
October 20, 2020
Amy Weir

Humber Libraries offers a wide range of tools and services to assist students with research assignments:

  • The Library’s Discover search provides access to millions of credible research sources
  • Video Tutorials and Research Guides are available and offer self-led research guidance and instruction
  • Research Help is available via chat from 6 am – Midnight; Email and Appointment-based help are also available
  • Book a Librarian to visit your virtual class to teach students research and digital literacy skills. 85.5% of faculty agreed students did better on their assignments after a Librarian’s visit to their class (2019 Humber Libraries Faculty Survey)


October 20, 2020

Shonah Chalmers, Culinary Professor and Humber alumnus, is the second member of the Humber and Guelph-Humber community to be featured.

As a sustainability leader in the foodservice industry, Shonah has positively impacted the Humber community for more than 10 years. Shonah explains that “in cooking, you’re always sort of sustainable,” because as a chef you must use all your food supplies, and most importantly use everything properly, for cost and waste reduction purposes.

For as long as Shonah can remember, sustainability has always been a priority, “when I was younger, we didn’t have a lot, so we didn’t waste a lot.” Shonah acknowledges that throughout her career as a chef she has been sustainable and not even realized it. This is something she aims to teach her students, “[the food service industry] are the biggest contributors [to food waste] that can make a change and can affect things positively or negatively based on really small choices.”

“I believe that if I can share some ideas and some parts of what I’ve learned about sustainability and get people talking about it, it can have a ripple effect,” says Shonah.

To learn more about Shonah Chalmers, read the full feature article on Humber’s Office of Sustainability’s website.

October 19, 2020

The Financial Services and Purchasing teams are happy to share the improvements made to the New/Modify Vendor form. The form has been updated to include vendor payment set up and information. The new form can be found at New/Modify Vendor Request on the Humber Finance website.

The addition of vendor payment information to the new form will streamline the vendor set up process and lead to completion of entire vendor registration process in Banner in one workflow. An attached quote or invoice from the vendor is still required for validating vendor contact information.

For any other Vendor set up or Purchasing related questions, please mail

October 19, 2020
Daniel Bear
Quote by Dr. Bear about cannabis education efforts

Dr. Daniel Bear and Dr. Ashley Hosker-Field from the Faculty of Social and Community Services, and Professor Marilyn Cresswell from the Faculty of Media and Creative Arts have launched a new research project exploring how young Canadians are engaging with public education about cannabis.

The project hopes to identify what types of public education efforts are working well, and use that information to produce guidelines and new public education materials. Once the project's data has been analyzed, students from the Bachelor of Creative Advertising program will help create a new outreach campaign that will be rolled out to students and young people around the county at the start or the next school year. The project is funded by a Colleges and Community Social Innovation Fund from NSERC, and is in partnership with Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy, a student-led non-profit focused on improving drug laws. 

Dr. Bear and his team are currently recruiting participants to take part in a survey and/or a paid focus group. If you or someone you know is between 18-30 years old, has ever consumed cannabis, and lives in Canada, you are eligible to participate by visiting the project's website at The team would also appreciate if this information can be shared with Humber students, and can provide slides and graphics for posting to Blackboard course sites upon request. To contact the team you can either email Dr. Daniel Bear directly or contact the research team at

To learn more visit the project's website, read a write-up of the project by ARI, or follow the project's twitter account.  

October 19, 2020
Risha Toney

The Humber College Council (HCC) held its second meeting of the 2020-2021 academic year on Thursday, October 15, 2020, online using Microsoft Teams. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, the College Council reports the highlights of its meetings. For more information or to provide feedback on these highlights, please contact


Risha Toney [Transfer Recruitment Coordinator, Office of the Registrar] announced the launch of a new website for students transferring to and within Humber. Students can search databases related to transfer credits, diploma to degree pathways and Ontario graduate certificates. A digital Diploma to Degree brochure was also launched.

Rose Anthony [Faculty, Student Success and Engagement], shared information about Counselling Services’ Healthy Minds for Stressful Times student support group. These virtual drop-in group sessions take place every Tuesday from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. The objective is to help students with feelings of overwhelming stress and anxiety. Email Rose at with any questions. A poster can also be provided if faculty want to promote this initiative to their students.

