
January 27, 2022
Casey Norris
2022 Siemens Art Call

Humber Galleries is excited to launch a new student art call in partnership with Siemens Canada

We're asking students to create artworks that speak to the theme of Technology with Purpose and what it means to them. How can technology shape our collective future? What role does technology play in the transformation of our society and economy? How can we solve tomorrow’s challenges by using technology?  

Running from today until early March, this call is open to all current Humber College and University of Guelph-Humber students to create brand new artworks in any physical medium. Whether it be a painting, a photograph, an illustration, any genre or medium that can be printed and/or installed in a frame is welcomed. 

Students have a chance to win $1,500 and have their artwork become part of the Siemens Canada Art Collection. Applications are now open until Wednesday, March 2. Visit for more submission info and to apply today. 

Have some questions or want to get some more info? Stay tuned for details on our live info session coming up Wednesday, February 9th.  

#TechnologyWithPurpose #SiemensArtsCall

January 26, 2022

This month, we’re putting the Sustainability Spotlight on Jen Ball!  

Jen is a professor in the General Arts and Science (GAS) program and has been a Humber employee since 2008. In the fall of 2021, Humber launched the Sustainability Stream, a new program option guiding students toward green sector careers. Jen played an instrumental role in the development of this stream and continues to teach courses informed by today’s global challenges, such as the climate crisis and social inequity.  

As an educator, Jen believes that individuals at the college level can play a crucial role in the fight against the climate crisis.  

“We at the college level are really in an excellent place to help shape the labour force required to meet the ambitious targets being set by Canada and the entire global community,” Jen said. “Not only that, we must graduate critical thinkers who can assess the plans being made and identify weaknesses and opportunities. I have such excellent colleagues at Humber who do this work every day in the classroom. It’s so exciting to be a part of this team.”  

To learn more about how Jen addresses sustainability in her work and personal life, find the full feature story.

January 26, 2022
Hire a Research Analyst for the Fall Semester poster

Do you have a research project that needs to be completed during the summer semester? Are you looking for someone who can assist you with:

  • Data collection, research design, information retrieval, and survey design
  • Designing and implementing research projects for international or domestic populations
  • Qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis and interpretation
  • Project management, proposal writing, and literature reviews
  • Students are knowledgable with SPSS, Excel, and Data visualization tools

Our highly qualified Research Analyst graduate students are available full time from May to the end of July to assist you with your project.

*Project hours are used for Work-Integrated Learning (placement course)

For more information, please contact Nicole Tonus-Conti at x75476 or

January 26, 2022
Anju Kakkar
Call for Papers "Indigenous Education and Research in a Polytechnic Context"

This is your chance to get your paper published in the Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE).

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are requested for this Issue of JIPE exploring the topic of “Indigenous Education and Research in a Polytechnic Context.”

We kindly invite authors to contribute to this issue of JIPE by sharing stories, teachings, and inter-disciplinary dialogue that centres Indigenous peoples and cultures; ways of being and becoming; theories of knowledge and knowing; and practices of teaching and learning. JIPE especially encourages scholarly work in partnership with Indigenous communities, both within rural, urban and remote contexts, which explore the impact of innovative teaching and learning practices that push the boundaries of traditional educational theory and delivery. Submissions will be peer-reviewed and collaborative expressions of interest must include at least one Indigenous co-writer.

Please see the official call for papers on our website for more information.

Deadline: June 2, 2022

EOIs should be submitted to

January 26, 2022
Desta McCalla

Enhancing Institutional EDI Knowledge of Disability and Academic Accessibility 

  • Some students experience disability-related barriers around taking notes during class.  

  • In order to facilitate access to notes, some students registered with Accessible Learning may be utilizing notetaking support through a service called Note Taking Express, which is coordinated through Peer Assisted Learning Services. Students using this service are required to sign an agreement indicating they will only share the recording with Note Taking Express staff and acknowledging other conditions to keep accountability while utilizing this service. 

  • While faculty are not legally mandated to post their lecture slides/summaries/video recordings on Blackboard/CourseLink for all students, students with disabilities, in particular, may require access to such materials as an accommodation.  

