
May 11, 2021
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Post-Secondary, Degree and Graduate Assistance Program (GAP) Call for Applications

If you are a full-time (admin, support, academic) employee furthering your education, you are eligible to apply for a scholarship of up to 50 percent of your annual tuition fees (up to a maximum of $5,000 per year) under the Professional Development Policy. This provision awards scholarships for post-secondary, degree, and graduate programs. The scholarship award is available for a program for up to four (4) years in duration.

The application deadline is May 31, 2021. All full-time employees interested in applying can find more details on the application process and forms in the links below:

Visit the HROE Learning and Development site for details on all Professional Development offerings.

Questions? Please email us at

May 10, 2021
Bharat Saini

Humber College is committed to principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The Employment Equity Act was passed in 1986. Recognizing that "systemic discrimination" was responsible for most of the inequality found in employment, the Abella Royal Commission on Equality in Employment outlined a systemic response and chose the term "Employment Equity" to describe the process.

To learn more about Humber’s Employment Equity program, please visit the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion website.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion invites all full-time and non-full-time employees to complete the Employment Equity Questionnaire (EEQ). The information that you provide in the EEQ will be kept confidential and will only be reported in aggregate form for Employment Equity purposes. In other words, the reported data will not contain any personal identification. Having up-to-date knowledge of our workforce representation will allow the College to identify where underrepresentation exists, and to target its efforts toward removing barriers that may exist in the College’s employment systems.

Please note - the completion of Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire is voluntary.

How can I access the Employment Equity Questionnaire?

  • Employees can access the EEQ directly in the HRMS by following the steps below:
    • Go to
    • Click on HRMS Sign In
    • Enter your Humber credentials to sign in
    • Click on Personal Information
    • Click on Personal Details
    • Expand the section titled Biographical Info
    • Click on the pencil icon to add/update your responses to the EEQ
    • The steps are also listed in the HRMS Knowledge Base titled, View and Update Personal Information.
  • If you require the EEQ in an alternate format, please contact Bharat Saini at

Please visit the Centre website for Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to the Employment Equity Program.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion thanks you for helping to build a more inclusive Humber.

May 10, 2021
Did You Know - Coaching

ITS offers 45 minutes of 1:1 virtual coaching for the following:

  • Teams Live Events
  • Forms
  • Planner
  • Teams Suite
  • Microsoft 365
  • OneNote
  • Teams Meetings
  • WebEx Meetings

Let one of our friendly coaches give you a high level overview of one or some or all of these apps.

Learn the basics of a variety of Microsoft 365 apps and WebEx by signing up for 1:1 Virtual Coaching at


May 10, 2021
Chantal Joy
Purple smiley face

The Orientation Team within Student Success and Engagement (SSE) wants to thank our academic faculty and campus partners for their continued support of Orientation programming, first as we navigated moving into the virtual world and now as we prepare for hybrid delivery.

It is clear from both our student and partner feedback, as well as our data, that the move to an online environment yielded some great benefits and gains that we hope to continue to leverage as we move to a more hybrid approach this fall and begin to re-introduce limited in-person components. Taking into account our successes with Online Orientation, the anticipated expansion of in-person academic programming this fall, and of course, our commitment to keeping students safe, below is a summary of what Fall Orientation 2021 will look like:

  • Monday, August 2 - We will launch online Orientation in two parts:

a) Our Orientation website: a hub/resource for students, including pre-recorded video workshops, wayfinding information on how to navigate Humber's website, links to learning resources, and other key information.

b) A video-based Orientation Blackboard module will launch, which will further strengthen students' knowledge of supports/resources that are available to help them succeed in their new journey at Humber.  

  • Monday, August 30 – Thursday, September 2 - We will host Academic Orientation which will consist of Meet Your Faculty sessions. These sessions will largely continue to be offered via Blackboard Collaborate with some limited in-person sessions hosted on campus where a program with substantial on-campus delivery this Fall is deemed to require an on-site orientation. Students will be emailed their session details directly once those are confirmed.
  • September 6 – September 30 - Orientation will continue with offering a full month of Welcome activities in place of what used to be a week of programming during the first week of classes. Done in collaboration with campus partners, these activities, such as networking events will focus on social health and wellbeing and academic transitions - will also largely continue to be delivered through online platforms with a few in-person events planned for outdoor spaces on campus.

Plans also include digital swag for students and an opportunity to access recorded programming at any time through our website. 

We are continually reviewing what other institutions are planning and creating, sharing best practices, and canvasing our students to ensure we are supporting them to the best of our ability. We appreciate everyone's continued support as we roll out Online Orientation and some of these new hybrid components. We’ll be connecting with our campus partners directly in the next few weeks with some additional details and working with them to finalize the schedule of activities. 


Chantal Joy (she/her)
Associate Dean, Transition & Academic Support
Kimberly Daniels (she/her)
Orientation & Student Life Programs Coordinator
May 7, 2021

ALS Best Practice Considerations: Steps to Take After Receiving an Accommodation Letter 

Did you receive an Accommodation Letter? Unsure how to proceed? Review the steps below.  

