Past Events

  • When:
    January 22, 2020 9:30am to 1:30pm
  • When:
    January 23, 2020 9:00am to January 23, 2021 12:00pm

Students are invited to explore their educational pathways at Humber and beyond including:

  • Diploma and degree completion
  • Graduate certificates
  • Masters degrees
  • Study abroad
  • And more...

Students will meet representatives from Humber’s academic faculties as well as colleges and universities in Ontario, Canada, and abroad.

North Campus
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Learning Resource Commons (LRC) Main Floor  
9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Lakeshore Campus
Thursday, January 23, 2020
L – Commons (Building L) Main Floor
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Learn more at

  • When:
    October 31, 2019 10:00am
  • When:
    January 21, 2020 1:00pm
Zareena Khan

Yola Grant has practiced human rights, labour and employment law for 30 years and spent the last decade as an adjudicator, mediator and neutral investigator. Yola has a range of experience with occupational safety, employment standards, workers compensation and pay equity. She has presented cases before grievance arbitrators, the labour relations board, human rights tribunals and all levels of courts, including the Supreme Court of

Yola Grant recently served as the adjudicative lead (Associate Chair) at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) and as a FSCO arbitrator for statutory accident benefits. As a full-time adjudicator at the HRTO since 2014, she decided significant age and citizenship discrimination cases.

Yola Grant holds an LL.B from Osgoode Hall Law School and a M.Sc. (Physical Chemistry) from the University of Toronto and is a regular speaker on human rights and equality in the workplace. She was called to the Ontario Bar in 1989.

North Campus
Thursday, October 31, 2019
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Room: T132
Lakeshore Campus
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Room: L1017

To register: (please see attached aid)

For help please contact Zareena Khan, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity Coordinator, at

  • When:
    January 21, 2020 10:30am to 3:30pm
  • When:
    January 28, 2020 10:30am to 3:30pm
Camila Perez

NSERC Applied Research and Development Grant Workshop

NSERC Applied Research and Development Grants (ARD) are designed to give innovative Canadian companies access to the knowledge, expertise and capabilities available at Humber. They support well-defined applied research and development projects undertaken by college researchers with their private-sector partners. The mutually beneficial projects are expected to result in economic benefits to the (for-profit) company and to Canada.

Projects may range from one year to three years in duration with a maximum NSERC award of $150,000. Direct project costs are shared by the company partner(s) and the NSERC award.

Come to our workshop and discover the simplified application and decision processes that will enable funding for your applied research project. This interactive and hands-on workshop series will acquaint participants with the process of applying for ARD grants. Participants will come away from the workshops with a greater sense of confidence and an understand of what it takes to be successful.


North Campus, D224J

  • January 21 at 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (lunch provided)
    Part 1: understanding the context and motivation of government funders; funding opportunities for applied research at colleges; planning and initial scoping
  • January 28 at 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (lunch provided)
    Part 2: constructing compelling grant proposals; understanding the peer review process; common pitfalls/weaknesses

Register here

If you are not able to attend but are interested in participating in a Grant Application, please connect with Camila Perez, Project Coordinator (

Once you register we’ll send you preliminary information and templates in advance of the workshop.

  • When:
    January 20, 2020 6:00pm
North Campus, E205

Come discuss Shakespeare! Once per month we look at a play by Shakespeare from the perspective that Shakespeare might have something to teach us (rather than the other way around) about politics and human nature. Open to interested Humber faculty, administrators and support staff. You don’t need a background in English literature to attend.

Our first play is A Midsummers Night’s Dream and we meet Monday, January 20 at 6 p.m. in E205, Faculty of Business, boardroom (E204F).

Free text at 

Arden, Signet, and Oxford editions of Shakespeare are also good.

Videos: Humber College Library has all of the BBC (early 1980’s) videos available which can be watched online. A Midsummers Night’s Dream production done by the BBC in 1981 is quite good and has Helen Mirren as Titania.

RVSP to Kirk Rintoul, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Business at

Limited to 16 confirmed attendees (waiting list if necessary)

  • When:
    January 18, 2020 10:00am to 11:00am
Hanadi Alnawab

The DBSA is pleased to announce the new webinar series #DigiTalks on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. during Winter 2020

Learn how to use Google Analytics to track your website’s performance plus some advanced features such as remarketing and e-commerce analytics. There will also be a brief overview of the Google Analytics certification process and how to integrate Google Analytics with Google Data Studio for better reporting.

