
September 12, 2013
September 12, 2013

             Are you a Humber employee who is involved with the instruction, design and/or delivery of courses?

All full-time, part-time, sessional and contract employees who are responsible for the design, delivery and/or instruction of courses at Humber are required to complete the online Accessibility Awareness Training for Educators, as legislated by the AODA (2005).

To access the online Accessibility Awareness Training for Educators module:

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Scroll down to “Training Programs” and click on the tab: “AODA Training for Educators”

Step 3: On completion of training:
I. Fill in your name on the certificate;
II. Fill in the date of completion on the certificate; and
III. Email the certificate to


Thank you for ensuring Humber’s compliance with the AODA (2005).

For assistance, please contact Stephanie Latty, AODA Coordinator at or at 416.675.6622 ext. 5647.


September 12, 2013

Jen McMillen
Dean of Students

Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning is pleased to announce the appointment of Jen McMillen as Dean of Students, effective September 16, 2013.

Jen joined Humber in April 2010 as the Director of Student Access, Wellness & Development. In this role she has provided guidance and leadership to staff in Counselling Services, Disability Services, Health Services and Testing Services, working with her team to implement many changes that have had a positive impact on our students.

Jen has been a champion for students, ensuring that they have access to first class support. She has also shown leadership at the provincial level, securing funding for and implementing Mental Health Fist Aid Training not only for the Humber community but to college campuses across the province. In addition, her work in collaborative policy development, including the Student Support and Intervention Policy, has made a substantial difference in the lives of our students.

Prior to joining Humber, Jen worked at several Ontario universities in a variety of capacities and was responsible for areas including student services, student engagement, human rights policy development, and initiatives designed to educate campus communities on diversity issues.

In her new role, Jen will lead the Department of Student Success and Engagement, joining the Student & Community Engagement team that also includes the Registrar’s Office, Community Outreach and Workforce Development, and Library Services. Jen will be responsible for the vision, planning and implementation of programs and services to help shape and broaden the student learning environment and our students’ total educational experience. Jen holds a MEd in Higher Education (Emphasis in Leadership) from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/ University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Kinesiology (Minor in Sociology) from McMaster University.

Please join me in congratulating Jen on her most recent success!

Jason Hunter
Vice-President, Student & Community Engagement

September 11, 2013
September 11, 2013

It's not too late to make a donation in honour of John Mason's retirement from Humber.

Call the Office of Advancement & Alumni Relations or click here to fill out form.  There is space for you to include a personal message.

Donations can be made until September 30, 2013.

Office of Advancement & Alumni Relations
Room LX101


September 11, 2013
September 11, 2013

Click here to learn what a short excerpt is and how fair dealing lets you distribute this content so that students save money.

The Library’s Copyright Fair Dealing page includes both written and audio explanations as well as a quiz to test your understanding.

September 11, 2013
September 11, 2013

Humber has achieved a Silver rating in STARS from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education’s (AASHE) STARS program (Sustainability, Tracking and Assessment Rating System).

This is a great accomplishment; please take a moment to read more about our accomplishment in this Humber news article.  The full assessment is public, and can be found here.

There is a long list of people at Humber that helped us gather a significant amount of information required for the program, virtually every department was involved! We are incredibly grateful, and couldn’t have done it without each and every one’s assistance.

A special Thank you for the support and assistance of Rani Dhaliwal, Chris Whitaker, Spencer Wood, Amelia Velasco (sustainability workstudy student – SEBT program), and a group of SEBT student volunteers.

With this as a baseline, over the next six months we will engage the Humber community for feedback about where we should go in the future in terms of Humber’s sustainability. There will be a survey this fall, and some engagement events that we hope everyone will participate in! Together as a college we will decide where we want to go in sustainability, while aligning with the college’s overall strategy. It is an exciting time!!

Save the date! On November 5, 2013 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. there will be a (free) lunch and speaker to celebrate this accomplishment, we hope you will join us.

Once again, Thank you to everyone that helped with STARS, CONGRATULATIONS!

