
May 27, 2013
May 27, 2013

The Humber Bookstore will have the following summer hours starting Monday, June 3 until Tuesday, September 1, 2013.

Day Hours
  Open Close
Monday 8:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday 8:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m
Wednesday 8:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m
Thursday 8:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m
Friday 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m. 2 p.m.
Sunday Closed



May 27, 2013
May 27, 2013


For more information visit us online or contact:

Franc Jamieson
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 6258

May 24, 2013
May 24, 2013


In order to assist and service the users in a better manner, we are launching this website as the one and only repository of all the finance related information.

Features of the new site:

  • Forms, Polices and Procedures
  • Important Dates
  • Resources - User Guides, Job Aids
  • Training Information
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • And much more!

We will be updating this site regularly with important dates, resources, FAQ’s and other new content. In the months ahead we will introduce information and training support on the “role-based” profiles.

We invite you to visit the site and provide comments. Please use the online feedback form to share your experience, thoughts, suggestions and/or ideas on how we can improve the content for the future.

Visit us online today!

May 24, 2013
May 24, 2013


Office of the Registrar

Leave of Absence

As of May 9, 2013, Sharon Kinasz is taking a leave of absence from her role as Registrar and a member of the Enterprise System Project team. In her role as Registrar, Sharon successfully oversaw the operation of the Office of the Registrar for the past five years. Sharon carried out her responsibilities in a consummately professional manner, demonstrating an expert level of knowledge and actively sharing her expertise through committees and working groups within the Ontario Community College System. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sharon for her contributions as she consistently demonstrated the ability to be approachable and supportive of employees in the Registrar’s Office and ensured that she was always readily accessible to students.

Appointment of Acting Registrar

Effective May 24, 2013, Barbara Riach will accept the role of Acting Registrar. Barb is highly qualified for this position with more than 15 years of relevant recruitment, admissions and registrarial experience as well as having completed her MBA in 2010. In addition, Barb is highly respected within the college, university and postsecondary school communities.

As an added responsibility to the role of Registrar, Barb will begin planning for the integration of the responsibilities associated with providing college-wide enrolment projections and fees schedules within the Registrar’s Office. This change is necessitated by the pending retirement of Rick Embree, Associate Vice President, Planning and Development.

Although we are experiencing a high level of change in a number of management roles and staff positions, I am confident the Registrar’s Office will move forward successfully with both the daily delivery of operations and the system implementation. In this regard, I would like to acknowledge everyone associated with the Registrar’s Office for their continued contributions in helping to making Humber an exceptional postsecondary institution.


John Mason
Vice President, Student and Corporate Services


May 24, 2013
May 24, 2013

I’m pleased to provide the Humber community with an update about the Learning Resource Commons (LRC) – Humber’s soon-to-be new main entrance and the gateway to the North Campus.

This week, Humber, along with Infrastructure Ontario, the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities, and PCL Constructors Canada Inc. reached financial and commercial close for the project. This means that LRC construction will begin within the next one-to-two weeks.

The beginning of construction is a significant milestone, and one we would not have reached without the vision, leadership and diligence of the LRC Steering Committee and its respective user groups. It is with great enthusiasm that I thank the Steering Committee members, including:

Carol Anderson, Chair 
Director, Facilities Management 
Lynne Bentley
Director, Humber Libraries
John Mason
Vice President, Student & Corporate Services
Scott Briggs
Chief Information Officer
David Nesbitt
Paula Gouveia
Dean, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Ercole Perrone
Executive Director, Humber Students’ Federation
Jason Hunter
Dean of Students
Barb Riach
Associate Registrar
Paul Iskander
Director, Campus Services
Diane Simpson
Dean, International
Sharon Kinasz
Scott Valens
Associate Director, Capital Development

I would also like to thank the Humber community for its ongoing support as we upgrade our campus facilities, services and classrooms to help us deliver on our promise to give students the college experience they expect from Humber.

More information about the LRC including news, updates, construction schedules, traffic information and safety reminders will be available at

Rani Dhaliwal
VP, Finance and Administrative Services

May 23, 2013
May 23, 2013

Check your office mailbox for a copy of the quick reference guide on the new Copyright Act.

Contact us at if you haven't received your guide.


May 22, 2013
May 22, 2013

Humber Research presents the spring edition of The Research Project. Our newsletter features faculty and students throughout the college, who actively engage in research and innovation.

Please take a moment to read about Steve Bellamy, and the research being done in the School of Creative and Performing Arts at Humber. Stay tuned for upcoming funding opportunities, and new initiatives on campus.


May 17, 2013
May 17, 2013

The OTSC is the largest skilled trades competition in Canada, with 1900 participants competing in over 60 categories this year. The competition promotes skilled trade and technology careers to youth across Ontario.

Humber School of Applied Technology students competed this week in the 24th Annual Ontario Technological Skills Competition (OTSC), and won a number of medals in various skilled various skilled categories.


Architecture Technology Design 
Bronze: Bruno Morais

Automation & Control (Industrial Wiring)
Gold: Justin Shank
Silver: Jacob Tustin

Gold: Vlad Porcila

Horticulture and Landscape
(Team of two)
Silver: Marc De Leon & Nathan Faux

Mechanical CAD
Bronze: Riley Found

(Team of  two)
Gold: Joshua Robertson & Maros Santiago
Bronze: Darek Lukow & David Wojciechowski


For more information, please click here


May 17, 2013
May 17, 2013


May 17, 2013
May 17, 2013

About the Sulawesi Economic Development Strategy Project (SEDS)

Humber has partnered with seven universities in Sulawesi, Indonesia for a five-year, $4.6 million initiative to help develop the partner institutions’ capacity to deliver entrepreneurial curricula. The project is funded by the Government of Canada through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Humber College.

SEDS will help develop the universities’ ability to design and deliver applied entrepreneurship education, which will then enable graduates to start their own businesses. The project will also provide training, counseling and consulting services to support small and medium enterprises. The program will help create employment opportunities and increase income levels, contributing to poverty reduction for both women and men.

The project is in line with Canada's Aid Effectiveness Agenda and the Indonesian government's Five-Year Medium Term Development Plan (2010-2014). It also supports CIDA's economic growth strategy and its Indonesia Bilateral Program's economic growth priority.

Current opportunities:

For more information on the Sulawesi Economic Development Strategy Project (SEDS) or the current opportunities listed above, please contact:

Lisa Anketell
Phone: 416-675-6622 ext. 79389