Ignite: Student Engagement Coordinators

Camila Ruiz Tacha and Erika Johnson [Student Engagement Coordinators (SECs), Ignite] introduced their new roles, replacing the previous roles of Ignite President and Vice-Presidents. These three new positions are paid and have a tenure of two years.

The SECs are leading many initiatives advocating on issues related to food security, academic quality assurance, and student financial security. They’ve also had COVID-19 impact meetings with senior management relaying concerns shared by the student body. Furthermore, they are working closely with Humber equity hubs and advocating on behalf of students in residence.

A few of the activities being led by the Student Engagement Coordinators include: a weekly financial web series called “Earning and Learning”, providing students with financial insight to best manage their funds during these unprecedented times; Learning Essential Support, a fund set aside to assist students to purchase essential non-tuition items such as uniforms, software, safety equipment, etc. $49,868.87 was disbursed to 174 students; establishing Academic Program Representatives who will act as a liaison between students’ peers and Ignite to voice concerns about their program.

They also hope to have a presence at the new International Graduate School [IGS], supporting International students, and they have partnered with the Centre for Entrepreneurship by sponsoring their Launch Me Competition, contributing $5,000 towards the $20,000 of seed funding to be disbursed to student entrepreneurs.

Upcoming events include: Money Management Masterclass, and the Black Excellence Conference.

Mid-year Forecast and 2021-22 Budget Planning

Sanjay Puri [Vice President, Administration and CFO] provided an update on the 2020-21 budget and forecast and budget planning for the 2021-22 year-end. S. Puri started off by noting that this current situation is fluid, and the numbers are changing on an ongoing basis.

Before the pandemic, the original 2020-21 budget estimated a surplus of $5.8 million. This budget was revised, and the Board of Governors approved a budget with a deficit of $40.5 million. This revised budget estimated a 20% reduction in enrollment (domestic/international mix) and a decline of over $60 million in non-tuition and ancillary fees. Spending would be managed through hiring deferrals, reduced discretionary spending, renovations and select projects deferred which would save an estimated $19.8 million.

To date the actual numbers are below the original budget but are trending ahead, in most instances, of the revised budget. Summer enrollment was 5 percent higher, while fall enrollment was 17% higher than estimated. This amounted to an $8.4 improvement in revenue. This figure includes a provision for uncollectable student fees. Non-tuition and ancillary fees and services revenue declined by $2.6 million and cost savings from spending management is $10 million.

Based on these numbers, there is a mid-year financial improvement of $15.8 million. As such, the year-end budget is forecasted to have a deficit of $24.7 million (instead of the initial $40.5 million). Items that will influence this number is winter 2021 enrollment and how well spending is managed.

Budget planning and forecasting have already begun for 2021-22. The $150 million operating grant from the provincial government will remain unchanged for a period of 5 years, positive or negative, due to the corridor formula that the government uses. The performance-based segment of this funding has been deferred.

Tuition for domestic students will remain unchanged with a planned international fee increase of 3%. This would mean an additional $3 million in revenue for the college. However, this amount is still to be confirmed. A final decision will be made next month.  Program-based and non-tuition fees are still to be determined.

Academic delivery will remain as is with limited on campus activity and physical distancing requirements in place. Domestic enrollment is stronger while international is a bit weaker. S. Puri also noted that there has been a shift to PT studies with students taking less courses per semester.  Finally, with regards to staffing, HR business partners will be engaged to review the impact of the “new normal” and only essential hiring will take place.

During the Q & A segment, a question was asked about communicating to students the lack of a reduction in tuition fees due to most courses being delivered online. Kelly Jackson [Associate Vice-President, Government Relations and Communications] indicated that has an FAQ to assist with answering tuition fee related question. Chris Whitaker [President, Humber College] added context and asserted that no college in the province has reduced their tuition fees and that due to COVID, it now costs more to deliver our programs.


The next meeting of the College Council will be held on Thursday, November 12, 2020. For meeting highlights, supporting materials, and opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website.

