Important Reminder to all Faculty: Winter 2022 Collaborate Recordings to be Deleted May 15

Greetings Faculty, sharing a timely reminder as the semester end approaches: Winter 2022 Collaborate Recordings Cleanup.

Recordings made January 1 to April 22, 2022 (e.g. this semester) will be deleted as of May 15, 2022.

Please back up/upload to Panopto any Winter 2022 Collaborate recordings that students with extensions or accommodations might need or that you'd like to retain for your own purposes.

For help on how to download, back up, and store your recordings: 

Want to get ahead of this in future semesters? Check out our pro tip:

To use video in Blackboard, we recommend that you upload the file to Panopto, Humber’s video streaming service, which is licensed for this purpose. After you add your video to Panopto, you can then share the link and/or embed the video into your course.