
December 10, 2020
MS Teams Tip - Channel Your Work!

Did you know you can create additional channels in your team? By default, when you create a team, it automatically creates a General channel. And you can do all your team work within that channel. But, if you want to categorize your work, or have mini groups within your team, you can create more channels.

Learn the basics of Teams by signing up to 1:1 Virtual Coaching at

December 10, 2020

This month’s Orangeville Campus reflection spotlight focuses on the Police Foundations Program (PFP). The PFP program has been offered at Humber Orangeville since 2007 and is one of the campus’ flagship programs. Many of our graduates have furthered their education and/or careers in their chosen field. Here are a few highlights from students, staff, and faculty:

Brandon Lohwinow, PFP Graduate (2014) – First Class Constable, Halton Regional Police Service
My best memories from Humber Orangeville include receiving the Orangeville Police Service Award, being involved and meeting some great people within the community. The campus afforded me the opportunity to meet lifelong friends and develop and gain skills that I use in my everyday career in policing. I attribute my success in the field to the wonderful and dedicated staff and thank them for their commitment to their students and providing a sense of comfort and family to those within the program. I am currently a first class Constable with the Halton Regional Police Service.

Adam Sampson, PFP Graduate (2020) – Undergraduate student, University of Waterloo, Youth Justice Committee Member, Associated Youth Services of Peel
My experience at Humber Orangeville surpassed expectations – both in academics and inclusion. The sense of community that the campus embodies far surpasses any educational environment I’ve seen. The professionalism, empathy, and passion the faculty exhibited is unmatched – always ensuring that student well-being and success came first. Graduating from both the GAS and PFP programs thoroughly prepared me for further educational pursuits, while building me into a better student, a better leader but most importantly a better member of my community. The skills and knowledge gifted to me by Humber Orangeville has allowed me to aim higher and achieve more than I ever thought possible. I am currently enrolled as an Undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo and serve as a Youth Justice Committee Member with the Associated Youth Services of Peel.

Tyler Shibley, PFP Graduate (2016) – O.P.P. Officer 
Humber Orangeville gave me the opportunity to better myself not only as a person, but also as an applicant for future employment with the O.P.P. I was able to learn from a very experienced and well diversified group of teachers, where some were retired Police Officers, and others worked in related fields. This allowed me to get the best experience possible learning in this program, and to prepare for a future in law enforcement. I took some amazing classes that allowed me to develop a great foundation of knowledge in pursuit of becoming a police officer. I was given many opportunities to volunteer with the Orangeville Police Service as well as other volunteer events that allowed for the chance to give back to the community and try to make a positive difference in people’s lives. I believe without any doubt that Humber Orangeville contributed greatly to my success in becoming hired with the O.P.P. in the fall of 2016.

Claire Parrish, PFP Graduate (2019) – University of Guelph-Humber Justice Studies Student
Being at the Humber Orangeville campus was a great experience. Due to class sizes being small, you were able to connect well with peers and professors. Morag and Linda were a huge help if you needed assistance with course selection or any issues with class, along with offering advice. Joe was also always a huge help on campus. Overall, going to Humber Orangeville was a great experience. After finishing the Police Foundations Program, I was able to get into the University of Guelph-Humber, which has been a great experience so far. My future goal is to end up working as a police officer.

Amanda Crognale, PFP Program Professor and Student Support Advisor
Humber Orangeville has always felt like a second home to me. In my time here, I have met some wonderful colleagues and developed friendships that will last a lifetime. The support, mentorship and opportunities for professional development will never be forgotten. Our team of faculty and administrative staff always went the extra mile to ensure that a student's academic experience at Humber Orangeville was a special one. I always enjoyed participating in the student orientation sessions held during the month of August. Being surrounded by so many students eager to start their education and learn more about the field of policing was so rewarding. There is just something so remarkable about collaborating with bright individuals who are compassionately driven to make the world a better place. 

Mary MacLachlan, PFP Program Professor
From the first day I started at Orangeville more than 10 years ago to the last, I always felt that I was part of something special. Special due to the leadership and friendship of Joe Andrews. Special because of the caring and compassion of Morag Tierney, and special because of the amazing faculty who always made the place feel like home. Orangeville Campus was nothing short of exceptional. The bond we shared at Orangeville was unique and no passage of time or distance can undo the friendships and memories made. To all our Alumni, thank you for enriching my life and making me a better person. It was an honour to be part of Orangeville Campus. “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened” (Dr. Seuss).

We are so proud of our PFP graduates and commend them for their commitment to law enforcement. Look for the next Orangeville Campus reflection focusing on the ECE – Early Childhood Education program in January.

On behalf of the Orangeville Campus, we’d like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.

