
October 1, 2013
October 1, 2013

Pies are baked by volunteers from the Humber College United Way Committee, guided by chefs from the School of Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism culinary programs.

 Pick‐up your pies on Friday,October 11, 2013
Time: 11a.m. until 2 p.m.
North Campus: Outside Gourmet Express
Lakeshore Campus: Blue Room A170

Note: Pies not picked up by 2 p.m. will be re‐sold.

 Click here to download the order form. 

September 30, 2013
September 30, 2013

College Council met for the first time this semester on Thursday, September 19, 2013, at the North Campus. In the interest of keeping the Humber community informed about upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, I’ll be reporting on the highlights of the monthly meetings. For more information on any topic, or to give me feedback on the reports, please feel free to contact me directly, at

New and Revised Programs

Members of Council learned about three new programs and one program revision. It was noted that the programs presented today are consistent with the priorities listed in Humber’s 2013-2018 Strategic Plan, representing a wide range of credentials and contributing to Humber’s polytechnic identity by providing an increase in pathways for students at Humber.

Mental health issues greatly affect the general population, and there is a strong link between mental health and addiction disorders. The School of Social and Community Services will be launching an Addictions and Mental Health Graduate Certificate. This program, which will consist of two academic semesters and a third semester practicum, will complement existing programs in the School, and will offer an important specialization in the Addictions and Mental Health fields for students who have completed degrees. Areas of study will include chemical dependency and substance use and abuse, community services and supports, holistic assessment and interventions, counseling, ethics, and working with youth and families. Courses will be offered in the late afternoon and early evening, so the program is accessible to people working full-time.

In recent years, the need for professionals in the field of food and nutrition has increased dramatically. To meet this need, the School of Hospitality, Recreation, and Tourism is offering a Nutrition and Wellness Management Diploma, which will provide specialized skills for students interested in nutrition and health and wellness promotion. The program is a two-year diploma consisting of four academic semesters and a fifteen-week on-campus internship. The program shares a common first year with the existing Food and Nutrition Management Diploma, and serves to reinforce the school’s commitment to nutrition, wellness, and health. Students will have the opportunity to gain practical experience as nutrition consultants through internships in Humber’s recently established Centre for Healthy Living. At present, this program is unique within the Ontario college system.

Skilled trades play an important role in our economy, and Canada currently faces a critical shortage of skilled workers. The School of Applied Technology has developed its new Millwright Techniques Certificate as a complement to its existing Electrical Techniques and Plumbing Techniques programs, allowing for important opportunities for networking among the different trades. The one-year certificate, designed to introduce prospective millwrights to the trade, will meet a labour market shortage and existing demands.

Changes to the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 have resulted in the division of the Funeral Director certification into two separate certifications: Funeral Director Class 1 (Embalming) and Funeral Director Class 2 (Non-embalming). Humber’s School of Health Sciences delivers the only English-speaking funeral service education program in Ontario. The curriculum is the same for both diploma programs, with the addition of embalming courses and an extra six months of internship for the Class 1 diploma. There is flexibility built in, as students are able to transfer between the two programs.

IT Services Update

Information Technology Services provides technology to support the college across all three of Humber’s Strategic Priorities. Scott Briggs, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services, provided an overview of recent and current activities.

The new Open Access Computer Lab for students at the Lakeshore campus (FB 102-3) was developed in partnership with HSF. The new lab supports student learning by providing collaborative space for students and innovative equipment, including a treadmill desk.

The first part of Humber’s unified communications and telephony contract was awarded to Cisco systems. Implementation will start at the beginning of the next calendar year, and it is expected to take 12 – 18 months to fully implement the new technology across Humber. It will offer services such as WebEx conferencing, as well as an enhanced 911 feature to improve campus safety.

The data network at the north campus was completely replaced over the summer. By the end of March, the data networks at all campuses will be replaced. The new network is more resilient to failure and is able to grow with the college.

Enrollment Update

Barb Riach, Acting Registrar, gave us an update on enrollment. This fall has seen an enrolment increase of 4.5 per cent, which is in line with the Business Plan. There are approximately 24,000 students enrolled at Humber, including approximately 3,000 international students from 106 different countries. In keeping with the goal of increasing pathways for students, Humber now has approximately 100 students who have moved from diploma to degree studies, and 450 of our degree students had previously studied at a postsecondary institution. The Lakeshore Campus has seen a 7 per cent increase in student population, due to the flow-through of degree programs.





