
July 16, 2013

HR Services Announcement

HR Services is pleased to announce Noreen Gomes as the successful candidate for the HR co-ordinator position effective July 22, 2013. In her new role, Noreen will be use her college knowledge to provide support to the HR Services department, effective customer service for our front desk and be responsible for coding and entering part-time contracts.

Noreen has been working at Humber for the last four years in the Registrar’s Office as a Project/Administrative Assistant, where she was responsible for providing administrative support to the Registrar, Associate Registrars and Managers. In her role she demonstrated outstanding customer service, strong organizational skills and an exceptional capacity to learn. Noreen also played an integral role in our convocation ceremonies and assisted in all aspects of event. She will be a great asset to our team!

Noreen completed her undergraduate degree in Business Administration from the University of Guelph-Humber and most recently completed her Human Resources Certificate from Humber.

As always, I look forward to your support and collaboration in our ongoing vision to provide “extraordinary service for exceptional people.”

Please join me in congratulating Noreen on her most recent success!

Deb McCarthy
Vice-President, Human Resources


HR Services Mission:
Our commitment: to contribute to staff, student and organizational success by providing strategic HR leadership, valued expertise, and extraordinary service.


July 16, 2013

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephanie Latty as Humber’s AODA co-ordinator effective July 15, 2013.

Stephanie is a graduate of Ryerson University where she was a member of Ryerson’s University Equity Committee. With sound experience working with people with disabilities, Stephanie will be championing Humber’s AODA efforts. She joins Humber directly after working at the Griffin Centre where she coordinated programs for LGBTQ youth and adults labelled with intellectual disabilities from an integrative anti-racist, anti-oppression, critical disability and youth engagement framework. Additionally, Stephanie worked at Women’s Health in Women’s Hands, where she provided individual counselling to youth and women alongside advocating for individuals with mental health, HIV/AIDS, abuse, addiction and settlement issues.

In her role at Humber, Stephanie will be reporting to Nancy Simms, Director, Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services.

Please join me in welcoming Stephanie to the Humber Community!

Nancy Simms
Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity | HR Services

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity ensures that diversity and equity are instilled as values throughout Humber’s inclusive culture.


July 15, 2013
July 15, 2013

The Sustainability Committee wants to find out your interest in a potential new initiative. This will only take two minutes of your time – please read the quick description and then go to the survey link below. We really need your input!

Fresh City Farms is a city farm located in Toronto. They are based at Downsview Park and they have member farmers that grow veggies all around the city. They run a local, organic bag delivery program and have approached Humber to see if we are interested in being a drop-off location for their program. You may have heard of this kind of thing, once a week you can have a bag of fresh local food delivered to your home (or to Humber if we want to do it). There is more information on their website: Interested Humber folks would sign up and pay for what they wanted on their website, and the delivery would come to the campus one day each week. (If there is enough interest at both North and Lakeshore Campuses, then we can set it up at both). All you need to do is come pick it up before you go home that day!

Additional details about the program:

  • A regular bag is mixed fruits/veggies and feeds 2-3 people. They also do a larger bag that feeds about 4 people/week.
  • The price ranges around $28-38 depending on the size of the bag you want.
  • Subscribers can opt for weekly or bi-weekly deliveries and you are able to skip deliveries whenever you need to
  • You can see a price comparison between a typical week of Fresh City produce vs. Loblaws + Grocery Gateway
  • Subscribers can add notes to their bag like "please never send radishes" if there are any specific diet requirements/distastes
  • Subscribers can also choose to add other staples to their bag such as coffee, eggs, milk, bread, cheese, etc
  • The produce comes in closed, insulated bags and there is also a cooler bag inside to help keep the more fickle greens fresh
  • They would drop off before 3p.m. to ensure we leave staff with enough time to pick up your bag before day's end!

PLEASE follow this link to let us know if you are interested or not, or any other comments you might have.  

