
May 3, 2023

Please note this month’s new and improved features in Blackboard Ultra. For more details, please follow the links below: 

Using the Grading Attempt Selector to Grade Multiple Submissions

An attempt selector on the grading page has been added to help manage, evaluate, and grade multiple student submissions. The selector can be found on the top left corner of the submissions grading page. 

Reusing Questions Between Question Banks

Instructors can now copy questions between question banks by selecting the new Reuse Questions option (in the drop-down menu when working in a question bank) and copy questions from existing assessments directly into their question banks. 

Adding Exemptions from the Gradebook Grid View 

Exemptions can now be added or edited from the gradebook grid view. When an instructor exempts an assessment/activity: 

  • The exempted item is excluded from the Overall Grade 
  • The exempted item is not marked late for students who do not submit 
  • Students with an exemption will not receive an automatic zero 

Rubrics Enhancements 

Performance level descriptions are now hidden by default to streamline grading experience but can be displayed if needed. Criterion feedback is also collapsible for a cleaner view of the grading panel. Finally, it is now possible to navigate between rubric criteria with the tab and use the up/down arrows of your keyboard to select a performance level. 

Messaging Students from the Submission Page 

To message students from the submission page, search or filter the recipients, click the checkbox to the left of the student’s name, then select the Send Message button on the right side of the page. Selecting multiple students as recipients of a message will keep them on BCC to maintain confidentiality. 

Editing LTI Items via Gradebook 

Instructors can now edit gradebook columns for LTI-based activities without forcing category selection. 

Control Where Web Links Open 

To provide greater flexibility in designing their course content, instructors may now specify where linked content should open – in a panel in the Ultra course or a new window. 

Note: When content is hosted on Blackboard, it is less likely to be blocked. In this example, opening course content in a panel in the Ultra course is a better experience for students. 

Uploading Desktop Folders to the Course Content Page 

To upload desktop folders to your Blackboard course, simply locate the folder on your computer and drag/drop them directly on the course content page. Upload wait time will depend on the size of the file. 

Dedicated Space to Take Notes about Students 

Keep track of student details in a private Notes tab on the Student Overview page. Here, instructors can add and review notes about a student. Possible uses include tracking student progress, noting extensions given to students, grading considerations, or issues/challenges pertaining to a student. 


Need additional support? The IL Support Centre is here to help! 

May 3, 2023
Nadine Finlay
A graphic reading Queer Joy Celebrating the Artwork of Queer and Trans Folks. A pride flag flies on a flagpole beneath a Canadian flag. Logos for the second floor gallery, the LGBTQ Resource Centre, and the Interpretive Centre sit on the image.

Join us to celebrate Queer Joy!

We are searching for queer and trans artists to submit up to three artworks with titles and brief biographies to be considered for a juried art exhibition in our newly launched Second Floor Gallery Space.

This exhibition will run in partnership with the LGTBQ+ Resource Centre and the 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group at Humber.

Applications open today, and will be open until May 17, 2023.

To apply, visit

For more information, contact or call 416.675.6622 x3801.

May 3, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Are you an experienced professional looking to make a difference in your community?

The Longo Centre for Entrepreneurship is seeking mentors to support our next generation of leaders! Our mentorship program is open to individuals of all backgrounds and industries. Whether you are a seasoned executive or a young professional looking to make a difference, we welcome your participation.

To volunteer, please send your headshot, resume, and a brief bio to

Learn more

May 3, 2023
Occupational Health and Safety Services
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Welcome to Safety and Health Week! All week long, Occupational Health and Safety Services will be posting health and safety information in the Communiqué. Be sure to keep an eye on these posts, as there will be a chance to win some prizes at the end of the week.

There are many kinds of hazardous materials at Humber: chemicals, cleaners, aerosols, compressed gases, paints, welding/soldering consumables, adhesives, cements, art supplies, lubricants, and disinfectants. The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) gives you and your supervisor the information you need to understand the hazards and stay safe. Here’s how it works at Humber.

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

WHMIS is a system to give employers and workers information about hazardous materials used in the workplace. WHMIS has been the law in Canada since 1988. Regulatory changes were introduced in 2015 that align the Canadian system with the United Nations standard, the “Globally Harmonized System”.


All employees who work with hazardous materials must take WHMIS 2015 Training. Learn all about the WHMIS system and how it works here at Humber. To register for the WHMIS online course, please contact  

Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Humber uses an online system, MSDSonline for organizing and distributing safety data sheets for all our hazardous materials. Click on the link above to learn how to access the system and find safety data sheets, as well as find a list of Local SDS Coordinators, who are responsible for ensuring employees working in their area have access to the SDS that they need.