Lindsay Walker, Sustainability Manager and the Humber Sustainability Coordinating Committee



September 9, 2013
September 9, 2013

Fall is coming and Staff Hockey Night at Humber is about to begin its 35 season. Games are played on Wednesday nights, 5 p.m. - 6 p.m., from Wednesday, September 18 until Wednesday, April 23 at Etobicoke’s Centennial Arena (Rathburn and Highway 427).

Players are from all areas of the college community: support staff, faculty and administration. Anyone who can skate and enjoys a game of hockey is welcome. Rookies from the Humber Community are welcome as well as returning veterans. Previous experience in organized hockey is not a prerequisite. President Whitaker has brought his equipment from Kingston and has stated that he intends to make hockey a pro dev activity for a couple of Wednesdays this fall. Scouts, from the Maple Leafs, have often been seen taking notes in the stands.

Interested players please show up at Centennial Arena on the Wednesday, September 18, 2013, or any subsequent Wednesday. Per night cost is $20 or a season flat rate for 30 weeks of about $450 paid in two installments. Please contact Jim Watson at 416.675.6622 ext. 3278 for more information.


September 9, 2013
September 9, 2013

The sale and service of any alcoholic beverages in any campus facility is subject to the regulations of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) and the Liquor License Act of Ontario.

Humber is licensed to serve alcoholic beverages only in the designated areas listed below and only under the supervision of Food Services, HRT or LinX Pub.

As Humber is under one license for each campus, a single violation will result in the loss of the Humber license for all designated locations within the respective campus severely impacting on the delivery of academic programs and other non-academic events.

Licensed Locations:

North Campus 

Licensed Capacity
Main   Floor   –   NE   section,
Adjoining D&E
The Humber Room
Humber Room Kitchen
Food Emporium
Food Emporium
Doris Talon Room
Staff Lounge
T-Dining Hall
T-132 Conference Room
B101 Boardroom
LinX Pub

Lakeshore Campus

Licensed Capacity
Room B102 & B102C
Small Cafeteria Room A170
Room B101
Cafeteria/Staff Lounge
Building L Second Floor
Cafeteria Seating
Building L Main Floor
Conference Room - Gallery
Building L Main Floor
Conference Room
Building L Second Floor
Outdoor Patio

Anyone planning an event which includes the sale/serving of alcoholic beverages must ensure that the desired location is on the designated list. If unsure, please contact the Campus Services department, Don Henriques or Paul Iskander

In the event the desired location is not licensed, a special occasion permit (SOP) can be obtained for a fee based on L. C. B. O. requirements. Applications for special occasion permits must be received by the Campus Services department at a minimum of 14 days prior to the event.

September 9, 2013
September 9, 2013

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005)

In compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005), Humber College continues to promote a barrier-free learning, living and working environment. Under the AODA (2005), Humber College is required to provide information in alternate formats, upon request, and to notify the public about the availability of alternate formats.

How can your school or department inform the public that the information you distribute can be provided in an alternate format upon request?

You can do the following:

  1. Include an accessibility footer on all information that your school or department creates and distributes. For example, the footer can state the following: This document is available in an alternate format upon request.
  2. A message can be posted on your school or department’s website. Please see below for an example of a website message:

If you require any information on our website or any of the information that our school/department distributes in an alternate format, please contact:  (include the name and contact information of a designated contact person)

What types of alternate formats might be requested?

Common alternate formats include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Electronic text, such as Word documents or PDFs;
  • Large print in 16-20 point font or larger;
  • Verbal or written explanation of a document;
  • Video captioning, transcripts; and
  • Sign language interpretation.

Thank you for ensuring Humber’s compliance with the AODA.

For more information about the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005), contact Stephanie Latty, AODA Coordinator at or 416.675.6622 ext. 5647.


This document is available in an alternate format upon request

September 6, 2013
September 6, 2013


Here are three things you need to know about the Accessible Customer Service Policy:

  1. All Humber employees must complete Humber’s Accessible Customer Service Training. If you haven’t already completed the 30-minute online module, it can found on the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity website:
  2. Service Animals are permitted entry to all Humber’s facilities and meeting rooms unless otherwise prohibited by law. Forexample, Service Animals may be restricted from areas where food preparation is occurring. In the rare event that a Service Animal is denied access to a facility, other accommodations may be afforded such as an alternate meeting format, time or location.
  3. Humber has a responsibility to notify the public when a service disruption occurs. For example, if you notice that an elevator is out of service or the push button on an accessible door is not working properly, please inform Facilities Management or the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity.