For more information, please contact: 


Name: Lindsay Walker
Phone: 416.805.8970


July 15, 2013
July 15, 2013

The Theatre Performance Program is thrilled to announce that Oyin Oladejo won the prestigious 2013 Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding Performance by an Individual in the Theatre for Young Audiences category this past June.

Oyin was born in Nigeria and began her journey as an actor/creator at Humber College`s Theatre Performance Program, where she had the opportunity to hone her acting and devised theatre creation skills through such productions as Swimming for Shore, And the King Dances, Summerfolk, Twelfth Night, Away We Go, Metamorphosis and many others. While at Humber, she was awarded the Edna Khubyar Award for demonstrating the most potential in her field.

After graduating in 2012, she quickly gained attention through her work in Da Kink in My Hair (Harbourfront Centre), and The Power of Harriet T (Young People's Theatre) which lead to her becoming a part of Roseneath Theatre’s production of In This World by Hannah Moscovitch, for which she won the Dora Mavor Moore Award.

Oyin has just joined the acclaimed Soulpepper Academy this summer and we look forward to seeing what she does next over the next two years!


July 15, 2013
July 15, 2013

Academic Council met for its annual retreat on Monday, June 10 and Tuesday, June 11, 2013, at the North Campus. In the interest of keeping the Humber community informed about upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, I’ll be reporting on the highlights of the monthly meetings. For more information on any topic, or to give me feedback on the reports, please feel free to contact me directly, at

Keynote: Alex Usher

Monday morning began with a keynote address by Alex Usher, President of Higher Education Strategy Associates and Editor-in-Chief of Global Higher Education Strategy Monitor. Usher’s talk was entitled “Fiscal Policy and Labour Markets: What College Leaders Need to Know,” and it focused on possible scenarios and trends for the next five years. Usher suggested that, rather than worrying about an upcoming labour shortage, Canadian colleges need to focus on encouraging talent among our students, including a greater stress on outcomes, productivity, and teaching soft skills and leadership skills.

If you are interested in reading more from Alex Usher, his blog can be found at

Strategic Plan Update

After this interesting presentation, Council members heard about the latest developments in the Strategic Planning process. Ruth MacKay, Director, Planning and Government Relations, walked us through an overview of the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan. The consultation process for the plan, led by President Whitaker and Humber’s Board of Governors and supported by a cross-institutional Strategic Planning Steering Committee, was the most extensive and collaborative process undertaken by Humber to date. More than 1,600 individuals engaged with the strategic planning process. The five-year plan is centred around three main priorities:

  1. Strengthening our Polytechnic Identity
  2. Sustained Focus on Learning Excellence
  3. Maximizing the Impact of Partnerships

To download a PDF of the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan, please visit: /

The Future of Academic Council

Discussion then turned to the evolution of Academic Council’s identity, as Humber moves forward with the new strategic plan. President Whitaker noted that all colleges are required to have a College Council, and the intended function of this body was to provide advice to the President. A new strategic plan gives Council the opportunity to provide the President with input on the college’s strategic direction.
Members of Council engaged in an interactive discussion that explored a number of potential areas for change, including the Council’s name, communication plan, presentation protocol, and meeting format.

As a result of our discussion, the following changes will be implemented beginning in fall 2013:

  • The name will be changed to College Council, to more accurately reflect the breadth and scope of Council’s mandate.
  • College Council will become more of an advisory body. Future meetings will include more discussion and consultation, and will involve a process for reporting back to President Whitaker.

The second day of the retreat began with an address by President Whitaker, who announced that he is looking forward to his first Spring Convocation at Humber, followed by an eventful summer, which will include the first stages of construction of the new Learning Resource Commons (LRC) at the North Campus. The coming year promises to be an exciting one, as we roll out the new strategic plan in the fall and welcome two new Vice Presidents to the Administration team. President Whitaker is also looking forward to the President’s Breakfast on Monday, August 26, 2013, when he will address the Humber community regarding the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan and the year ahead.