September 30, 2013
September 30, 2013

Humber Libraries now subscribes to the National Film Board's (NFB) Campus service.

Faculty can create an account to access exclusive content.

Find the details on the Library's videos page here.


September 30, 2013
September 30, 2013

Many newspapers in Canada including The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, and The National Post have migrated to a paywall model which limits online access for users who do not have a subscription. Therefore, if you link to news articles on these websites, students may be prevented from getting the content.

Please note that if you have your own digital subscription, your contract prevents you from sharing newspaper articles without permission.

Did you know that Canadian newspapers are available through Humber Libraries’ databases? Use the library article links to ensure that students can always access the readings.

Find our newspaper databases at:

Copyright staff can help you add the article links to your Blackboard courses.

If you have any questions please contact

September 27, 2013
September 27, 2013

WE ARE HUMBER is our energetic, new brand which reinforces and supports our polytechnic identity.

The following are a few tips on how you can support the brand.

Tip #1 - Add the WE ARE HUMBER icon to your email signature in Outlook.

Choose your favourite from our vibrant colour palette. Please see instructions to implement this at the following link:

Tip #2 - Plan to update any new promotional materials with WE ARE HUMBER.

The success of any brand is having the entire organization embrace and live it. Having consistency in our look and messaging, both internally and externally, will lead to a high recognition factor and an enhanced interest in the college and will contribute to the brand’s strength.

Tip #3 – Visit

Visit often for brand updates and examples. The following are links to some recent WE ARE HUMBER marketing initiatives:

Tip #4 – Marketing & Communications is available to help you.

The Marketing & Communications team is here to address any of your questions regarding application of WE ARE HUMBER. Please feel free to contact Marie Kyrinis, Marketing Co-ordinator, at ext. 4675 or for any clarificaton on development of creative and marketing materials.

Tip #5 – Coming soon……brand information sessions.

Information sessions will be scheduled in October and November at both North and Lakeshore Campuses on how to apply the brand. Watch for updates in Communiqué for dates, times and locations to register for a workshop session.


September 27, 2013
September 27, 2013

The 2014/2015 editions of the Viewbook, Degree Viewbook, Postsecondary Calendar and Postgraduate Calendar are now available!

Marketing & Communications, in collaboration with the academic schools and many departments across the college, are pleased to present our newest publications, which reflect our new WE ARE HUMBER brand with the vibrancy that supports our polytechnic identity.

The recruitment team has started to use the Viewbooks and Calendars for their high school visits and they will also be made available at upcoming college and university fairs.

The Calendars will be sent to schools, community groups, career centres, hospitals, libraries, government agencies and corporations. Over the next week, the schools and departments here at Humber will receive copies of the Calendars and Viewbooks. If you require additional inventory beyond that, please contact the mailroom directly (North at ext. 4363, Lakeshore at ext. 3245).

To view an electronic copy of the Viewbooks visit:


September 27, 2013
September 27, 2013

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive.

01 Tuesday
October = Binaakwe Giizis / Xlaaw (Aboriginal)
Binaakwe Giizis is also known as Falling Leaves Moon (Ojibwe)and during this time, after the first frosts, the people started their journeys to the winter camps.Xlaaw is the season to put up food for storage, preserved in Oolichan grease.

05 Saturday
New Moon
Navratri to Oct 13 (Hinduism)

Nine nights starting on the new moon and ending on Dussehra are dedicated to the goddess Durga who had 9 incarnations and has the power of good to destroy demons.

10 Thursday
Durga Puja to Sarawati Puja (Hinduism)
Celebrates the divine creative force of the universe and honours the 10-armed goddess Durga, wife of Shiva, and the destroyer of demons.

11 Friday
Sarawati Puja (Hinduism)
See Durga Puja.

12 Saturday
Ghambar Ayathrem to Oct 16 (Zoroastrianism)
Celebrates the creation of plants, the sowing of the winter crop and the return of herds from pasture.

14 Monday
Thanksgiving (Canada)
Canadians give thanks for plentiful harvests and an abundance of food, often with a turkey dinner. Early settlers decorated churches with fruits and vegetables denoting prosperity.
Day of Hajj/Day at ‘Arafat (Islam)
Commemorates the concluding revelation to the Prophet at Mount ‘Arafat shortly before his death. Muslims on Hajj attend a service on the plains in front of Mount ‘Arafat.
Dassehra or Vijay Dasami(Hinduism)
Celebrates the victory of good over evil (Lord Rama over the demon Ravan, the Goddess Durga over a demon) and follows the celebration of Navaratri (9 nights) and Durga Puja (worship) when other Goddesses are also worshipped.

15 Tuesday
Eid-al-Adha (the Festival of Sacrifice) (Islam)
The concluding act of pilgrimage. As Abraham offered his son, Ishmael, to God, Muslims offer sheep, goats and camels. They distribute the meat to the poor. Eid al-Adha is observed whether or not on pilgrimage.

16 Wednesday
‘Ilm (Baha’i):
‘Ilm, meaning Knowledge, is the twelfth month of the Baha’i year.

18 Thursday
Full Moon

20 Sunday
Birth of the Bab (Baha’i)
The birth anniversary of the Baha’i herald of the new age whose shrine is at the Baha’i World Centre in Haifa, Israel.

23 Wednesday
Karva Chauth or Karwachauth (Hinduism)
Celebrates the story of a newly-married queen’s care for her husband, the king, in which women fast for one day until moonrise for the long-life and health of their husbands, with the first such fast especially important. At moonrise, the husband feeds the first morsel of food to his wife.

24 Thursday
Pavarana (Buddhism)
Celebrated at the full moon at the end of the Rains Retreat, when Buddha intently practiced meditation.

25 Friday
Kathina to Nov 21 (Buddhism)
Ordained monks and nuns in the Theravada tradition are provided new robes and other necessities of life.

31 Thursday
Reformation Day (Christianity-Protestant)
Martin Luther posted of his 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517, which led to the formation of Lutheran, Reformed and other Protestant denominations. Many churches celebrate it on the last Sunday in October.
Samhain (Wicca)
The dying God returns to the womb of the Goddess in preparation for rebirth at Yule. The souls of those who have died during the past year’s wheel are bid farewell. It also marks the third and final harvest.
Halloween (Canada, USA)
Early Celtic peoples celebrate the new year in late autumn in honour of Samhain, Lord of the Dead, with candles in windows and bonfires, plus the carrying of carved lanterns and wearing of disguises at night to scare away disembodied spirits. Later, in North America, people carved pumpkins to make lanterns and the orange of pumpkins and black of night skies gave rise to the traditional colours of Halloween, derived from “All Hallows Eve” and viewed as a hallowed evening when spirits visited.

Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain for consideration.

Phone: 416.675.6622 ext.4427

September 26, 2013
September 26, 2013

Dear colleagues,

Thank you to those of you who have already made a gift towards this year’s Humber Gives campaign, the annual initiative to raise much needed funds for student support.

Together, we are closer to reaching our goal, and every gift makes a difference. It is not too late to join the Humber family of donors by making a gift today. Giving through payroll deduction is easy and convenient, and your gift will help us help more students. Click here to make a gift today

Please take a moment to watch this short video and learn more about how your gifts are making a difference in the lives of our students.

Our students are lucky to have you working here. You are making a difference!

With sincerest thanks,

Eileen De Courcy

Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning
Chair, Humber Give campaign


September 25, 2013
September 25, 2013

Contact the Humber College business representative:

Shawn Katzman
(416) 606-4625

Terms & Conditions. Exclusive offer for employees/members of Humber College. Proof of employment is required. New minimum 24 month activation required. Offer valid only in Bell Mobility territory.
For complete terms and conditions please visit Limited Time Offer. Some conditions apply. Existing Bell customer can call 1-800-667-0123 and request code 112084448.


September 24, 2013
September 24, 2013

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005)
Training Requirements

Please be advised that under the AODA (2005), there are currently two legislated accessibility-related trainings.

  1. Accessible Customer Service Training

Under the Customer Service Standard of the AODA (2005), all Humber employees, including instructors, who are full-time, part-time, sessional, contract and work-study students are required to complete the Accessible Customer Service Training module. This 30-minute training module outlines strategies to make Humber’s delivery of goods and services more accessible to people with disabilities. 


  1. Accessibility Awareness Training for Educators

Under the Information and Communications Standard of the AODA (2005), all Humber educators who are responsible for the design and delivery of courses are required to complete the recently-released Accessibility Awareness Training for Educators module. This 30-minute training module provides educators with strategies to enhance accessible teaching methods that prevent and remove barriers in the learning environment.

Both trainings are required to be completed by respective Humber employees in order to ensure Humber’s compliance with the AODA (2005).

Thank you for ensuring Humber’s compliance with the AODA (2005).

For further information about this requirement, please contact Stephanie Latty, AODA Coordinator at or at 416.675.6622 ext. 5647.

This document is available in an alternate format upon request.

