
January 22, 2020
Nancy Simms

Please join in welcoming Shani Ocquaye, BSocSc, JD, to the role of Junior Project Manager for the Healthy & Inclusive Campus and the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Programs. In this role, Shani will be working alongside the Humber Community to advance Pillar 3 in the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. Shani will report to the Director, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity and the Dean of Students.

Shani is an advocate who is passionate about community-based organizing, empowering marginalized communities and working with youth. She strives to incorporate critical race theory and anti-oppression principles into her day-to-day work. Shani holds a joint Honours degree in criminology and women's studies from the University of Ottawa and a law degree from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. Shani previously worked at the Office of the Children's Lawyer, an independent government law office, where she provided legal representation to youth in the areas of child welfare and family law, before working as a family lawyer for a boutique firm. In her most recent role, Shani worked as a program and project manager for a non-profit organization, where she managed the organization’s human rights and equity programming for law schools across Canada and redesigned their empathy training to be delivered to law students and justice sector professionals.

Kind regards,

Ian Crookshank, Dean of Students
Nancy Simms, Director, Human Rights, Equity & Diversity

January 22, 2020
Pesticide treatment to protect native plants and animals

Starting on January 24, the City of Toronto's Urban Forestry department is coming to control several invasive plant species including Norway Maple, Manitoba Maple and Common Buckthorn in the Humber Arboretum with a pesticide. This work is vital in protecting the health and well-being of our local plants, animals, and ecosystems because these invasive species crowd out and shade native vegetation and young trees and cause soil erosion due to lack of ground cover.

Qualified City of Toronto Urban Forestry staff will be using a pesticide to help control these invasive plants in the Arboretum's Environmentally Significant Area, woodlands, and adjacent slopes as well as other areas. Information signage will be posted by city staff, along with the standard warning signage, to provide more information to Arboretum users. Warning signage is posted 24 hours before treatment, and is removed 48 hours following treatment, according to Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks guidelines.

Legislation: The Cosmetic Pesticide Ban, Regulation 63/09 under the Pesticides Act, allows some exceptions for non-cosmetic use of pesticides including a forestry exemption. The use of pesticides in forestry is essential to protect trees from competing vegetation in the maintenance or establishment of a forest. For more information about the Ontario Legislation call 416.325.4000 or visit

For more information about City of Toronto Forestry Management, please visit

January 20, 2020

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Hello Humber

Humber’s Panopto Platform was successfully migrated to Canadian servers on Saturday, January 18. 

Over the next week, we are asking all Panopto users to login and verify that their content is working as it should. If you discover that there is an issue with your Panopto content, it is important that you reach out to Humber’s Panopto Support Team at by no later than Tuesday, January 28, 2020. 

As a reminder, those who use Panopto apps, run events, or use Panopto quizzes have steps to follow 


Humber’s Panopto Support Team

*Panopto is proudly supported by the Centre for Teaching & Learning and Humber Libraries.


January 20, 2020
Stephanie Maggs
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

This workshop is a high-level overview of Office365. 

Office365 is so much more than just email! Learn about some of the more popular apps, including OneDrive, and how collaboration can make your job easier. 

Reserve your spot today, or if space permitted, just drop in. 

  • Every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at North Campus, L132. 
  • Last Thursday of the month from 1:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at Lakeshore Campus, L3014. 

Workshops run until the end of the semester.

January 20, 2020
Mona Bayani-Keyvani

The Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest is a nationally ranked multiple-choice contest which aims to challenge Grades 1-12 students and show them just how much fun math can be! The contest is offered in 55+ locations across Canada and can be written in English and in French. Top students will receive national and regional awards.

The next contest is on March 22 and parents can register their children at in early January.

If you have any questions, please contact

There are only 40 spots left for the Lakeshore Campus.

Register today!

January 17, 2020
Nancy Simms

The Humber community has collaboratively developed the definitions for the terms Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for the College. The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity would like to thank the Humber community for their input over the years as the definitions have been updated.