  • Send an email to the student to acknowledge receipt of the Accommodation Letter. 
  • Carefully review the Accommodation Letter. If you identify an accommodation that you feel may conflict with the essential requirements of your course, contact Accessible Learning Services to discuss. 
  • Advise the student that they are welcome to contact you to discuss the accommodations. 
  • For Humber faculty, most of your students’ accommodation letters are visible on the Faculty Web Portal.  

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about the Accommodation Letter process. 

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué. 

May 7, 2021
Nicole Tonus-Conti

Do you have a research project that needs to be completed during the fall semester? Are you looking for someone who can assist you with:

  • Data collection, research design, information retrieval
  • Designing and implementing research projects for international or domestic populations
  • Qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis and interpretation
  • Project management, proposal writing, and literature reviews

Our highly qualified Research Analyst graduate students are available full time from September to the end of November to assist you with your project.

*Project hours are used for Work-Integrated Learning (placement course)*

For more information, please contact Nicole Tonus-Conti at x75476 or

May 7, 2021
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Career Milestone and Recognition Awards 2021

Congratulations to all our employees celebrating Career Milestones in 2021!

The following employees are celebrating their 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 35-year anniversary with Humber. We encourage you to reach out to your colleagues to congratulate them on their career milestones.

1 Year 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years 20 Years 35 Years
Aaron Brown Stephen Martin William Linton Raymond Tan Natalie Nichilo Simon Ibbotson
Taiya Brown Charlene Somerville   Harjot Bajwa   Carlo Ammendolia
Eric Savage Andrea Chan        
Bindu Patel Joe Chimenti        
Marie Narsoo Aleksey Denisov        
Jahrobee Dean Lisa Rende        
Vanessa Kwende Forngwe Marie Francisco        
Arwin Lall Xue Juan Jia        
Andrew Thanuraj Michael Mazzocca        
Mauricio Zangali Toigo Leslie Mitrevics        
  Aliyah Mohammed        












Questions? Please email us at

May 7, 2021
Regan Mancini
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Join us for an all-faculty consultation on May 20 from 12 to 1:30 p.m. (eastern standard time).

Register early: Attendance will be limited to better enable opportunities for participation. 

Unable to attend? Complete the online feedback form or hold your own consultation session with your colleagues by using the Humber Tomorrow consultation toolkit by May 28.

Want to see what you missed? A session summary will appear on the Planning & Consultation Documents section of the WeAreHumber website when it becomes available.

Want more information? Contact

May 6, 2021

With our final academic semester completed, several exciting activities are taking place in May to commemorate the Humber Orangeville Campus. Look for these initiatives below:

Orangeville Campus Shout Out Page: If you visit, you will see a new page called “Shout Outs.” Similar to the Humber Graduation website, we’re giving students, staff, faculty and community members an opportunity to share their memories, stories and messages of thanks to the Orangeville Campus and the people who made it truly special. Shout Outs can be submitted here.

Humber Orangeville Student Success Awards Event: The 12th annual student success award event will honour several Orangeville student award recipients while congratulating the entire final graduating class of the Orangeville Campus. There will be a few surprises included. This virtual event will be first played on YouTube Premier on Thursday, May 27 at 7 p.m. More information will be posted here soon. You can RSVP for the event here.

Final Orangeville Campus Video: The Government Relations, Marketing, and Communications department is working with the Orangeville team to develop a final Orangeville Campus video. If you have any images or footage that may be suitable for this video, please send it to Joe Andrews ( or Mike Berg ( The video will first be shown at the Orangeville Student Success Awards event on May 27. Images may also be shared on the Orangeville Campus Photo Gallery here.

We hope you will participate in several of these initiatives in the upcoming weeks.


Joe Andrews
Principal - Orangeville Campus

May 6, 2021

I am writing today to share some exciting news for our Faculty and particularly for skilled trades education and training at Humber.

We are moving forward with a $9.5 million expansion of the Centre for Skilled Trades and Technology (110 Carrier Drive) to help address the increasing demand for apprenticeship and trades training.

For the next three years, Humber will receive more than $1 million in funding from Ontario's Apprenticeship Capital Grant (ACG) to support the project. The college will be contributing approximately $2.16 million/year from its capital priorities fund.

The planned 16,620-square-foot addition to the Centre will allow us to:

  • increase the number of skilled trades training opportunities for pre-apprentices, apprentices and postsecondary learners
  • add additional trades to our portfolio in the construction, industrial and service sectors
  • add to and improve existing facilities located at 110 Carrier Dr., improving efficiency in space utilization and training effectiveness
  • give students more choices when it comes to their learning style
  • explore and implement alternative methods of course delivery: e.g.: balanced online/on campus, use of VR and AR
  • create multi-purpose labs/classrooms facilitating better delivery of hands-on and theoretical learning
  • improve access to in-class training, including removing accessibility barriers and addressing gender equity

Construction is scheduled to begin in Fall 2021, under the direction of Michael Auchincloss and Philip Stubbs. Joe Chimenti will be the project lead from Capital Development and Facilities Management. There may be opportunities for involvement as the project moves forward and I will communicate with you directly when those opportunities come up.  

Congratulations to all involved.


Farzad Rayegani
Senior Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology
