Testing Services - Service Model, Summer 2022

To all faculty and academic partners,

As we shared in April, Testing Services is introducing an enhanced service delivery model to ensure we are meeting the needs of learners, faculty and academic partners, and institutional priorities.

Scheduling Tests
All seats within the Testing Services are booked through an appointment-based process. Effective for the summer 2022 semester, all scheduling of tests is conducted through an LMS integration within Humber’s Blackboard system and Guelph-Humber’s CourseLink system. This new integration will create a seamless process for all faculty and learners, ensuring the correct exams are scheduled for learners within the correct courses.

For learners to schedule a test in the Test Centres, faculty must first make the test available through the new integration. This is done in two easy steps, one of which you should activate at the beginning of summer 2022. These steps are detailed in the attached slide deck.

  1. Adding the Testing Services integration to your course content – beginning of summer 2022
  2. Providing the test details and the test document – two weeks prior to the test date

Once you have made the test available in the Testing Services system, learners are able to book their test via the system.

This new methodology provides learners with confidence in securing their writing dates and times and eliminates line-ups and crowds at our locations. This approach also ensures that specialized accommodations requiring limited resources (e.g., individual testing rooms, large spaces to enable a reader/scribe, specialized adaptive software programs not available on all devices) are able to be offered as required to meet our shared duty to accommodate. 

Please remember learners are not required to activate their accommodations for all tests. Faculty will only need to submit tests to Testing Services if a learner has indicated to their faculty they wish to write in Testing Services spaces by communicating directly with you. A test cannot be booked in the Test Centre by a learner without faculty submitting the test first. Please know that learners will be able to complete their tests/assessments within two weeks of the scheduled in-class date to enable access to resources within Testing Services.

We will continue to seek feedback from faculty, staff, and learners throughout the summer for further improvements launching in fall 2022, including training for all faculty.

Thank you for your continued partnership and support of all learners. We wish you all the best for the rest of this semester.

Testing Services Team
Student Wellness and Equitable Learning
Student Success and Engagement