Planning and Construction Update

Carol Anderson, Director, Facilities Management, and Scott Valens, Associate Director, Capital Development, provided an update on current and planned projects. As those of us who work at or have visited the North Campus are aware, construction has begun on the new LRC, and it is anticipated that the most disruptive work will be completed before the Fall term begins. For more information, including frequent updates, artists’ renderings, a video, and two live webcams, please visit
Recent real estate purchases include a vacant property at northwest corner of Highway 27 and Carrier Drive, which will be developed to provide parking for 400 cars. This will provide additional parking for both the Centre for Trades and Technology at 110 Carrier Drive and the North Campus (via shuttle service).

Upcoming projects at the North campus include the construction of a new Data Centre (N224), the renovation of the Humber Room, and the addition of a new elevator in Building M. At the Lakeshore campus, there are plans for the construction of a Welcome Centre, the addition of a Centre for Teaching and Learning in Building F, and the construction of a trading floor for the Business School.

Annual Report Update

Ruth MacKay and Amy Kaufman gave a presentation on the 2012-2013 Annual Report, with the purpose of providing an overview of Humber’s accomplishments in delivering on the 2008-2013 Strategic Plan.

The four strategic priorities approved by the Board of Governors in March 2008 were: Manage Enrolment Growth, Commitment to Teaching and Learning Excellence, Commitment to Human Resource Planning and Professional Development, and Commitment to High Quality Services to Support Student Success and Business Practices.

As evidenced by the Annual Report, 80 per cent of our performance indicators either achieved or exceeded the goals of Humber’s five-year Strategic Plan. Notably, we exceeded our targets in enrollments, applications, and growth.

Student Leadership Programs Update

Jason Hunter, Dean of Students, introduced Aisling Burke and Melanie Chai, from Student Life Programs, who spoke about Humber’s Student Leadership Programs. The 2012 report of the Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE) shows that employers are looking for graduates with strong group and leadership skills.  In order to produce graduates with these highly prized skills, Humber has developed a number of opportunities for students to develop and enhance their leadership skills while at Humber. Two of these programs, the Student Leadership Institute and the All U Can Lead Workshop Series, follow the Social change model of leadership development, moving from individual values, to group values, to social and community values.

The Student Leadership Institute (SLI) was launched in 2010 to provide students interested in leadership with opportunities to develop their skills. Students who express an interest in the program or who are recommended by faculty are invited to a two-and-a-half-day conference in June, featuring keynote speakers, and a variety of workshops facilitated by Humber staff and faculty. When these students return to campus in the fall, they are invited to participate in an afternoon workshop that centres on leading others and working in groups. Finally, in the early spring, students participate in an event that focuses on civic engagement and community leadership. This year’s SLI, held from May 25-26, was the most successful yet, with 109 students participating from seven academic schools. Students attended sessions focused on four core competencies: leadership, communication, teamwork, and diversity. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with 95 per cent of participants rating the sessions as excellent/good, 94 per cent agreeing that the sessions added value to their overall experience at Humber, and 96 per cent agreeing that they will be able to apply what they learned outside Humber.

New for 2012-2013, the All U Can Lead Workshop Series, developed and facilitated by senior Humber students, provides Humber and Guelph-Humber students with the opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills. By participating in a selection of workshops and completing ten hours of community service or equivalent campus leadership, students earn a Leadership Certificate. In its first year, over 280 students registered for 71 workshops, on a wide range of topics within three categories: Leading Self, Leading Others, and Leading Society. The feedback on these peer-led workshops was positive, with 92 per cent rating the sessions as excellent/good, 91 oer cent agreeing that the sessions added value to their experience at Humber, and 95 per cent agreeing that they will be able to apply what they learned outside of Humber.

Alumni Relations

Adelia Marchese, Manager, Advancement and Alumni Relations, and Brendan Dermody, the new Alumni Coordinator, gave members of Council an update on recent activities in the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations. Its objective is to provide value to Humber’s graduates through affinity programs, on and off campus benefits, and networking opportunities.