  • As a helpful way to encourage participation, some faculty assign all students into small “note-taking groups” where each week they arrange for one group to collectively take and share their notes on Blackboard/Courselink for the whole class.  This supports students with disabilities and other students with diverse needs, which may impact taking notes during class in real-time. 

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about note-taking supports for students. 

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué. 

January 25, 2022
Felipe Narcizo
Photo of Anxhelo Mecollari

Our rockstar of the week is Anxhelo Mecollari, a student from Albania who has been involved in different types of research. 

His first research experience with Humber started during his first semester when he joined Professor Dhimitri as a research assistant to innovate and develop the MRICOSA Water Purification Project. Later, he joined Barret CTI director, Neal Mohammed, to develop service rooms layouts and designs. 

Mecollari is a current research assistant and provides expertise in mechanical and machining services, collaborating with faculty members, and teaching students how to use machines. He is providing students with hands-on experience. But even with the COVID-19 pandemic, Anxhelo kept motivated, he joined with another Advanced Manufacturing Skills Consortium Partner Javelin Technologies Inc. to produce protective face-shields for Humber faculty and staff. 

When asked about his new goals, he hopes to, one day, lead his own applied research.  

“Research, in my mind, is like painting on a blank canvas”, said Anxhelo Mecollari.

Learn more about Anxhelo by reading the full article.

January 25, 2022
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Faculties and departments who utilize City Taxi services must provide current and valid Standing Order numbers to get accurately billed to the proper departmental accounts. City Taxi has provided the attached guidelines for your assistance:

  1. Information on requesting voucher books
  2. Providing valid Banner Purchase Order# for correct billing

We also want to remind you that once the new fiscal (2022-23) opens in Banner in April, the process of confirming the new Standing Purchase order# to City Taxi should be followed.

Please contact Purchasing Services if you have any questions.

January 24, 2022

Information Technology Services is excited to announce to the Humber community that our mobile wayfinding app Campus Compass has been upgraded and improved! 

An improved user interface will help get you around and access services at Humber's North, Lakeshore, International Graduate School and University of Guelph-Humber campuses. Getting from point A to B at Humber has never been easier.

 Improvements in the new version include: 

  • New, easy to use app design
  • Addition of Lakeshore Campus maps
  • Addition of IGS Campus maps
  • Dine On / Dining Nearby Campus pages to locate options for food and drink
  • Real-time "Tech talk" support chat for immediate technical assistance
  • Real-time transit schedules for Lakeshore and IGS Campuses
  • Improved search functionality for all spaces and services 
  • New logo and branded theme
  • Humber live Twitter feeds

The new version went live on January 17, 2022. Depending on your mobile device settings, the Campus Compass app will either automatically update, or you must update it manually.

The current app version will be decommissioned as of January 31, 2022, and will no longer function, so the app update process is required to continue using Campus Compass.

If you need help with the update process, please follow these easy to use instructions for Apple or Android devices. 

Content is king! 

As your team makes plans and decisions for the winter term, don’t forget to submit any updated information from your area to the Campus Compass app. That includes hours of operation, or whether your area will be open or closed for the upcoming winter semester. Up to date information is vital for getting people around campus. To submit your placemark content updates, use our form at the following link: 

January 24, 2022

The College Employer Council has posted Academic Bargaining 2021-2022 and Employer Final Offer Explained on its website.

More information is also available on the CEC’s website and the OPSEU website.

January 24, 2022
Mellissa Khuai

IGNITE has partnered with Humber Advancement and Alumni and University of Guelph-Humber to provide students with Learning Essentials Support, a financial support service designed to help cover the cost of program learning essential items, from $50 up to a maximum of $500 per academic year.

Examples of learning essential items that we support include, but are not limited to:

  • Equipment (uniforms, tool kits, cosmetic kits, etc.)
  • Software (MyITLab access, etc.)
  • Training & Professional Memberships (Suicide Prevention Training, Soundscan membership, etc.)
  • Experiential (final projects, field trips, etc.)

Applications are open now! 

More information on our Learning Essentials Support
