Masking Requirements to Remain in Place for Winter Term

Following recent provincial announcements about changes to Ontario’s reopening, we wanted to provide an update on Humber’s masking requirements.    

To provide certainty for students and employees, Humber will maintain the current masking requirements until at least the end of the winter term. Masks must continue to be worn in all Humber buildings.  

We will be reviewing plans for the Summer 2022 term this month and will communicate any policy changes for it and future terms to the Humber community.  

As previously communicated, Humber’s Vaccination Policy also remains in place until at least the end of the winter term.  

Anyone coming to Humber campuses must upload proof of vaccination or an approved medical exemption to the Humber Guardian app. This proof along with a completed daily screening must be shown.    

Proof of vaccination may only be submitted to the Humber Guardian App using the provincial Enhanced Vaccine Certificate (QR Code). These submissions will be verified and approved almost instantly. Public Safety officers at campus entryways will also be equipped with scanners to verify the QR codes on provincial Enhanced Vaccine Certificate.