Past Events

  • When:
    February 7, 2017 5:00pm to 6:30pm

This event is coordinated by the Centre for Teaching & Learning and the International Centre. It is an important part of the Connect-International Student Program, which provides a support team for new international students by creating an opportunity for students to connect with a faculty, staff or admin mentor and a peer mentor.

At this informal mix and mingle event, international students will be put in small groups to connect with a particular faculty, staff, or admin mentor.

For more information, please contact Naghmeh Saffarian-Pour

  • Register for Tues., Feb. 7, 2017, North: B214, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
  • When:
    February 7, 2017 1:30pm to 3:15pm
  • When:
    February 8, 2017 12:35pm to 2:20pm

Charismatic speakers like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have an amazing ability to stay focused in the present. They're very comfortable and grounded when they speak. Their message reaches everyone in the audience. Every great communicator speaks from this place. You can too! Tune-up your communication skills in this short workshop. Here's what you'll learn:

  • Non-verbal communication that shows you're fully "present"
  • How to stay comfortable and grounded no matter what's happening in the classroom
  • Methods for delivering your message in a way that reaches everyone in the audience

Register for Tues., Feb. 7, 2017, North: D236, 1:30 to 3:15 p.m.

Register for Wed., Feb. 8, 2017, Lake: F103, 12:35 to 2:20 p.m.

  • When:
    January 31, 2017 10:45am to 11:30am
  • When:
    February 7, 2017 11:40am to 12:30pm
  • When:
    February 15, 2017 9:50am to 10:40am
North: D225J (Lab)

Humber has just launched Ensemble Video, found at Faculty can now seamlessly upload, manage and share their educational video content with colleagues and students.

In this workshop, you will a chance to work with Ensemble’s built-in Amara caption editor to ensure that your videos are accessible.

Register online for Tues., Jan. 31, 2017, North: D225J (Lab), 10:45 to 11:30 a.m.

Register online for Tues., Feb. 7, 2017, North: D225J (Lab), 11:40 a.m to 12:30 p.m.

Register online for Wed., Feb. 15, 2017, North: D225J (Lab), 9:50 to 10:40

  • When:
    February 7, 2017 10:00am
February 7, 2017 - 10:00am
Lakeshore, L Space Gallery

Jennifer Cleary, 416.675.6622 x5106,

You and your students are invited to participate in International Development Week (IDW) on the theme of ‘Developing the World’s Youth: Innovation in Entrepreneurship and Employment’. 

This event includes a photo exhibit accompanied by learning materials for faculty, a series of week-long interactive workshops, and panel discussions to learn how Canada and Canadians are making a difference around the world. Bring your students and use the learning materials for an engaging and interesting class!

We will also be showcasing Humber’s Sulawesi Economic Development Strategy, a Global Affairs Canada funded project that is advancing entrepreneurship in Universities in Indonesia, as well as Save the Children’s Youth In Action project that supports youth to identify and explore livelihood opportunities. The exhibit will run the month of February with the aim of raising the awareness among Humber students as well as the wider development community.

The event kicks off February 7, 2017 at L Space gallery with a special guest TBA. Stay tuned for the full IDW schedule of events!

  • When:
    February 7, 2017 9:00am to February 10, 2017 4:00pm
Jennifer Cleary

Special Opportunity for Faculty:

You are invited to International Development Week:  February 7-10, 2017. IDW is celebrated annually across Canada, and offers an opportunity to shed light on some of the world’s greatest development challenges. 

This year we are exploring the theme ‘Developing the Worlds Youth: Innovations in Entrepreneurship and Employment’. Bring your students to our photo exhibit and to participate in a series of interactive workshops and panel discussions!

