – Battery Drained? Use elbow grease
Article features Humber student Joe Kiez who designed a device that could harvest kinetic energy from human motion to generate energy to charge a wide variety of gadgets such as cell phones, MP3 players, smart phones and tablets.
Article also published on; Metro Ottawa, Metro Halifax, Metro Calgary, Metro Winnipeg, Metro London, Metro Regina, Metro Vancouver, Metro Saskatoon, Metro Edmonton
Marketing Magazine – September 19, 2013 – AD School Scoreboard
Article mentions Humber’s new two-year Advertising and Marketing Communications program. – September 20, 2013 – Culture Days Etobicoke Lakeshore
Article mentions Humber’s and Lakeshore Arts 30 free and interactive activities throughout the Culture Day weekend festivities.
The Toronto Sun – September 22, 2013 – College Degrees on the RISE
Article mentions the popularity of college degrees and mentions Humber as one of the postsecondary school institutes that offers a variety of degree programs.
Also published in Toronto 24 Hours
The Toronto Sun – September 22, 2013 - Business Programs Develop Soft Skills
Article mentions Humber’s four-year Bachelor of Commerce programs built on a common two-year platform of business studies. Article also features interview with associate dean, Paul Griffin.
Also published in Toronto 24 Hours
The Toronto Sun – September 22, 2013 – Students make that a double
Article mentions Humber’s variety of dual credit courses and features an interview with Carol Ray, Coordinator, Dual Credit Program, Planning and Development.
Also published in Toronto 24 Hours
The Toronto Sun – September 22, 2013 – The Picture of Health
Article mentions Humber’s Clinical Research as a leading-edge and in demand health-care program designed to meet the evolving needs of the industry.
Also published in Toronto 24 Hours
The Globe and Mail – September 23, 2013 - How the sound of music led to a job she loves
Article is a feature on Jaclyn Tam, Humber postgraduate certificate alumni in the Broadcasting program. Jaclyn is currently the event coordinator of performance for The Royal Conservatory of Music.
The Toronto Star – September 24, 2013 – Business Culture
Article mentions the various events taking place at Humber during Culture Days and features and interview with Wanda Buote, principal at Lakeshore Campus.
Now Magazine – September 26, 2013 – Class Action
Article features Humber theatre production graduate Alexander Wauch who is currently touring with Cirque du Soleil’s show Dralion. Alexander is responsible for the set-up and teardown of all the electrical and lighting aspects as well as operating spots and lighting equipment during performances.
Now Magazine – September 26, 2013 – Class Action
Article mentions various places to study as a stage artist and features Humber’s Theatre Performance and Theatre Production courses.
Wired – September 30, 2013 – AppSeed Transforms Your Sketches into App Prototypes
Article is about Greg Goralski, Humber’s Interactive Media professor who designed an app that transforms sketches into app prototypes. The article also features an interview with Greg.
Also published in


October 11, 2013
October 11, 2013

Bulk shredding inquiries can be directed to Purchasing Services. Currently we have a contract with Iron Mountain. If you are looking to switch over to Iron Mountain or set up a new account, you can contact Iron Mountain at 1-877-459-8326 x 2604, our customer id is OSSSA. When you set up a new account, you will need to set up a PO which Iron Mountain will be able to indicate on their invoices for payment.

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Powell at 416.675.6622 ext. 5172 or


October 11, 2013
October 11, 2013

Going forward, name plates are to be ordered through Purchasing Services. A new order form is available online and can be found at under Purchasing/Procurement.

Please fill out the form and email it to or send it to Purchasing Services & Sustainability B314, North Campus.

If you have any questions,  please contact Jessica Powell at 416.675.6622 ext. 5172 or


October 11, 2013
October 11, 2013

Humber Community Employment Services Launches the Youth Employment Fund Aimed at Tackling the 17 per cent Youth Unemployment Rate

In its 2013 budget, the Ontario government announced a two-year, $295 million Youth Job Strategy in order to create 30,000 new jobs for youth and alleviate the current youth unemployment rate of 17 per cent. Two provincial Ministries are engaged in the strategy: Economic Development, Trade and Employment (MEDTE) and Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU).

Humber Community Employment Services is delivering the MTCU Youth Employment Fund (YEF) initiative, which is designed to create partnerships among business, labour, educators and youth to identify and solve skills-development issues. Our staff does this by reaching out to unemployed youth in the community and supporting them in their employment pathway through career planning, job search and resume support and four to six month paid placements with employers.
The YEF aims to provide young people with an entry point to long term employment through job placements that offer the chance to learn work skills while earning an income.

If you know of any graduates from your academic program that are currently seeking employment, could benefit from additional one-on-one coaching and support, and meet the following criteria you can direct them to one of Humber’s five Community Employment Centres:

  • Between the ages of 15-29
  • Not currently participating in full time education or training
  • Unemployed or working 20 hours or less
  • A resident of Ontario

In addition to reaching out to youth who can benefit from the YEF initiative, Humber Community Employment Services staff are looking to partner with interested employers to assist them in meeting their hiring needs. This fund is an excellent support to employers and allows them to open up entry level jobs for young people with added resources to offset the upfront training costs associated with hiring a new young employee that is eager to start on their chosen career path.