All hazardous materials should be labelled with one of the following:

  • A WHMIS supplier label.
  • A WHMIS workplace label.
  • A consumer product label.
  • Pesticide, drug or other specialty label.

Before you handle a product, read the label and make sure you understand the hazards. If you need more information, talk to your supervisor and be sure to read the SDS. Never use an unlabeled product.

May 3, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Please take note that effective May 1, 2023 to August 31, 2023, the third floor of E building at the North Campus will be closed for construction.

No access will be permitted on the floor without prior permission by CDFM and the contractor. Please note this will be an active construction zone and PPE will be required for anyone entering this floor.

Please view attached drawing for more details.

May 2, 2023
Occupational Health and Safety Services
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Welcome to Safety and Health week! All week long, Occupational Health and Safety Services will be posting health and safety information in the Communiqué. Be sure to keep an eye on these posts, as there will be a chance to win some prizes at the end of the week.

Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries in Ontario and can result in a great deal of pain and suffering. However, if we all pitch in, we can minimize the risk and make our workplace safer.

What are some common types of hazards to watch for?

  • Slippery surfaces caused by spills.
  • Weather related hazards (e.g., snow/ice/wet surfaces) in parking lots and walkways.
  • Floor mats that are loose or have upturned edges.
  • Cords and cables running across walkways or other routes of travel.
  • Tools, equipment or debris left on the floor.
  • An uneven, or sudden change in floor surface.
  • Poor lighting.

What should you do if you see a slip, trip or fall hazard?

  • Report hazards specific to your work area to your supervisor. Remove the hazard if you are able to do so safely.
  • Report building or grounds-related hazards to Facilities Management: call x4444 or use the Archibus work order system (Go to and click on “Place Service Request” to complete and submit a work order).
  • After hours, call Public Safety: 416.675.8500.

What else can you do to prevent slips, trips and falls?

  • Select footwear that is appropriate for your work activities and environment.
  • Don’t rush; adjust your pace to suit the walking surface.
  • When carrying objects, ensure that they do not block your view.
  • Keep walkways and floors clear of boxes, extension cords, and litter.
  • Clean up spills right away.
  • Use the handrail on stairs.
  • Put away your phone. Stay alert.
May 1, 2023
Regan Mancini
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

An assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators, Humber College Council (HCC) is Humber’s collective employee voice, making suggestions to Humber College’s President as it relates to long and short‐term institutional priorities.


Gina Antonacci, senior VP, Academic, Alena Shah, associate dean, Program Planning and Nichole Molinaro, dean, Program Planning Development and Renewal

In October 2021, the Provincial Government released a document on red tape strategies and proposed that colleges offer both applied master’s degrees and three-year degrees. In follow up conversations, the government asked the colleges to demonstrate their capacity to offer applied master’s degrees.

Master programs require the student to develop and demonstrate advanced research skills under supervision. The Ontario Qualifications Framework outlines two types of master’s programs: profession-oriented and research-oriented. Professional oriented programs focus on practice-based research, whereas research-oriented programs are more focused on research that is more academic in nature. Master’s programs can be thesis-based, project-based or course based. For Humber, a master’s degree is a project in a research-oriented program comprised of advanced courses and intensive research culminating in a project. The project is normally assessed by a research supervisor and a second reader.

Humber set out to define its own criteria for the creation of applied master’s degrees. For Humber, the program must:

  1. Meet PEQAB requirements
  2. Have existing faculty with PhDs
  3. Have existing strengths at the bachelor’s or graduate certificate level
  4. Fill a market or industry need for masters-level training
  5. Have strong existing industry connections
  6. Not duplicate offerings at Ontario universities or contribute to unwarranted raising of credentials among similar programs in the college system
  7. Complete a pathway for students from certificate/diploma all the way up to the proposed applied master’s credential

In terms of 3-year degrees, Humber is just starting to explore them. The college is looking at the implications of a 3-year degree on our 4-year degrees and advanced diplomas. Humber offers more than 30 four-year degrees in a wide variety of areas and needs to be cognizant that other colleges may offer similar three-year degrees.


Shaun Ghafari, associate dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology 

Humber has decided to apply to the Ministry for the ability to offer an Applied Masters in Advance Manufacturing. As Humber reviewed its internal criteria for offering such degrees, this program was a perfect match. In addition to meeting the requirements, Humber has the state-of-the-art equipment to support this degree program. The application will be submitted following internal approvals this June.


