Past Events

  • When:
    November 5, 2013 11:45am
November 5, 2013 - 11:45am
North Campus, Room F115

Rebeca Mahadeo

Workshops are 50 minutes in length & FREE for all students! Walk-ins are welcome!

Public speaking and presentations scare many of us. In this fun workshop, you will learn the art of good presentation skills by looking at both verbal and non-verbal techniques. You will also discover some great techniques for preparing for and getting comfortable with presenting. At the in person workshop, you will also have a chance to practice and receive valuable feedback!


  • When:
    November 5, 2013 11:00am
November 5, 2013 - 11:00am
North Campus, Seventh Semseter - Live-stream to Lakeshore

Lindsay Walker
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 5829

Time: 11a.m. - 1p.m.           
Lunch will be provided

This event will also be livestreamed in L1017 Community Room,
Lakeshore Campus and on Humber Media Services:


Humber President and CEO Chris Whitaker, VP Finance and Admin Services Rani Dhaliwal
HSF President Tim Brilliante & VP Student Affairs Lakeshore, SCC member Candace Pellew

Toby Heaps, CEO and co-founder of Corporate Knights the company for clean capitalism. Corporate Knights (CK) publishes an award winning magazine 4 times a year. Founded in 2002, CK's flagship magazine is published as a quarterly insert in the Globe and Mail and Washington Post. As one of the world's largest circulation (125K+) maga-zines focused on the intersection of business and society, CK is the most prominent brand in the clean capitalism media space. Named 2013 Magazine of the Year by the National Magazine Awards Foundation.

In the most recent issue, CK ranked the top 30 schools "Global Green MBA Ranking" and also ranked the 2013 most sustainable countries. Toby will speak about how sustainability is showing up in many industries - not just environ-mental ones - and will link this to what Humber is doing.

Joanne Perdue, Chief Sustainability Officer, University of Calgary (Gold STARS level institu-tion). Joanne will speak to us about the University of Calgary’s recent achievement of Gold STARS, and how they got there.

Lindsay Walker, Sustainability Manager Humber College & Spencer Wood, Associate Director of Operations and Maintenance Humber College will discuss what this means for Humber Sustainability, and plans for the future.

For a printable version of this poster, please click here

  • When:
    November 5, 2013 10:10am
November 5, 2013 - 10:10am
Carrier Drive

Rob Kilfoyle
Phone: 416.675.6622 ex. 4417


The exercise is designed to spread awareness of the college's lockdown procedure among the campus community and to ensure students and employees understand their roles and responsibilities. Everyone is expected to participate in this exercise.


  • When:
    November 5, 2013 (All day)
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Come celebrate Humber's silver STARS rating with lunch and a speaker.

When: Tuesday, November 5, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (lunch will be provided; speaker TBA)

Where: Seventh Semester, North Campus

For more information, contact Lindsay Walker, Humber's sustainability manager, at or check out

  • When:
    November 4, 2013 12:40pm
November 4, 2013 - 12:40pm
Lakeshore Campus, Room F103

Time: 12:40 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Music can have a powerful and meaningful effect on a student's learning experience.

In this presentation, you will learn about the theoretical and practical aspects of music in the classroom, regardless of your subject area. This session will also explore the use of computer music applications such as PowerPoint, Audacity and Garageband.

Laptops and cell phones are welcome!

Facilitator: Dr. Shirantha Beddage
Director of Theory and Harmony, Humber College

Register online at:

  • When:
    November 4, 2013 12:40pm
November 4, 2013 - 12:40pm
North Campus, Room F155

Rebeca Mahadeo

Workshops are 50 minutes in length & FREE for all students! Walk-ins are welcome! 

Many people struggle with reading for understanding. In this workshop, students will learn about different reading styles. They will also be introduced to reading strategies that will help them get the most of the material they read.


  • When:
    November 4, 2013 12:30pm
Monday, November 4, 2013 - 12:30pm

HumberLaunch presents: Canadian Youth Business Foundation Information Session

Date: Monday November 4th 2013

Time: 12:30- 1:30pm

Location: North Campus, President�۪s boardroom D109

Please RSVP

  • When:
    November 4, 2013 10:50am
November 4, 2013 - 10:50am
North Campus, Room D236

Time: 10:50 a.m. - 11: 40 a.m. 

This session will introduce faculty to the case method and how Humber is adapting it for our students. We’ll use a short case to demonstrate the three-part method and then discuss how cases can be integrated into non-traditional disciplines. We’ll also talk about resources Humber has to support case teaching. Bring your questions, curiosity and enthusiasm for student-centered learning!


Register online at:

  • When:
    November 4, 2013 9:55am
November 4, 2013 - 9:55am
Lakeshore Campus, Room F103

Time: 9:55 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Slide rule, calculator, spreadsheets… but what are the tools of today’s students? Learn about mobile apps (Android, iOS) that are available for free to help deepen your students’ understanding of math and statistics. Today’s apps can compute anything from basic math to high level formulas. They also provide formula details, graphic representations and explanations for the solved solutions. Discover a world of math and stats that you have never seen before. Discuss how to design your lesson plans and assessments to integrate the technology available. Maybe you are thinking of your own research and the apps available for statistical computation? Then this is also the workshop for you!

Register online at:

  • When:
    November 2, 2013 7:30pm
Saturday, November 2, 2013 - 7:30pm

WhatThe Idiot (directed by Dean Gilmour and Michele Smith); featuring the work of students in the third year Theatre Performance and Theatre Produciton progrmas

When: October 30-November 2 (Wednesday-Saturday, 8:00 p.m.; Saturday mantinee, 2:00 p.m.)  

More info: Joe Bowden, 416-675-6622 ex. 79052 