If you have any employers connected to your academic programs that would be interested in participating in this initiative they will receive the following resources:

  • Up to $7,020 in hiring incentives
  • Training funds that can be utilized to address skill gaps in the workplace
  • Pre-screening of candidates between the aged of 15-29
  • Coaching and support with onboarding new hires

The five Humber Community Employment Centres are listed on the following Humber website link:

For more information please contact Elana Lewis at 416.675.6622 ext. 4777 or email at:


October 11, 2013
October 11, 2013

Over 140 students, faculty and staff of the Humber- Ningbo and Humber-Jimei programs gathered together to celebrate the Moon Festival and Thanksgiving with dinner and dancing. It was an evening full of fun, with friendly competitions, great raffle prizes, a silent auction and a traditional lion dance.

The event was an opportunity for everyone to give thanks and give back. All proceeds from the evening will go to the Daily Bread Food Bank. The group raised over $1,600 in just two hours. 

October 10, 2013
October 10, 2013

Take two minutes to watch the YouTube and Copyright tutorial. Learn how to tell which YouTube videos are suitable to share with your students.

October 10, 2013
October 10, 2013


Dear colleagues,

Thank you to those of you who have already made a gift towards this year’s Humber Gives campaign, the annual initiative to raise much needed funds for student support. A special thanks to everyone who has made a gift for the first time.

Watch this new video to hear from some of your colleagues, proud supporters of the Humber Gives campaign.  Consider joining the Humber family of donors or renewing your support by making a gift today. Together, we can reach this year’s campaign goal. Click here to make a gift today.

Our students are lucky to have you working here. You are making a difference!

With sincerest thanks,

Eileen De Courcy
Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning
Chair, Humber Gives campaign

P.S. If you want to know the status of your current pledge payments or wish to make any changes, please contact Jane Leaver, Annual Giving Officer at ext. 5950




October 10, 2013
October 10, 2013

 The Division of Student and Community Engagement is pleased to announce a reorganization of services, to reflect the emphasis on advising and retention initiatives in support of student success in the 2013-18 Strategic Plan, and to begin to integrate services in preparation for the opening of the new Learning Resource Commons in Fall, 2015. The reorganization will include aligning the Career Centre and the Office of Peer Programs with advising functions conducted by the Recruitment Office, under the leadership of a new Director of Advising and Student Academic Support. This new position will have overall responsibility for the facilitation of an integrated advising model, linking in-school advising with advising in other administrative areas, leading collaborative, institution-wide retention/persistence initiatives to support retention/persistence, and the inclusion of peer-based learning strategies into the pursuit of Humber’s student success goals. The Director of Advising and Student Academic Support will report to the Vice President, Student and Community Engagement.

In this context, I am pleased to announce that Chantal Joy will assume the role of Director, Advising and Student Academic Support beginning on November 4th, 2013. Chantal is currently in the role of Director of Student Life Programs, with responsibility for a broad range of student services and activities that include Peer Programs and the Career Centre. Chantal brings to the role over 15 years of experience leading the development and delivery of quality programs and services designed to engage students and support their learning, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Chantal has valuable experience at multiple high quality institutions. She obtained a Master’s degree in College Student Personnel from Bowling Green State University, a nationally recognized preparation program for higher education administrators, with a strong focus and theoretical foundation in student development, engagement and learning. While employed at the University of Guelph, Chantal was responsible for advancing key initiatives designed to support students at critical transition points on their academic pathways, from entry through to graduation. This included programs to meet the specific learning needs of mature students as well as tools for students struggling with program and career fit.

In her role at York University, Chantal was active on the Retention Council. In that capacity, Chantal contributed to key collaborative ventures designed to enhance student success and retention, including the development and delivery of critical training for Academic Advisors and peer academic mentors, and to programs such as the Faculty of Fine Arts catch-up semester for students in academic jeopardy. Since arriving at Humber, Chantal has led her team to develop and enhance partnerships with academic schools to deliver tailored initiatives designed to facilitate success and persistence among an increasingly diverse student body through the enhancement of learning support strategies, advancing the acquisition of employability skills, and engaging students in peer-to-peer mentoring programs with proven track records of supporting personal and academic success.

A search for her replacement will begin shortly.

Please join me in congratulating Chantal as she transitions into this important strategic role.


Jason Hunter
Vice President, Student and Community Engagement


For a recent version of the Student & Community Engagement organizational chart, please click here

October 9, 2013
October 9, 2013

On Tuesday, October 8, 2013,  under clear skies and with warm weather the students in the Business Administration – Professional Golf Management program participated in their annual orientation golf tournament.  This year the students played at the par 72 Copper Creek Golf Club in Kleinberg.

The team who won the tournament consisted of students Patrick Alves, Carl Finnigan, Conor Hache, and Barrett McCarthy. All participants had the option to play in the skins game, giving them the opportunity to win a cash prize if they have the best score of all players on a particular hole. This year we only had one winner - Javier Diaz - who scored an eagle on the 18th hole!  We raised $300 which was donated to the Humber United Way Campaign!

Special thanks to all faculty who made this event such a success!


October 9, 2013
October 9, 2013