This workshop is presented by Martin Perez, Digital Marketing Specialist in the tech sector. Martin has worked with small startups and large multinational companies to achieve their digital growth goals. Recently, Martin worked in a digital agency founded by ex-Googlers providing SEO and SEA services to businesses

Check our full list of Winter 2020 webinars for more technical workshops and career success interviews.

Please note that ticket sales are final, non-refundable. It is not possible to issue refunds or workshop credits for any reason.

Register online

This webinar is open to everyone, share with your students and network. Please note that registration ends January 17 at 10 a.m.

$5 (ticket sales to support the Digital Business Student Association)

  • When:
    January 15, 2020 10:15am
  • When:
    January 17, 2020 10:45am
Jan. 17: North, B216 / Jan. 17: Lakeshore, G204
Sara Hassan, Liberal Studies Professor

We’re excited to announce that Humber is participating in the Map the System 2020 competition!

Map the System is a global competition that challenges us to think differently about social and environmental change. Rather than jumping straight into a solution, business plan or an idea to fix problems, Map the System asks us to use ‘systems thinking’ to understanding complex social and environmental challenges. 

Humber is one of the first Canadian colleges to participate in Map the System. 

We invite you to learn more on Wednesday, January 15 at 10:15 a.m. in room B216 (North Campus) and Friday, January 17 at 10:45 a.m. in G204 (Lakeshore Campus). The info session will last 45 minutes to one hour. 

What happens in Map the System? 

Students will: 

  • Develop systems level thinking
  • Formulate ways to visually map a complex system
  • Build research and presentation skills
  • Forge new connections with innovators and changemakers
  • Compete to be the winning Humber team that will travel to the Candian final in Montreal
  • Compete to present at the University of Oxford and win cash prizes

Faculty can: 

  • Share information about the competition to interested students
  • Embed the competition in a course you are teaching - join us!
  • Support student groups who register as independent Humber teams 

Student groups must register by February 5, 2020 at this link.

We look forward to seeing you! In the meantime, please be sure to check out the Map the System website

Have questions?

Email us! Elinor at or Sara at

  • When:
    January 17, 2020 7:55am

College Council Highlights: January 9, 2020

The Humber College Council (HCC) held its fifth meeting of the 2019-2020 academic year on Thursday, January 9, 2020 at the North Campus. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, the College Council reports the highlights of its meetings. For more information or to provide feedback on these highlights, please contact

Program Planning, Development & Renewal

Proposed Graduate Certificate: Law Clerk

Susan Kelsall, [Associate Dean, Faculty of Business] presented details of the proposed new Law Clerk Graduate Certificate. This program will be the first of its kind in Ontario and has a demanding curriculum to be completed over three semesters. There is also a 320 hour placement requirement in the final semester.

In this program students will develop a foundation in a variety of legal and court procedures, develop strong written and oral communication skills, acquire competencies in various areas of law including: contract, tort, real estate, corporate, estate and family law. Graduates may apply to become members of the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario. The program will be delivered by both lawyers and law clerks.

With the expected retirement wave of law clerks in Ontario, the potential for full-time employment is good.

Proposed Graduate Certificate: Retirement Home Management

Michael MacDougall, [Director, Professional and Continuing Education, Faculty of Business] presented details of the new Retirement Home Management Graduate Certificate.

The Canadian retirement home industry is expected to double within the next five years and there will be a need for qualified managers to work in this field. There has already been tremendous interest from potential industry partners for placement students.

Recruitment may be challenging because of the misconception in the difference between a retirement and nursing home.  The main difference between these types of residences is that a retirement home does not offer medical intervention. M. MacDougall mentioned that Hospitality students would be well suited for this field.

Students will develop foundational skills in areas of finance, sales, marketing, health, wellness, recreation, food, leadership and administration.

Members discussed various ways and suggestions for the proposed programs to partner with existing programs.

Gender Diversity Policy Review

Adam Benn, [Manager, Human Rights, Equity and Diversity - Centre for Human Rights, Equity, and Diversity] presented details on the proposed changes to the current Gender Diversity Policy. The changes were a result of extensive consultations, and to bring alignment with the updated Human Rights Policy and the Humber College Strategic Plan, in particular strategic priority #7: Establish and implement an institutional framework and strategy for equity, diversity and inclusion that addresses the needs of both students and employees.

The updates to the policy reflect changes in the trans and gender diverse communities. One of the main changes to the policy is updating the language to be more inclusive. Changes include, “trans and non-binary” from “trans”, as well as changing “preferred pronoun” to “chosen pronoun”. The policy will likely be officially adopted in the spring of 2020.

Members reviewed various sections of the policy and provided feedback on the various revisions in the updated policy.

