
June 3, 2013
June 3, 2013

The Department of English would like to bid a very fond farewell to Professors Beverly Allix, Patricia Burke, and Joanne Bleasdale, who will be retiring this year. 

Bev Allix started teaching at Humber in fall 1988 as a sessional instructor. In winter 1989, Bev assumed the leadership of the Learning Development Centre, then housed in two adjoining classrooms on the third floor of the E building. This Centre eventually evolved into Humber’s highly respected Writing Centre, now located in the GH building. In fall 1992, Bev became a full-time faculty member and, since then, has taught virtually every COMM/English and ESL course offered by the Department of English. In recent years, Bev has been instrumental in developing specialized COMM courses for our partner programs and in mentoring new faculty. Bev will be moving back to Ottawa, her old home during her senior high school years, renewing old acquaintances, and doing plenty of travelling to remote destinations for as long as possible.

Patricia Burke began her teaching career at Humber in spring 1977 and became a full-time faculty member in fall 1979, based at the Lakeshore campus. In 1983, Pat moved to the North campus where she continued to teach a variety of courses in the Department of English. Pat continued to enhance her skills as a teacher by completing her TESL certification. Pat has made a number of significant contributions to the department and college, among them helping to develop and teach in the first post-secondary ESL stream in the Ontario college system and serving as program coordinator. Pat coordinated foreign language courses in LAS and then CE English for 14 years, during which time she helped evolve curriculum and mentored countless teachers. Pat enjoyed teaching in a variety of English courses but specialized particularly in grammar and proofreading courses, notably COMM 214 and 314. Pat also prepared the Canadian version of all six editions of the grammar/proofreading text used in these courses. Pat has left a deep and lasting legacy in our department.

Joanne Bleasdale has worked at Humber for 35 years in a variety of departments and roles, including support, administration, and faculty. In 1979, Joanne was hired in a support role in the Office of the Registrar and Liaison. From there, she moved to an administrative position in Personnel, where her job evolved into recruitment, staff training, and job evaluation at all campus locations. In 1986, Joanne became a full-time faculty member in Human Studies, where she taught a variety of writing courses for the English department, in both the COMM and ESL streams, as well as several General Education courses for General Arts and Science. Joanne has mentored many contract faculty over the years and applied her expertise to developing innovative curricula, particularly in ESL. Alongside Bev Allix and Pat Burke, Joanne received the President’s Innovator of the Year Award for her work in our ESL stream. Joanne will be long remembered for her many contributions to the department and college.


Vera Beletzan,
Associate Dean, Department of English

June 3, 2013

It is with mixed emotions, but warm wishes that I announce the retirement of Teeter Leinveer, effective August 31, 2013. Teeter began his journey with us 15 years ago as a HR Consultant and throughout his tenure, continued to take on a more senior leadership role and was promoted to Associate Director Employee Relations and most recently Director, HR Services. Teeter’s retirement is well-deserved and he will be missed. He has been an asset to our college and has shared his knowledge, talents and skills with our organization and his employees.

Please join me in wishing Teeter all the best in the next step of his journey!


Deb McCarthy
Vice-President, Human Resources

June 3, 2013

It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Vincent Shaikh as the new Associate Dean for the Engineering Technology Programs in the School of Applied Technology.

Vincent joins us from Bell Canada where he was a Senior Solutions Specialist responsible for the design of integrated Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions for internal and external clients. He was also the manager of the Bell Business Markets Virtual Labs, where he enabled Solutions Architects and Engineers to deliver customer proof-of-concepts in partnership with elite partners including Cisco, Microsoft, HP, VMware and more than 300 other Bell partners.

Vincent has also been an adjunct professor in the Computer and Network Support Technician Program in the School of Applied Technology.
In addition to his professional career, Vincent is a college graduate with a Diploma in Computer Engineering – Computer Science from Algonquin College. He also holds a Master of Engineering (Computer Networks) from Ryerson University and a Baccalaureate in Software Engineering from the University of Ottawa.

Please join me in welcoming Vincent to the Humber Community.

Denise Devlin-Li
Dean, School of Applied Technology

May 30, 2013
May 30, 2013

In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, we provide the following Multifaith Holy Days & Festivals realizing that it is not exhaustive.

Should you wish your faith’s days to be included, please contact the Chaplain for consideration.

Phone: 416.675.6622 ext.4427

01 Saturday
June = Ode’mini Giizis / Miso’o (Aboriginal)
Ode’mini Giizis is also known as Strawberry Moon (Ojibwe). Miso’o is the season of sockeye salmon (Other).

05 Wednesday
Nur (Baha’i)
Nur, meaning Light, is the fifth month of the Baha’i year.

08 Saturday
New Moon

13 Thursday
Akshaya Tritya (Jainism)
Akshaya Tritiya, meaning Immortal Third, is to encourage the beginning of new activity and is based on the day that Lord Rishabha broke his initial year-long fast by drinking sugar-cane juice.
Ascension of Jesus (Christianity-Eastern)
Commemorates the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven.

14 Friday
Red Earth Native American Fair (Aboriginal)
Tribes from the USA and Canada gather to share heritage, art and culture.

16 Sunday
Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji (Sikhism)
Arjan, the first Sikh Martyr and fifth Guru, built the Harimandir (Temple of God) for Sikhs to meet for worship in the town of Amritsar (Pool of Nectar). To show that the Sikh way was open to all regardless of caste, he made the temple with doors facing in all four directions. He contributed to and helped compile the Sikh Scriptures.
Father’s Day (North America)
A day set aside to honour fathers and fatherhood.