Thank you for ensuring Humber’s compliance with the AODA.

For more information, contact Stephanie Latty, AODA Coordinator at or by phone at 416.675.6622 ext. 5647


September 5, 2013
September 5, 2013

The third year massage therapy students are looking for participants for their final year research projects. If you would like to help these students learn what it is like to conduct research, and receive free massage therapy in the process, contact Amanda Baskwill, Program Coordinator (; 416.675.6622 x.5173) or Felicia Bremner, Clinic Manager (; 416.675.6622 x.5055).  

Individuals who complete the study process will receive a gift certificate to the Massage Therapy Clinic at Humber College to use following the study. If you are not sure if you are eligible or need more information before you commit, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Here are some ofthe people we are looking for. When you call or email, please reference the study number.

Effects of Massage Therapy in patientssuffering from IT Band Friction Syndrome
Study #: 13MT001

We are looking for an individual who has been diagnosed with Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome and must belong to a varsity athletic team, or similar. The participant must not have any previouslateral knee injury nor any major musculoskeletal injuries orsurgeriesin the lowerlimb within the fourmonths preceding the study.

The treatments would take place on Mondays AND Wednesdays.

Massage Therapy for an Individual Following Mastectomy
Study #: 13MT002

We are looking for an individual how has had a diagnosis of breast cancer, has completed a partial or radical lumpectomy or mastectomy treatment, and is experiencing moderate to high pain and scarring due to the surgery. Individuals who have a current diagnosis of breast cancer, who are currently receiving chemotherapy orradiation, or who have a build‐up of lymphatic fluid may not be eligible for the study.

The exercise and treatments would take place on Wednesdays.

Massage Therapy and Fibromyalgia
Study #: 12MT003

We are looking for someone who has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (FM). To participate, your diagnosismust have been at least five years ago. Participants who experience conditions that make massage therapy contraindicated will be excluded.

The appointments for this study would take place on Tuesdays.

The Effects of Massage Therapy on a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Study #: 13MT004

We are looking for an individual who had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis by a health professional(documentation must be provided) who experiences pain or discomfortin the affected joints and surrounding areas. In addition, we are looking for someone who has limitations in their common daily activities.

If you have excessive or unstable joint movement, or other conditions that create joint pain (such as fibromyalgia), you might not be eligible for this study.

You will need to be able to attend public clinic on Thursdays.

The Effects of Massage Therapy on Sleep in a Patientin a Withdrawal Program
Study #: 13MT005

We are looking for an individual who is current enrolled in a withdrawal program for substance abuse and reports difficulty sleeping. Individuals who require continuous professional health care assistance, treatment orspecial care for severe mental illness, or those who have relapsed are not eligible for this study.

We would need you to be available for treatment on Thursday evenings.

Effects of Massage Therapy on a Breast Cancer Patient with Limited ROM
Study #: 13MT006

We are looking for an individual who has been previously diagnosed with breast cancer and who had an axillary lymph node dissection, or partial or full mastectomy, and who is experiencing arm or shoulder pain or limited range of motion due to the surgery. If you have a current diagnosis of breast cancer, have not yet received surgery, or if you are experiencing extreme inflammation/lymphedema, and patients undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation, you may not be eligible for this study.

We would need you to be available on Mondays.

Effects of Massage Therapy on Self Efficacy andQuality of Life in MS Patient
Study #: 13MT007

We are looking for an individual who has been diagnosed with relapse remitting multiple sclerosis. You must have received this diagnosis at least six months prior to enrolling in this study. We are looking for someone who is experiencing difficulties or dissatisfaction with quality of life resulting from your experience of your MS symptoms. If you have any other chronic illness that may be contraindicated for massage therapy, you may not be eligible for this study.

Treatment would take place on Wednesdays or Thursdays.

