
June 12, 2013
June 12, 2013

One of Humber’s Core values is “Sustainability by considering the social and environmental costs and benefits in all of our decision making” (Humber Strategic Plan 2008-2013). We are trying to reach a goal to have a Green Team in every department and school on each campus. Let’s work together to make the culture at Humber a little more sustainable!

Does your department or school have a Green Team?

  • YES! Then please make sure that I know and have you on my list of Green Teams! and keep reading...
  • No. Then read on!

What is a Green Team?

A Humber department/school Green Team is a collaborative group of faculty, staff and students volunteering to take specific actions to help the college reduce its collective footprint. Green Teams find ways to operate in a more efficient, innovative and healthy way that fits with their department/school.

What does a Green Team do?

Green Teams can do small or larger initiatives, that suit and interest their department/schools. They communicate these initiatives to the college and the Sustainability Coordinating Committee (SCC), as well as share information about new college-wide initiatives and events from the SCC to their staff, faculty and students.

I don’t have a lot of extra time, will it be time consuming?

You make of it what works for you and your department/school. Some of our current Green Teams aim to plan at least one event from their department for their campus once per semester. Others help to share information from the SCC to their staff and faculty and support events planned at a college level. You can do special material recycling collections or share environmental facts of the week with your colleagues. You and your Team decide what type and level of initiatives work for you. Don’t forget, the SCC and I are here to help!

How do I start a Green Team in my department/school?

Take a look at our Humber Green Team Guide and Project Ideas on our website at:

Happy Greening Humber!

For more information, download the full Humber Green Team Guide, visit us online or contact  Lindsay Walker:

Phone:  416.675.6622 ext. 5829

June 7, 2013
June 7, 2013

The School of Health Sciences is pleased to welcome Deng Feifei, a visiting Nursing faculty from the Chongqing region of China. She is here for a few months to audit the Critical Care Program offered through Continuing Education. Feifei’s visit builds on a previous initiative to support the capacity of nursing faculty to deliver high quality bi-lingual teaching and learning experiences in China. Collaboration between the Humber College School of Health Sciences and some medical colleges in China is expected to evolve and grow into a stronger Humber presence in China in the near future.


June 6, 2013
June 6, 2013


You know that great feeling you have when you grab your phone, your iPad, or tablet, and notice that it’s “Fully Charged”?

You see the full little green battery symbol, just waiting to help support your efforts for hours to come. You can function in a wired world or find new resource without stress. ‘Fully Charged’ technology gives you the tools to do what you do best! When we are fully charged, we feel confident, full of energy and ready to maximize our efforts! We have increased capacity to communicate effectively, collaborate our efforts, and create the best that education can offer. Showcase 2013 is all about being “Fully Charged!” Join us as we move ahead to be the best education institution in Canada!

Guest Speaker: Don Tapscott, business executive, author of 14 books, consultant, and speaker. He is an Adjunct Professor in the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, and Chancellor of his alma mater, Trent University. He specializes in business strategy, and organizational transformation in a wired world.

June 6, 2013
June 6, 2013

Take two minutes to learn how library databases give students quick and easy access to free course readings.  Click here to listen.


June 6, 2013

The Department of Public Safety & Emergency Management is pleased to welcome Rob Kilfoyle to the role of Director, Public Safety and Emergency Management effective July 1, 2013.

Rob joins Humber from York University as the Director, Security Services and comes with 25 years of private security experience in the public sector, 15 of which have been spent in the post secondary environment. Throughout his career, Rob has continually moved into more senior administrative roles and will be a great asset to his new department, Humber and our community.

Rob has been responsible for emergency management, incident command, disaster recovery, and business continuity. He is an experienced primary responder and is effective in developing emergency response and fire safety plans. Rob places a strong emphasis on customer service and a“student first” approach and believes this is a cornerstone to a successful public safety program.

Rob is an active member of both the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators and the Ontario Association of College and University Security Administrators.
Please join me in welcoming Rob to the Humber community!

Rani K. Dhaliwal
Vice-President, Finance & Administrative Services


June 5, 2013

Carlene Inglis has decided to retire and as of August 9, 2013 she looks forward to travelling, working on various hobbies, and spending more time with friends and family, especially her four grandsons.

Carlene joined Humber in 1987 and has held a variety of positions in the Marketing & Communications office related to the development of Humber’s full- and part-time calendars. In recognition of her commitment to service excellence Carlene received the Support Staff Distinguished Service Award in 2001 and the Continuing Education Service Excellence Award in 2007. The many people across the entire college who have worked with Carlene can attest to her professionalism and attention to detail.

Please join me in wishing Carlene all the best in her retirement.

Olga Lalka
Acting Director Marketing


June 4, 2013
June 4, 2013

We are looking for faculty, staff and students to participate in a research study investigating perceptions of food packaging. Participants will complete questionnaires and an interview which will take approximately 45-60 minutes. For your time, you will be compensated $20 gift certificate to the bookstore.

If interested please contact Jonathan or Brad at the following email:


June 4, 2013

Please join us in wishing Pauline Hurdowar a happy, healthy retirement. After many years of dedicated service to her many clients, she has decided to retire on Friday, June 28, 2013. Pauline has requested no retirement event be held so please send her your good wishes before she leaves.

Pauline, you will be sincerely missed!


Emily Eyre
Manager, Purchasing Services and Sustainability Purchasing

June 3, 2013
June 3, 2013


The Mathematics Department would like to bid a very fond farewell to Professor Rick Law who will be retiring this year.

Rick joined Humber in 1979 and focused much of his teaching career on business mathematics and statistics. He has co-authored several statistics textbooks that are used in more than 30 colleges and universities across Canada. In addition to his vast expertise in the classroom, Rick has been engaged in many collaborations including being a regular contributor to the OPSEU newspaper, chairing the program review committee for the Sheet Metal Program and taking on the role of VP of the faculty union. Rick served as a mentor to many of his colleagues and will be long remembered for the many contributions to the department.

The General Arts and Science department would like to bid a very fond farewell to Teaching Master Wayne Sim who will be retiring this year.

Wayne joined Humber in 1973 in the Department of Academic Studies and has journeyed with this institution through many different organizational changes. Not many people can lay claim to having applied for a job with a lovely handwritten note. Over his many years at Humber, his love for teaching has never wavered which allowed for him to easily state when notifying Humber of his decision to retire that he never considered teaching as work and that retirement for him does not imply that he will no longer be working but simply altering his lifestyle. Thank you Wayne for the passion and energy you have always shown to your students and colleagues.

The Academic Upgrading cluster would like to bid a very fond farewell to Professor Rob Frank who will be retiring this year.

In his own words, Rob summarizes the last 30 years in 30 words (or a little more if you are truly counting). Rob joined Humber in 1983 in the Electronics Department at first the North and then the Queensway campus. He moved to the Academic Upgrading Program and has served as the Program Coordinator in this community based, access program since 1993. Rob is the face of Academic Upgrading at Humber and has seen the program through many changes. His students have greatly benefitted from his down to earth approach to learning and advising and have continued on to be very successful in their various academic and career pursuits thanks to this natural gift.

Rebecca Milburn
Associate Dean