20 Thursday
June (Summer) Solstice
Litha / Midsummer’s Eve (Wicca)
Litha (Midsummer’s Eve) celebrates the consummation of the sacred marriage by which the energy of the God is poured out in the service of life, with his sacrifice resulting in his total immolation by the end of the season. This model sets the standard of self-giving in service to the Goddess.

21 Friday
National Aboriginal Day (Canada)
Started in 1996 to celebrate Aboriginal tradition and culture in Canada.

23 Sunday
Full Moon
Pentecost (Christianity-Eastern)
Celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus’ disciples after his ascension, 50 days after Easter.

24 Monday
Rahmat, meaning Mercy, is the sixth month of the Baha’i year
St. Jean Baptiste Day (Christianity-Catholicism)
John, the Baptist, is celebrated as the patron saint of French Canadian Catholics in Quebec, Canada.

27 Thursday
Multiculturalism Day (Canada)
Started in 2002 to acknowledge the various cultural communities in Canada and their contributions to Canadian society.

29 Saturday
Ghambar Maidyoshem to July 03 (Zoroastrianism)
Celebrates the creation of water, the sowing of the summer crop and the harvesting of grain.


May 30, 2013
May 30, 2013


Visit the Showcase webite at

  Follow CTL on Twitter @EileenDecourcy

May 29, 2013
May 29, 2013


May 24, 2013

Dear colleagues, 

Providing academic and financial aid based awards is a key element of providing access to education for our students. As well, awards help to recognize students for their hard work and achievements. As we continue to increase and secure new donations from our stakeholders an analysis has been done on the current administration of the student awards program. After ongoing discussions with key stakeholders, and reviewing best practices, I would like to announce the following enhancements:

  • For academic awards (faculty-selected) – the selection for these students generally occurred between May-September. Following a review and discussion with donors around criteria, the call for student selections will occur during first semester of the new academic year (October – November) beginning in 2014.
  • For student application based scholarships – the selection for these students generally occurred over the summer. This timing will also shift to the fall timeframe with applications being submitted between October-November beginning fall of 2013.
  • For awards that do not align with the new awards cycle timelines, the Advancement Office is reviewing the awards, consulting with appropriate schools and donors, and revising criteria as necessary.

These changes in timing will allow for a greater number of student applicants, a better timeline for faculty decision makers to choose the students, the awarding of funding to students who are in attendance at the college rather than graduates and a streamlined and fair approach to awarding funding to the most deserving students. 

As well, in an effort to properly steward and recognize our donors the following changes have been made:

  • Moving forward donations to establish named awards or scholarships will require a minimum contribution of $1,000 with a three year commitment. Advancement has begun working with donors in an effort to align with this new threshold.
  • Any gifts made below this amount will be contributed to a general student fund established in each school and awarded to students in that particular school. Alternatively, gifts can be contributed to a general college wide award, such as the Board of Governors Award, and distributed amongst deserving students from across the college.
  • The existing awards ceremonies will also undergo revitalization and both the timing and the structure of these events will change and are tentatively scheduled to take place in the 2014 winter semester. There will be no award ceremonies the fall of 2013. More detailed information will become available in the coming months following more detailed review.

These changes will allow Humber College to provide financial support that comes in line with the realities of today’s economic climate and the need that our students face. It will allow us to attract and retain students, increase efficiencies and provide enhanced, transparent and accountable stewardship to our donors.

I will be communicating these changes with our donors and supporters in writing shortly.

Further information regarding specific details will be shared through the Advancement Office over the coming months.


Chris Whitaker 


May 29, 2013
May 29, 2013

Attention all college staff,

Starting Monday, June 3, 2013 to Friday, August 30, 2013 Financial Services and Planning will be conducting its annual Fixed Asset Inventory Verification. Work Study Students will visit all Humber and Guelph-Humber offices/labs/rooms (including off-site locations) to conduct this verification. Please expect to receive a visit from them during this period.

Upon arrival the students will identify themselves with a Financial Services College staff card. Please note that in most cases the Students will carry keys providing them access to the required offices/labs/rooms.

If you have any questions, please contact me directly at 416.675.6622 ext. 4227.

Thanking you in advance for your cooperation,

Le Chan
Manager, Government Programmes/Fixed Assets
Financial Services and Planning


May 29, 2013
May 29, 2013

Please join me in congratulating Professor Wendy O’Brien-Ewara from the Department of Liberal Studies in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, on the successful completion of her doctorate at the University of Waterloo in the Department of Philosophy. Wendy’s thesis, titled,

Simone de Beauvoir and The Problem of The Other's Consciousness: Risk, Responsibility and Recognition

was supervised by Dr. Richard Holmes, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Philosophy where he began teaching in 1968. Other members of her committee included Dr. Shannon Dea and Dr. Patricia Marino and her external examiners were Dr. Margaret Simons, Professor Emeritus at the University of Southern Illinois where she also served as Chair for the Department of Philosophy, and John H Smith with the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies at the University of Waterloo.


Paula Gouveia
Dean, Liberal Arts and Sciences


May 28, 2013
May 28, 2013

Click here to learn more about Franca Giacomelli and Urszula Kosecka, the candidates running in the upcoming election for the faculty representative Board of Governors.

Polling Stations Schedule

Date Location Time
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 North – Lecture Theatre Concourse
Lakeshore – L Building Atrium
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Thursday, June 6, 2013 North Only – Lecture Theatre Concourse 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

For more information, please contact Deborah Green:

Deborah Green
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext, 4102

May 28, 2013

May 28, 2013

This May marked the 40th Anniversary of the first graduating class from a community college Ambulance/Paramedic Program in Ontario. Humber College was the first community college to offer such a program.

Click here to view the poster, with more detail, put together by one of the graduates of that class.