Massage Therapy and Post‐operative ACL Reconstruction
Study #: 13MT008

We are looking for an individual who has had an ACL reconstruction surgery and is currently receiving treatment from another practitioner. If your physician or other attending health care practitioner does not approve of you participating in this study or if you are still in the acute stage of recovery, you may not be eligible to participate in this study.

Treatments for this study would occur on Mondays.

Effects of Massage Therapy on Chronic Goutin Firstt Metatarsal
Study #: 13MT009

We are looking for an individual who has been diagnosed with gout in at least one metatarsal (documentation of diagnos is required). Unfortunately, if you are not experiencing symptoms of gout at the onset of the study, or if you are using corticosteroid treatment, you would not be eligible for this study.

We would need you to be available fortreatment on Wednesday evenings.

The Effects of Massage Therapy on Tendonitisin Athletes
Study #: 13MT010

We are looking for an individual who is an athlete, currently on an athletic team at least twice a week who is experiencing chronic tendonitis. The tendonitis should be diagnosed by a health care professional (documentation required). If you are involved in another form of treatment, or experience complications with the joint associated with the tendonitis, you may not be eligible to participate in the study.

You would need to be able to attend public clinic on Mondays.

Massage Therapy and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Study #: 13MT011; 13MT014

We are looking for two (2) people who have been diagnosed by a health care professional with carpal tunnel syndrome. You may not be eligible to attend if you have a complex medication regimen, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, or osteoarthritis. In addition, patients who are pregnant, have had surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome, or have carpal tunnel syndrome secondary to diabetes will not be eligible to participate.

You will need to be able to attend public clinic on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays.

Massage Therapy Effects on Blood Glucose
Study #:13MT012; 13MT013; 13MT019

We are looking for three (3) people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes at least three years ago. You must have access to your own self‐monitoring blood glucose system and be comfortable using it and reading the results. You are not eligible for this study if you are solely controlling your diabetes through exercise and diet or if you have uncontrolled diabetes. If you have certain conditions secondary
to diabetes, such as kidney disease, you may not be able to participate.

You will need to be available to attend public clinic on Tuesdays (2) or Wednesdays.

Massage Therapy and TMJ Dysfunction
Study #: 13MT015

We are looking for someone who has been diagnosed by a health care professional as having Temporomandibular Dysfunction. If you are receiving physical therapy for this condition, you may not be eligible to participate.

You will need to be able to attend public clinic on Tuesday afternoons.

Massage Therapy and Asthma
Study #: 13MT016

We are looking forsomeone who has been diagnosed with asthma by a health care professional (documentation must be provided). In addition, you should experience back and neck pain associated with your asthma. If you have received physical therapy or have a complex medication regimen, you may not be eligible to participate.

You will need to be able to attend public clinic on Thursday evenings.

Massage Therapy Effects on Pain and ROM in a person with Osteoarthritis
Study #: 13MT017

We are looking for an individual who had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis by a health professional (documentation must be provided).  If you have advanced osteoarthritis with excessive or unstable joint movement, you might not be eligible for this study. Similarly, you may not have a joint replacement, post‐surgical pain, degenerative disc disease (when relevant to the osteoarthritis), or osteoporosis to participate.

You will need to be able to attend public clinic on Mondays or Thursdays.

Massage Therapy Effects on Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
Study #: 13MT018

We are looking for a patient who is an athlete, preferably one involved in basketball, baseball, golf or volleyball. The patient for this study will be experiencing repetitive strain injury resulting in tendonitis of the rotator cuff within one month of beginning the study. They must be diagnosed by a health care professional. If you have previous injuries to your shoulder, are receiving physicaltherapy, experienced trauma (for example, a car accident) within the previous four months, or are on a complex pain medication regimen, you may not be eligible to participate.

You will need to be available to attend public clinic on Monday afternoons.

If you would likemore information about any ofthe studies above or would like to volunteer to participate, please contact Felicia Bremner ( ; 416.675.6622 x.5055). If you would not like to be part ofthe study but would like to  make an appointment at Humber’s Massage Therapy Clinic, please contact us or 416.675.6622 ext.5055.
