This is an overview of key functions within the Corporate Administrative Portal. You will be able to add or remove learners, enroll learners into courses, view learner academic history, view historical transactions and pay down/pay off outstanding invoices.
A short video on how to navigate your company’s Administrative Portal for Humber offerings. As the administratorYou will learn how to access the portal, add new learners, register your learners and pay invoices.
To begin, access your Corporate Administrative portal using the link and credentials provided by Humber staff. Once logged in, your homepage will present a list of menu items on the left frame with the active menu item detailed in the centre frame.
After sign-in, your starting page will allow you to manage your learners. Here you can see and search the list of learners that have already been associated within your group.
Clicking ‘Add a Member’, will present you with a new learner account creation page. Filling in the required fields will allow you to create a new learner account that will be automatically linked to your corporate group. Once created, you can click on any learner’s name to see more details on their profile.
You can also click on the ‘Academic History’ menu option from the left-panel, to access each group learner’s academic history.
This will show their enrollment history and the current academic status.
The ‘Reservation History’ option will display a list of any seat reservations that have been made, whether by you as the Corporate Group Admin or on the group’s behalf by a Humber staff member.
Here you may also claim previously reserved seats by associating the seat reservation with a group member before completing the payment process.
If there are any Applications associated with a group’s course or program offerings, you can access those from the ‘New Application’ menu option.
You can also view more information about the ‘Application Status’ of learners that have already applied.
Under the “Browse Offerings’ menu option, you will see a list of associated Certificates and Courses based on the existing arrangement between your group and Humber.
The list will display the availability status of each offering. You can review more details on the course profile by clicking on the course title. The course profile displays more information such as the dates and times, available sections and the options to add to cart or reserve a seat.
When you click on the ‘Account History’ menu option, you will be able to see the list of past transactions for your group. The transaction number provides you with more details for each transaction.
If the transaction is still outstanding, and you are paying by credit card, you will have the option to ‘Pay invoice’ when you access the transaction number.
You can also access and review a list of outstanding invoices by clicking on the ‘Invoices’ menu option on the left-panel. This will display a list of all outstanding invoices; you can select multiple invoices using the checkbox and either ‘Pay the selected invoices’ (If you are paying by credit card); this will take you to the Moneris Payment page to fulfill the transaction using a valid credit card.
If you want to print the selected invoices, then you select the Print Receipt option.