October 19, 2020
Shaun Carson

I am very pleased to announce that we have hired Nafeeza Kadir as the Manager, Student Learning Services, with responsibility for Peer Assisted Learning Support (PALS) and the Math and Writing Centers. Nafeeza was one of seven candidates invited to interview and present to a committee with representation from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Student Success & Engagement. After careful deliberation, Nafeeza was the unanimous choice of the committee to fill this role.

Nafeeza has worked in PALS since 2016 in a variety of roles including, most recently, as the Interim Manager of PALS, and prior to that as Team Lead, Coordinator, Peer Tutoring and Coordinator, Peer Programs. Nafeeza has led efforts to professionally certify Humber’s tutor training process through the College Reading & Learning Association, led the hosting of a Learning Specialist Association Conference (LSAC) and oversaw the transition to a new online tutoring platform. Nafeeza values initiatives which, address Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Nafeeza was instrumental in establishing the BASE-PALS peer led tutoring program. Nafeeza is active in provincial, national and international professional networks advancing research and best practice in the areas of learning cognition, methodology and learning skill development. Along with her knowledge and experience, her strengths lie in her leadership and relationship building – whether within her department or working with faculty – for example, building up the PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions) program, which partners PALS and faculty to support students in courses essential to progression. She is attentive and responsive to student, faculty and staff needs/concerns, as she creates an open environment for communication, which leads to collaboration and innovative solutions. Nafeeza has also worked extensively with the Math and Writing Centers, working closely with faculty to ensure that students are supported in numeracy and literacy. 

Previous to her time at PALS, Nafeeza worked with the Student Life, Career & Alumni Office at the University of Guelph-Humber overseeing office operations and the Student Services Support Peer team. Nafeeza is a Humber graduate having earned a Bachelor of Commerce – International Business and is on track to complete her Masters of Education from OISE this upcoming spring. She has also completed training with the Canadian National Centre for Supplemental Instruction, the CACEE Career Educator Certificate Program and the National College Learning Center Association (NCLCA) Institute.

Nafeeza will officially start her role on November 5, 2020. Please join me in congratulating and welcoming Nafeeza into her new role within SSE. 

Shaun Carson
Associate Director, Student Life and Learning

October 15, 2020

To the extended Humber Hawk family:

I want to share with you a new development regarding the 2020-21 varsity athletic season.

The OCAA, in collaboration with the member institutions, have made the decision to cancel the sanctioned varsity athletic season for the 2021 Winter semester. Sports affected by this decision include badminton, basketball, curling, volleyball and indoor soccer. Ontario Collegiate Recreation (OCR) extramural scheduled activities will also be cancelled (with the exception of online options).

This difficult but necessary decision was made by the OCAA in collaboration with its member institutions based on a number of factors. The restrictive measures in place by the provincial sport regulatory bodies as well as orders from Public Health do not allow for regular sanctioned competition to take place for a provincial sports conference. Additionally, this decision is based on the members’ continued provision of a hybrid academic delivery model for the 2021 Winter semester, thereby minimizing the number of students and staff on campuses in order to further reduce the potential exposure to COVID-19.

The OCAA recognizes that some members may choose to participate in unsanctioned, exhibition opportunities within the parameters of the regulations set forth by the government and Provincial Sport Organizations. Humber will continue to evaluate options to provide a range of training and competition opportunities for our varsity student-athletes.

More information is available on the website, including a FAQ.

I know this is disappointing news for those of you who are members and fans of our varsity sports teams. Varsity sports are an important part of the overall experience here on our campus. It was a difficult decision, but the right one to make. Athlete and employee health and safety remains our top priority. To our athletes and employees who are affected by this decision, we are here to support you, including access to mental health and counselling services.

Sport and athletics are an integral part of Humber and we look forward to the resumption of varsity athletics once conditions allow for it.

Thank you,

Jason Hunter
VP, Students and Institutional Planning

October 14, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Connect virtually with Fairtrade farmers and partners during Fair Trade Campus Week (#FTCW20) from October 26 to 30! 

What's happening during Fair Trade Campus Week? 

FTCW Speaker Series

Tune in daily for an online panel discussion with Fairtrade producers and companies, hosted by Fairtrade Canada. Topics will range from gender rights to climate change and explore how we can build a more equitable future. 

