Indigenous Knowledge Gathering 2018

Humber College is pleased to announce the Indigenous Knowledge Gathering held at Humber College from March 22 - 24, 2018 in Toronto, Ontario. In partnership with the Aboriginal Resource Centre, and the Schools of Social and Community Services, Creative and Performing Arts, and Health Sciences, the gathering will bring together a broad range of voices and perspectives, engaging Elders, community leaders, First Nation youth, alumni and Indigenous learners across Ontario and beyond.

Future generations inherit the worlds we create. Everything we do has an impact, not only on this generation but also generations to come. With the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC)'s Final Report and Calls to Action (2015), many Canadians began to consider the meaning of reconciliation and whether it has the power to forge new relationships. The reality is that there is no simple way to decolonize centuries of educational experience, just as there is no straightforward path that can lead to reconciliation. True and meaningful reconciliation requires a new paradigm, building relationships of mutual respect and a resurgence of Indigenous self-determinism in lifeways and educational practice. Reconciliation requires us to consider the steps we take, creating paths through learning and action. Encompassing interconnected features of language, lands and waterscapes, ceremonial cycles, ways of knowing and being, histories, and contemporary experiences, Indigenous education is, at its core, a process of revitalization. We hope the gathering can serve as a place of learning and sharing for all who are engaged in Indigenous education. Join us as we look to the future! Niigaaninaabe.

To register and find out more information on the gathering visit:

Spaces are limited, register early to ensure a spot.