Scholars & Co. – March 2019

We are pleased to share the March edition of Scholars & Co.

This month, we are celebrating a Teaching Innovation Fund first: A TIF film screening! Although many of the SoTL projects that we fund evaluate the impact of a teaching practice or approach, some are geared toward the development of a new teaching tool. In this case, the tool that was developed is a documentary, titled The Struggle Back, which will be used to educate Humber students as well as community and justice agencies on the challenges associated with addiction and mental health. The project was an inter-disciplinary endeavour, completed by Arun Dhanota (SSCS), Dan Rowe (MSIT), and a team of students. It will be screened on Thursday, March 21 at the Lakeshore Campus.

See the full story on page 1 of the newsletter for further details and to register to attend the screening.