One of the priorities is building a culture of alumni among students while they are on campus. In 2011, the Alumni Office partnered with Student Success and Engagement to establish presence at Orientation, and since 2012, they have interacted with close to 6000 new students at Orientation activities. Since 2010, the Alumni Office has been present at every Convocation ceremony to present new graduates with their Humber Alumni pin immediately after they receive their credential.

Humber’s Alumni magazine, Humber Dialogue, was launched in Spring, 2010, with a mandate of fostering connections with Humber’s alumni and friends, sharing successes, and highlighting distinguished faculty and alumni. After just six issues, the circulation has grown from 48,489 to 54,727, and in 2012, Humber Dialogue was honoured with a Silver Accolade award from the Council of Advancement in Support of Education (CASE).

Humber launched our official alumni presence on social media in June 2011. Currently, we have 1,134 likes on Facebook, 915 followers on Twitter, and 586 members on Linked In. Future presence is planned on other social media sites, including YouTube and Instagram. Future plans include the launch of an alumni engagement survey, a redesign of the website and the launch of an e-news feature, and the establishment of an alumni awards recognition program.

For more information, including the latest issue of Humber Dialogue, please visit


July 15, 2013
July 15, 2013

The Enterprise Systems Steering Committee has announced changes to the Enterprise Systems Project governance and structure. Further information can be found on the ESP website under Communication or click here.


July 15, 2013

Alister R. Mathieson
Vice-President, Advancement & External Affairs

Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning is pleased to announce the appointment of Alister R. Mathieson as Vice-President, Advancement & External Affairs, effective August 1, 2013.

Alister is a natural leader and brings his dynamic energy and enthusiasm to the position. Under his leadership the School of Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism has grown significantly in programming, enrolment and fiscal sustainability. During his 11 years at Humber he has established international study abroad partnerships, created various Centres of Excellence and has raised funds in excess of $4.1 million dollars.

As part of the executive team, Alister will be responsible for building partnerships with key external stakeholders, strategic fundraising, championing the development of alumni relations programs, and leading the development and execution of marketing, corporate communications and advancement strategies.

Please join me in congratulating Alister on his most recent success!


Chris Whitaker
President & CEO


July 15, 2013

Jason Hunter
Vice-President, Student & Community Engagement

Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning is pleased to announce the appointment of Jason Hunter as Vice-President, Student & Community Engagement, effective September 1, 2013.

Jason’s career in higher education spans more than 20 years in student affairs and services, and the last 12 years as Dean of Students at Humber and Victoria University in the University of Toronto. Jason has held various roles in the student services area of increasing responsibility at a number of postsecondary institutes in North America. The last four years Jason has focused his time and energy on realigning and reorganizing his department as a proactive partner in the academic and personal success of our students. These changes have resulted in provincial and national recognition as an innovative leader in student services at Humber.

As part of the executive team, Jason will be responsible for leading the College’s strategic enrolment management plan, and inspiring a multi-disciplinary team consisting of the following departments and services: Office of the Registrar, Recruitment and Admissions, Student Success and Engagement, Student Access, Wellness & Development, Student Life and Judicial Affairs, Library Services, Athletics and Recreation, Aboriginal Student Services, Student Career Planning and Dual Credit and Community Outreach and Workforce Development.

Please join me in congratulating Jason on his most recent success! 

Chris Whitaker
President & CEO


July 11, 2013
July 11, 2013

The School of Applied Technology has launched a new website, thank you to the marketing team did an amazing job helping to deploy this project.


July 11, 2013
July 11, 2013

The recent storms have caused damage to the Humber Arboretum’s trail systems.  For your safety, we advise that faculty, staff and students do not use the paths going into the valley or the Humber Trail by the river this week while hazards are being cleared. Your safety is our priority and the Humber Arboretum team is working hard to ensure hazardous areas are fixed as soon as possible.

Please feel free to contact Alexandra Link, Director of the Humber Arboretum, with any questions. Thank you

