College Council Highlights - September 2021

College Council Highlights: September 16, 2021

Humber College Council (HCC) held its first meeting of the 2021-2022 academic year on Thursday, September 16, 2021, online through Microsoft Teams. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives and important issues, College Council reports the highlights of its monthly meetings. For more information or to provide feedback on the highlights, please contact and

Truth and Reconciliation – Interactive Session

Jason Seright, [Dean, Indigenous Education and Engagement], presented an interactive session to College Council. Jason started by reviewing the important work that is being done at Humber in Indigenous Education and Engagement, our early commitments to the Indigenous Education Protocol, the importance of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report and the 94 calls to action, in particular, #62 which deals with education. We were reminded of Senator Murray Sinclair’s powerful words, ‘Education got us into this mess and education will get us out of it,’ which emphasizes the transformative role that education plays in building and restoring balance with the Indigenous community. Humber’s Indigenous Education Plan is based on Mino Nawendiwin – the need for good relations, while acknowledging the interconnection between us all and incorporating the Indigenous world view that decisions need to benefit everyone rather than only select groups.

Given this, the need for action and the importance that education plays in Mino Nawendiwin, Jason challenged each HCC member to pick one of the calls to action in the TRC and put it into action. One possible action is for members to write their own Land Acknowledgement and Jason offered to provide training to facilitate that. We were reminded that it is okay be nervous and unsure but it’s important to do it. Members will report back on the actions that they have taken at our retreat in May/June 2022!

Student Services for Fall 2021

Ian Crookshank, [Dean of Students], provided an informational update on Student Success & Engagement (SSE) for Fall 2021. Given SSE’s focus is on helping students be Future-Ready, Flexible, Equitable, Well, and its mission to empower a diverse community of learners.

Overview: SSE is divided into three main categories: Transition & Academic Support; Athletics & Recreation, and Student Wellness & Equitable Learning.

Learnings from the past year: Approximately 93% of appointments with students were conducted virtually and students have initially contacted this group asynchronously via email. While in many cases engagement with students using digital tools has increased, the numbers have decreased in First Year Experience sessions, and it is hoped that these will return to in-person when possible. The guiding principle of SEE is to make decisions that decisions are student centric and ensure equitable access to services for learners whether the student is on campus or remote.

Student Support for Fall 2021:

  • The fitness centre is open to Humber students and employees, by appointment, for limited hours and proof of vaccine is required. Currently, is not open to the external community. Humber will be hosting both the women’s national soccer and men’s basketball championships this fall.
  • Advising & Career Centres are open, M-F, from 8:30 to 4:30 p.m., for both hybrid and virtual appointments. PALS, Writing and Math Centres are open, M-S, for both in-person, hybrid and virtual appointments.
  • Accommodated Testing will be booked by appointment, and this will continue in the future and eliminate the long line ups.
  • The current Student Code of Conduct is being revised.

It is important to note that after the first seven weeks of the semester, things will be evaluated and modified if needed.

Important Links:

HCC Constituent Communication Survey

Andrea Tavchar [Chair, Humber College Council] and Sheila Moore [Vice Chair College Council], shared the results of the survey sent to College Council members.

A nine-question HCC Member Survey was distributed to all members in the spring of 2021 requesting feedback on the communication process between members and their respective Humber constituent groups. There were 18 respondents who shared the following:

  • Half of the respondents indicated that they read and forward the HCC agenda and related materials prior to the meeting
  • Over 70% of respondents distribute the HCC highlights after the meeting
  • Almost 80% of respondents forward HCC information to constituents some or every month
  • Almost half of respondents do not coordinate HCC member tasks with other HCC members from their departments/faculties
  • Just over 50% of respondents indicated that constituents reach out with HCC-related questions at least once a semester
  • Some respondents indicated that the turnaround time for sending constituents materials in advance of an HCC meeting was too short
  • Some respondents indicated that they were not always confident about what material could be shared
  • Some respondents shared that the current process of sharing highlights and distributing highlights through Communique was adequate

A template providing suggested messaging for communicating highlights to constituents was provided.

Discussion after the survey presentation focused on a number of ideas such as:

  • Sending the agenda in advance of an HCC meeting (without supporting presentation documents) to permit earlier distribution of information.
  • Ways to collaborate with members from the same department/faculty
  • Highlighting agenda items that will require engagement to encourage constituent feedback prior to an HCC meeting
  • Customizing highlight information targeting to your department (and sharing relevant links) in Teams
  • Promoting HCC activities by posting the HCC mandate and membership in Communiqué once a year
  • Developing additional ways to raise the profile of HCC among constituents to generate more engagement

Further work will be conducted on HCC communication efforts with the goal of developing a communication plan that will guide members to engage with constituent groups more consistently.

Welcome from Humber College President

Chris Whitaker [President and CEO Humber College] welcomed College Council members to the new school year. Chris recognized the work to improve communication between HCC and its constituents and supported the conversation around raising the profile of HCC. Chris stated that the 2021 fall semester is, again, unlike any other. Stressing the importance of communication throughout the college, Chris emphasized that we should maintain communication to stay connected, work together and to continuously find ways to improve. With the partial return to campus and the threat of the Delta variant, Chris acknowledged that Humber continues to face COVID-related challenges. Chris reminded the HCC members to continue to work toward Humber's strategic goals, and that despite the dynamic period of change and uncertainty there are lots of positive initiatives taking place at Humber.

The next meeting of College Council will be held Thursday, October 14 online through Microsoft Teams. For meeting highlights, supporting materials, or opportunities to provide feedback please visit the College Council website.