Here are three ways to participate in this special initiative:

  1. Support the development of your student learning outcomes related to Entrepreneurship by using our learning resources guide
  2. Bring your students to the Gallery Exhibit to see the developing world through the eyes of today’s youth. The images and voices - from Humber’s Sulawesi Economic Development Strategy Project and Save the Children’s Youth in Action Program - weave together stories about the challenges and opportunities in earning an income in an economy that does not offer a direct path to employment. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays, L Space Room L1002 & North Space - LRC 1st Floor Main Concourse
  3. Learn from professionals working for social causes in Canada and abroad as they share ideas on ways to reduce poverty around the world. Find out how you can contribute to global and local initiatives that are sparking worldwide sustainable change through the following events:

Tuesday Feb 7

  • 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.: Opening Ceremony (L Space - L1002) -
  • 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: Panel Discussion: Youth, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Global Context (L Space - L1002) -
  • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.: NGO Marketplace (L Building cafeteria, eastside) -

Wednesday Feb 8

  • 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.: How ideas can change the world: Social Enterprises Information Session (G304/305)
  • 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.: UN Training on the Sustainable Development Goals (L Space - L1002) followed by light reception - SOLD OUT

Thursday Feb 9

  • 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: Design Thinking Workshop (L1017)
  • 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: Panel Discussion: Tackling Youth Unemployment in Canada(L1017)
  • 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.: Centre for Entrepreneurship event: LaunchPad Pitch Competition (G Commons)

Friday Feb 10

For more info & to register visit and

  • When:
    February 6, 2017 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Lakeshore Campus, WEL 304A

Professor Daniel Bear of the Criminal Justice program will be hosting a Media Skills Workshop in WEL 304A from 2-4 p.m. at part of his TEP Leadership Project. This session is for all faculty who wish to improve their skills and find opportunities to communicate their knowledge in the community. In this workshop, Dr. Bear and members of Humber’s Communications Team will focus on how to use social media as an effective communication tool to disseminate research findings, personal expertise on a subject, and commentary on unfolding events. They’ll also focus on writing opinion pieces for newspapers and blogs, including how to write these pieces and how to get them published. This event is co-produced by Dr. Bear and Andrew Leopold, Humber’s Director of Communications. External communication like this helps our faculty share their knowledge while also helping spread and promote the Humber brand.

There are only 20 seats available so please RSVP to by February 3rd to reserve a spot.

Coffee and tea will be provided.


  • When:
    February 6, 2017 1:00pm to 3:00pm
  • When:
    February 9, 2017 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Heidi Marsh

In this session, we will provide an overview of common qualitative research methods used in Teaching and Learning Research (SoTL) and Applied Research. We will set you up for success by sharing best practices and helpful tips. At the end, we will provide an opportunity for one-on-one consultations, for those that have a particular qualitative data set that they need to analyze.

This is the 8th session in Humber's Research Series, hosted jointly by the Centre for Teaching and Learning and Applied Research and Innovation. Faculty are welcome to attend a single session, or the entire series.

To register, click here: 

Monday, Feb. 6 (North, D236):

Thurs., Feb. 9 (Lake, F103):


  • When:
    February 6, 2017 12:35pm to 2:00pm

Come and connect with Chris Whitaker, President and CEO, Humber ITAL, and discuss topics that are relevant to learning and leading in the classroom.

The topic of this session is competencies versus credentials.

Register for Mon., Feb. 6, 2017, North: D225I, 12:35 to 2:00 p.m.

  • When:
    February 6, 2017 10:45am to 11:35am
  • When:
    February 14, 2017 12:35pm to 1:25pm

Deep learning occurs when students are engaged with the content and feel connected to their peers and instructors. In this workshop, participants will learn and apply active learning strategies to keep students motivated and engaged throughout the learning process.

  • Register for Mon., Feb. 6, 2017, North: D236, 10:45 to 11:35 a.m.
  • Register for Tues., Feb. 14, 2017, Lake: F103, 12:35 to 1:25 p.m.
  • When:
    February 3, 2017 9:50am to 11:35am
  • When:
    February 8, 2017 9:50am to 11:35am
  • When:
    March 17, 2017 2:25pm to 4:10pm
  • When:
    March 29, 2017 3:20pm to 5:05pm

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that encourages faculty to address potential barriers to learning before students encounter them. This proactive model provides guidelines that faculty can use to optimize the experience for all learners by adopting an inclusive approach to educational design. In this workshop participants will examine the fundamentals of UDL and discuss how to apply them to their own teaching practice.

Register online for Fri., Feb. 3, 2017, Lake: F103, 9:50 to 11:35 a.m.

Register online for Wed., Feb. 8, 2017, North: D236, 9:50 to 11:35 a.m.

Register online for Fri., Mar. 17, 2017, North: D236, 2:25 to 4:10 p.m.

Register online for Wed., Mar. 29, 2017, Lake: F103, 3:20 to 5:05 p.m.