Visit the official Fair Trade Campus Week website to register. 

Fairtrade Trivia and Events

Join Humber Retail Services and The Office of Sustainability for some fun events and trivia throughout the week. 

ASMR Coffee Routine

Humber Retail Services will be sharing their coffee routine through ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) on Instagram. 

Fairtrade Muffins and Trivia 

Join us for Fair Trade Campus trivia while Humber Retail Services cooks up their delicious Fairtrade banana muffin recipe.

  • When: Thursday, October 29 
  • Where: Microsoft Teams - Register now 

Fairtrade Quizzes 

Join @SustainHumber on social media for daily Fairtrade quizzes. 

  • When: Monday, October 26 to Friday, October 30 
  • Where: Instagram - @SustainHumber 

You can start celebrating #FTCW20 early by taking this short quiz for a chance to win Fairtrade coffee or tea!​

The National Challenge

Help Humber win the title of Fair Trade Campus Week All-Star by raising awareness about the fair trade movement! Post on your Instagram and/or Twitter account to promote our Fair Trade Campus Week activities and/or your favourite Fairtrade products. 

Don't forget to use the hashtag #FTCW20 and tag @SustainHumber in order for your post to count! 

October 14, 2020
Emily Milic

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Humber has decided to extend the ban on Humber-sanctioned international travel for students, faculty and staff, in all countries until the end of the Winter term, May 1, 2021.

Requests for exemptions in exceptional circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are subject to approval from the divisional Vice-President.

October 14, 2020
Christina Alcena (she/her)

The Orientation Team within Student Success and Engagement (SSE) has been working hard to continue to develop an innovative and responsive online product that will support and inform our students for the Winter 2021 term.  

We wanted to reach out to members of the Humber Community to provide important updates and information regarding Winter Orientation 2021. Below is a summary of what Winter Orientation 2021 will look like:

Winter Orientation will be fully online. We have applied lessons from our Fall Orientation, which was our first foray into a fully online Fall Orientation program:

  • Monday, December 14 we will launch online orientation in two parts:
  1. Our Orientation website: a hub/resource for new students, including pre-recorded video workshops, digital swag, links to The Open Learning Centre and other key information (including those returning to campus). To view our current Fall 2020 website, please visit this link.
    • Note: Our Winter 2021 Opening Ceremony format continues be revamped with a Welcome Video that highlights student voices and the strength in our equity and diversity at Humber. This will be featured on our website along with the Blackboard modules. To view our Fall 2020 Welcome Videos, please visit this link.
  2. An Orientation Blackboard module will launch for all new students which will further strengthen students’ knowledge of supports/resources that are available to help them succeed in their new journey at Humber.  
  • Tuesday, January 12 – Thursday, January 14 we will host Academic Orientation which will consist of Meet Your Faculty sessions. All new students will receive direct links to their session prior, as well as a reminder, and each Meet Your Faculty Session will be conducted through Blackboard Collaborate. The Orientation Team will provide all students and faculty with a Blackboard Collaborate link to use for their session, a PowerPoint template with Humber’s Land Acknowledgement, suggested learning outcomes and key student services information (optional for faculty to use), two Orientation Volunteers to introduce the session and take attendance as well as some best practice/Blackboard guidelines for Faculty to run their session. Similar to Fall, our team will host a “Lost and Found Room” for all faculty, staff and students to access during the three days should there be any questions or wayfinding concerns.

Note: All Faculty will be contacted shortly with more details pertaining to confirming Winter 2021 MYF sessions.

  • Tuesday, January 18 – Friday, January 29 Orientation will offer students a Winter Welcome Month calendar of events through collaboration with campus partners and great interactive social media contests. In the Fall 2020 semester, the team delivered 38 successful events where new students were able to connect with new peers, and Humber staff and students, and we look forward to continuing this method of reaching our students virtually by way of intentional new student collaborative programming.

We appreciate everyone’s continued patience and support as we continue to roll out our Winter 2021 Orientation and look forward to answering any questions you may have via email.

Christina Alcena (she/her)
Manager, Equity & Student Life
Kimberly Daniels (she/her)
Orientation & Student Life Programs Coordinator 