Joe Andrews
Principal – Orangeville Campus

December 9, 2020

Are you looking for a simple way to incorporate more movement and mindfulness into your day? Our Humber Athletics Team has developed a new video that is suited for anyone who’s ever thought:

  • I need a simple routine that is easy to follow along
  • I want to stretch more when I’m sitting at my desk
  • I would love to exercise, without getting too sweaty
  • I need to somehow squeeze exercise into my already busy day
  • I want to stretch and move, but I don’t have a lot of space

Chair Yoga is for you! Click here to view the newest video from Humber Athletics. All you need is a chair and you’re ready to go! *No yoga experience required*

Take a moment to pause, recharge, and re-centre – without even stepping away from your desk. 

Visit the Humber Fitness YouTube channel to view even more inspiring activities to help you on your wellness journey. #HealthyHumber


Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness

December 8, 2020
Nancy Simms

I am pleased to announce that Patricia Suleiman has accepted the position of Advisor, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity effective December 7, 2020. This position reports to the Director of Human Rights, Equity & Diversity.

Patricia completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from McMaster University, she completed her Juris Doctorate degree from the University Of Montana School Of Law, and she completed the Internationally Trained Lawyers Program at the University of Toronto. Patricia received her National Committee of Accreditation Certificate of Qualification, and was called to the Ontario Bar.

Patricia previously held the position of Staff Lawyer at the Black Legal Action Centre (BLAC), where she provided legal representation to Ontarians facing individual or systemic anti-Black racism issues. During her time at BLAC her areas of practice included: human rights, employment, education, and housing law. Patricia routinely provided public legal education sessions and trainings to community members and organizations. Patricia is also a Mentor in Blazing Trails Mentorship Program for 2020/2021.

Patricia has a strong commitment to advance human rights, equity, diversity, and inclusion in both the workplace and learning environment.

Please join Centre staff in welcoming Patricia to Humber College!

Nancy Simms M.A. ADR
Director, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity
Ed.D. Candidate OISE | University of Toronto

December 7, 2020
Zareena Khan
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Sharing Knowledge

Humber College is committed to fostering a respectful and inclusive culture in which all members of the College community study, work and live free from discrimination and harassment.

December 6 - National Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women

The National Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women is commemorated on December 6.

On December 6, 1989 fourteen (14) female engineering students at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal were murdered by an act of gender-based violence. On this date we commemorate the lives of all women who have experienced gender-based violence.

December 6 is a date that we re-affirm our commitment to take action and help all women who experience gender-based violence.

The following statistics illuminate the experiences of women, girls, 2SLGBTQQIA and gender diverse individuals in Canada:

  • More than one (1) in three (3) women experience domestic violence through their lifetime.
  • Indigenous women are killed at six (6) times the rate of non-Indigenous women.
  • Persons with disabilities are between 50% and 100% more likely than those without disabilities to have experienced violence by a spouse.
  • A woman is killed by her intimate partner approximately every six (6) days.
  • Trans women are almost twice as likely as cisgender women to experience gender-based violence in their lifetime.
    (Public Service Alliance of Canada, 2019)

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada

We remind everyone of the statistics of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada:

  • Indigenous women make up 16% of all female homicide victims, and 11% of missing women, even though Indigenous people make up 4.3% of the population of Canada.
  • The 2014 RCMP Operational Overview notes that police recorded 1,017 incidents of Aboriginal female homicides between 1980 and 2012 and 164 missing Aboriginal female investigations dating back to 1952.  There have been a number of reports indicating numbers are significantly higher.
  • Current public data on MMIWG oversimplifies and underrepresents the scale of the issue, yet still demonstrates a complex and pervasive pattern of violence against Indigenous women and girls who are often targeted because of their gender and Indigenous identity.
  • Violence against Indigenous women and girls is systemic and a national crisis that requires urgent, informed and collaborative action.

White Ribbon Day

White Ribbon Day”: Created in 1991, coincides with the National Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women –it is a call to action to men.

Men wear white ribbons as a “pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls” (White Ribbon, 2020).

White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls, promote gender equity, healthy relationships and a new vision of masculinity. Since its inception in Toronto in 1991, The White Ribbon Campaign has spread to over 60 countries around the world (White Ribbon, 2020).

COVID-19 & Intimate Partner Violence

Across Canada and the world Intimate partner violence (domestic violence) has increased by 20% to 30% since the COVID-19 pandemic (Norton Rose Fulbright LLP).

With many women forced to remain in their homes during the worldwide lockdowns and closings of public spaces and job sites, a third pandemic has arisen. Women are isolated and left with only help lines for assistance.