Pathways Marketing Strategy Update

Judy Tavares, [Manager, Student Transfer Services, Office of the Registrar] gave an overview of the development of targeted recruitment campaigns for diploma to degree pathways for Humber students, as well as students from other colleges and universities.

With the help of the New Transfer Student Recruitment Coordinator, the Office of the Registrar is able to bring broader awareness to current and potential students to select Humber as a viable option and pathway to enhance and advance their diploma credentials into a degree. This office has been able to identify and target specific programs for diploma to degree recruitment opportunities.

Student Transfer Services has been working with Humber Marketing to establish overarching themes and messaging which will align with the “We are Future Focused” rebrand. Some of the top highlighted reasons to take a degree at Humber include:

  • Industry-experienced professors
  • Smaller class sizes
  • Credit for diploma studies
  • $2,500 scholarship for domestic and international students
  • Experiential learning and work placements

The “Pathways Advertising Campaign” includes a targeted plan to advertise at key Ontario College campuses using a mix of posters and murals installed directly on college campuses around Ontario as well as digital ads. Next steps for promotion include mail-outs to all college and internal stakeholders, internal kiosks, brochures, social media campaign and special events.

It should be noted that according to Statistics Canada, professionals with a college degree earn 12 percent more annually compared to university degree holders.

Members discussed the strengths and challenges with the campaign; how the Humber community sees the campaign being utilized within their department/area/faculty; and further resources the college may consider investing in to increase this pathway option.

HCC Feedback

Bhupinder Malhotra, [HR Systems Business Analyst, Office of the VP, Human Resources and Organization Effectiveness] discussed a new electronic collation and feedback form to be used instead of the current paper method.

The members agreed that the new electronic format was more suitable for council’s requirements.

The next meeting of the College Council will be held on Thursday February 6, 2020 at the North Campus. For meeting highlights, supporting materials, and opportunities to provide feedback please visit the College Council website.

  • When:
    January 16, 2020 11:00pm
  • When:
    January 16, 2020 2:40pm
North Campus, Staff Lounge

Come experience the unique taste of our Jamaican menu on Thursday, January 16.

Choice of one entrée:

  • Grilled molasses, thyme and spice rubbed chicken
  • Pan seared island cod with mango salsa
  • Jamaican style vegetable stir-fry


  • Rice and beans
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Tomato, melon, and cucumber salad
  • Pineapple and banana pudding

For only $11.99 (plus applicable taxes)

Price includes one complimentary beverage:

  • 300mL bottled water
  • 300mL juice or small milk
  • small coffee or tea

See you there!

  • When:
    January 16, 2020 6:30pm to 8:00pm
North Campus, Humber Arboretum
Jimmy Vincent
A child's hand holds out a prickly head of thistle

Biomimicry, from the Greek words bios (life) and mimesis (imitation), is an exciting new discipline that looks to nature for ideas and inspiration. Come to the Humber Arboretum to discover how 3.8 billion years of "research & development" is inspiring scientists, engineers, architects and others to develop everything from gecko-like adhesive tape to echolocating canes for the blind. In addition to the talk, there will also be a display of unique products from around the world that were inspired by nature.

Speaker Bio:

Richard Aaron is a seasoned naturalist, writer and educator. He has done walks, talks and workshops for numerous organizations, ranging from naturalist clubs & conservation groups, to provincial parks & academic institutions. His website is at

When: Thursday, January 16, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Where: The Humber Arboretum is located at the back of Humber College North Campus. The Centre for Urban Ecology is the glass building with the red door on the Arboretum grounds. Walk in through the main garden entrance and look up the path to your right.

How: Tickets for staff and the general public are $15 (plus tax & Eventbrite fee) and must be purchased in advance.

Please use the form on the Arboretum website to purchase your tickets. Up to 20 tickets are available for free to Humber College and UofGH students on a first-come, first-served basis. Students who would like to request one of the these tickets can email Jimmy Vincent at


Connect with the Humber Arboretum online: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Newsletter

  • When:
    January 16, 2020 11:00pm
  • When:
    January 16, 2020 2:40pm
North Campus, Staff Lounge

Come experience the unique taste of our Jamaican menu on Thursday, January 16.

Choice of one entrée:

  • Grilled molasses, thyme and spice rubbed chicken
  • Pan seared island cod with mango salsa
  • Jamaican style vegetable stir-fry


  • Rice and beans
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Tomato, melon, and cucumber salad
  • Pineapple and banana pudding

For only $11.99 (plus applicable taxes)

Price includes one complimentary beverage:

  • 300mL bottled water
  • 300mL juice or small milk
  • small coffee or tea

See you there!