Tyler Charlebois, director, Centres of Innovation (COIs) Network and Partnership Development

Humber’s five COIs - Longo Centre for Entrepreneurship, Centre for Social Innovation, Centre for Innovation in Health & Wellness, Centre for Creative Business Innovation, and Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation - are part of the broader innovation ecosystem at Humber that includes the Office of Research & Innovation and the Centre for Innovative Learning. 

The COI network fosters collaboration across the COIs to provide opportunities for Humber faculty, students, industry and community partners to collectively address challenges and innovate in key areas. Students and staff can engage in applied research projects, capstone projects and work-integrated learning, and participate in mentorship and professional development opportunities, events, and workshops.

Two students presented on their educational journey with Humber’s COIs:

  1. Emma Kilgannon, WorldSkills Patisserie Champion, Skills Canada Gold Medalist, and Humber BPAM Graduate spoke about her experience with the two-day WorldSkills competition and winning Bronze. She noted how her success was supported by Humber’s Barrett CTI which granted her access to 3-D printing and laser cutting to develop the tools for her creations. In addition, Humber hosted a competition send-off event that encouraged her to succeed.
  2. Brian Jala, supported by Vanita Varma, director, Centre for Innovation in Health and Wellness (CIHW), spoke about his experiences with the Health Innovation Challenge. A collaboration between CIHW, LAMP Community Health Centre, and the Longo Centre for Entrepreneurship, the project aims to explore new/innovative strategies that influence people’s health behaviours and knowledge for preventing or managing diabetes. Student teams from various Humber faculties, including domestic and international students determined innovative ways to better support the Humber community with knowledge around diabetes disease management. Brian explained how the project enabled him to make personal life changes and to become a better public speaker.


The next Humber College Council meeting will be held virtually on May 11, 2023.


For questions or comments about HCC meeting highlights, contact

For supporting materials, meeting minutes, or opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website or contact

May 1, 2023

Deferred Exam Procedure for Previous Semester (Winter 2023)

As we begin a new semester, we would like to remind you of the procedures for students who need to take deferred exams from a previous semester, such as Winter 2023.

If you have students who are taking a deferred exam, please indicate this in your test submission. We would like to remind you that students no longer have access to their previous semester courses. Therefore, unless an extension has been requested and granted, the student will not have access to booking an appointment for their deferred exam. Please let students know they should email or call the Test Centre to schedule an appointment.

Deactivation of Old Testing Services Link and Introduction of New Link

We would also like to inform you that on May 4, 2023, the current Testing Services link will no longer be active on Blackboard. We recently discovered that the old link's release conditions properties were not functioning correctly, and as a result, it will be deactivated.

However, a new and improved Testing Services link will be available in the Course Content Market. We kindly ask that you integrate this new link into all of your courses moving forward.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience during this transition. Rest assured that all your previous test submissions will still be accessible using this new link.

For more information on how to integrate the Testing Services link(s), please follow the steps on pages 5-7 of our handbook.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at, or by phone at x4712 for North or x3228 for Lakeshore.

May 1, 2023
Nicole Tonus-Conti
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Mental Health Grounding Tip Sheet

The Centre for Innovation in Health & Wellness (CIHW) is focused on finding innovative solutions to enhance health and wellness at Humber and in the communities around us. 

This week (May 1-7) is Mental Health Awareness week and CIHW encourages learners, staff and faculty to take care of their mental health and wellness.

Your mental health is important and can impact your emotional, psychological, and overall well-being. Taking a break during the day can help productivity, manage stress, and boost resilience. Attached is a poster with tips and information on Mindfulness and Grounding techniques that you can practice in your own space.

Interested in joining a guided Mindfulness session? Join CIHW’s Mindfulness@Humber sessions offered virtually and in-person at the North Campus.  

In health and wellness,

The CIHW Team

May 1, 2023

Did you know that Humber has a program that provides support to employees for tuition costs? 

The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) is designed to assist employees with tuition costs and support their professional development by:  

  • Making learning affordable. 
  • Providing tuition reimbursement, up to $1,000 per year for full-time employees and $500 per year for part-time/contract admin, academic and partial load employees, and regular part-time support staff. 

To learn more, visit the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) website

More information can also be found in Humber’s Professional Development Policy

To learn more about additional professional development resources available to employees, visit the Employee Professional Learning website and the Employee Tuition and Scholarships website

Questions?  Email us at