Support & Crisis Help Lines

If you or someone you know is experiencing violence, support and crisis help lines can be found through the following organizations:

  1. Disabled Women’s Network of Canada (DAWN)
  3. Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres (OCRCC)
  4. Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres
  5. Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
  6. Talk4Healing: A Helpline for Aboriginal Women
  7. Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic

Recommended Readings

  1. Assembly of First Nations. (2020). Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Ending Violence
  2. Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability. (2020). Remembering Women and Girls Killed by Violence
  3. Disabled Women’s Network of Canada (DAWN). (2020). Crisis Hotlines
  4. Evans, M., Lindauer, M. & Farrell, M. (September 16, 2020). The New England Journal of Medicine: A Pandemic within a Pandemic — Intimate Partner Violence during Covid-19
  5. National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. (2019). Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
  6. Norton Rose Fulbright LLP. (August 31, 2020). Not turning a blind eye: addressing domestic violence, telework, and pandemic-related employment considerations in Canada
  7. Status of Women Canada. (November 15, 2019). The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women
  8. Taub, A. (April 14, 2020). The New York Times:  A New Covid-19 Crisis: Domestic Abuse Rises Worldwide
  9. United Nations. (2020). International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women - 25 November
  10. Western University. (2020). COVID-19 and Violence Against Women & Children
  11. White Ribbon. (2020). Our future has no violence against women and girls

This document is available in an alternate format upon request.

December 7, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Humber's Centre for Entrepreneurship is recruiting an Enactus Team for all faculties. 

Enactus is a global non-profit that provides students with the opportunity to explore entrepreneurship through a low-risk experiential learning platform. Our team is made up of student, administrative, and industry leaders who are looking to solve our community's biggest problems through the use of innovative business principles. 

The best part is, Enactus is for students of all faculties and ages, not just those in business. The skills and principles that students will take away from volunteering with this organization are invaluable and apply to all aspects of life.

We are looking to expand our team with this school’s brightest, most enthusiastic student leaders and are wondering if you can help us extend an invitation to join Enactus. 

In order to help us, it would be great if you can share this Google Form with your students, so anyone interested can reach out to us. 

For any further details, please reach out to Angela Issac and Blagica Temovska at

What is Enactus? Watch here.

December 7, 2020

Are you looking for new healthy ideas to boost your meals? Today’s focus is on healthy eating, and as part of the HROE Wellness campaign to Pause, Recharge, and Re-centre, we are highlighting the athletic programs to let you know that they support you with workouts and healthy tips.

Have you considered the health benefits of zucchini?

Zucchini is known for improving digestion, slowing down aging, lowering blood sugar, supporting healthy circulation and a healthy heart, improving eye health, boosting energy, improving thyroid and adrenal functions and protecting against oxidation and inflammation. That’s quite a list for this humble vegetable.

How about starting your day with a healthy dose of apple crumble oats or avocado and toast? How about a black bean burger for lunch? And you can finish the day with one of our own fitness instructors’, signature kale salad? For those with a sweet tooth, try a Fudgy Avocado cookie?

Healthy tips and recipes like these can be found at the Humber College Fitness - North Campus Facebook page.

Head over to the Humber fitness Instagram accounts today to check out their ‘Trainer Tip Tuesday’ and tomorrow for their ‘Workout Wednesdays’!

Get social with us and upload/tag any related pics to #HealthyHumber. Also, catch up on the latest fitness blog post Do you stay inside your “Circle of Influence”?



Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness

December 7, 2020

We are pleased to announce that we are upgrading the Facilities Management (Archibus) Work Order Request System. The Work Order System will soon be upgraded to the Archibus 25.1 version. The system will be unavailable between Monday, December 7 at 12 a.m. until Tuesday, December 8 at 12 a.m. for this work to be completed.

This upgrade will resolve the limitation of being dependent upon Adobe Flash and will offer clients more streamlined interfaces. The link to place Service Requests will still be found at

As we roll out this new version clients can expect service outages on December 7 and 8. Clients who are unable to place Service requests on those days should call 416.675.6622 x4444 to place a service request .

This upgrade will not affect how clients access or use the system. More information will be available in the coming days via the Facilities Management website including Tip Sheets and updated User Guides.

If you have questions or concerns about this project please contact

December 4, 2020

Flags at Humber campuses will be at half-mast on December 6 to mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

It has been over 30 years since the murder of 14 young women at Polytechnique Montréal (December 6, 1989). This act of violent misogyny shook our country and led Parliament to designate December 6 as The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women.

On December 6, we remember:

  • Geneviève Bergeron
  • Hélène Colgan
  • Nathalie Croteau
  • Barbara Daigneault
  • Anne-Marie Edward
  • Maud Haviernick
  • Maryse Laganière
  • Maryse Leclair
  • Anne-Marie Lemay
  • Sonia Pelletier
  • Michèle Richard
  • Annie St-Arneault
  • Annie Turcotte
  • Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz

To learn more visit here.

December 4, 2020

Student Personal Training Winter 2021 - Registration Now Open

  • Don’t miss out on your opportunity to register
  • Exclusive to the Humber Community (students, staff, faculty)

MUST be able to commit to the program from January to April 2021.

Delivery of Training:

To follow protocols for physical distancing due to COVID-19, the Student Personal Training service may take place via remote delivery with the following training options:

  • Option 1: Live stream via a service such as MS Teams, Zoom, Skype, or
  • Option 2: "Homework-style" exercise program that you can complete on your own at home, or
  • Option 3: A combination of Option 1 and 2

For further information and online registration, please click here.