As these are "living" words with definitions that are constantly evolving, we are inviting everyone once again to review the definitions below and provide feedback. Kindly send your feedback to by Tuesday, January 21, 2020. We thank you for your participation with this process.

The definitions for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for review are:

Equity: refers to the intentional and systemic approach to remove historic and current barriers for equity-seeking groups. Humber applies specific measures and practices to support fair and just outcomes.

Diversity: refers to the social, cultural and political identities of individuals and their different worldviews, knowledges, practices, and experiences. Humber values and respects the contributions of its diverse students and employees that leads to an enriched learning, working and living environment.

Inclusion: refers to the active and intentional engagement of people in all their social, cultural and political identities that contribute to a sense of belonging. At Humber, this engagement is grounded in respect, and all members of the college community are recognized as valued contributors. Inclusion enriches innovation, sustainability and excellence in curricula, research, programs and services.

January 17, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Inclusive Curricular Design Certificate (ICDC) encompasses the key elements of multiple teaching and learning approaches to offer a robust and accessible learning experience for all students. The principles of inclusive curricular design focus on a proactive rather than reactive approach to course design and are founded in equity, collaboration, flexibility and accountability. This certificate addresses the idea that students are not meant to fit into a traditional “one-size-fits-all” model of education and that applying the principles of inclusive design will ensure that the range of student diversities, abilities, and needs arebeing met through a number of teaching and learning strategies.

The certificate is comprised of three courses and successful participants receive a certificate of participation.

This certificate has been accredited by the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) – Educational Developers Caucus (EDC) of Canada to ensure quality in teaching and learning. For more information, please visit EDC Accreditation information.

To register, please send an email to Falisha Rowe at

January 17, 2020

Sarah Peake will be continuing her secondment as Strategic Project Lead, Flexible Learning Strategy. Now reporting to Vera Beletzan, Senior Dean FLA and Innovative Learning, Sarah will continue leading Humber’s AdvancED partnership with Walmart Canada launched last year, and will develop and implement other strategic partnerships, projects and initiatives within the Innovative Learning Centre. 

Sarah will also continue to be the lead for Humber in the Global Polytechnic Alliance working group on micro-credentials, and is a member of Humber’s micro-credentials governance group along with Vera Beletzan and Wanda Buote (co-chairs) and Diane Simpson. All of these projects are components of Humber’s emerging Flexible Learning Strategy.

January 17, 2020

Humber College’s Office of Sustainability and Applied Research & Innovation are catalyzing sustainable innovative ideas through a fund to help support projects that benefit our environment and the community. This Innovation Fund will provide financial assistance to current Humber or Guelph-Humber students enrolled in any program with the purpose of enabling new, sustainable innovative ideas for products, inventions and/or solutions. These awards will recognize students’ creativity, originality, problem-solving abilities, and opportunity recognition skills. 


  1. Positive impact: Your ideas have the ability to positively transform the environment and your community.
  2. Co-Curricular Record (CCR): All of the hours you track through this program are eligible for CCR
  3. Funding: $500 in VISA gift cards will be provided to the successful applicants
  4. Experience: You'll bump up your skills in areas including project management, budgeting, research, problem solving, leadership and networking 
  5. Networking: Facilitate campus and community connections to help your project thrive. 


  1. Must be a current full time or part time Humber student.
  2. Your project should impact at least two of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.
  3. Your funding request must be for fixed project costs. Variable costs are not eligible for this program.

How does it work?

  1. Develop a sustainable and socially innovative project that addresses at least two of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Submit your project proposal by February 21, 2020 
  2. Receive funding at a reception for the winning project proposals to be held in March 2020 
  3. Provide a progress report on how the funds were spent and the impact of your project by August 31, 2020

Criteria for evaluating the awards

The awards will be evaluated on:

  • Background is relevant to the SDGs
  • Scope is concise
  • Objectives are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely
  • Identified prominent risks to project success and mitigates/ manages risk appropriately
  • Timeline is realistic and detailed
  • Budget is realistic, detailed, and does not contain any variable costs (i.e. only fixed costs)
  • Project contributes meaningfully to at least two of the SDGs

Submitting a proposal

To apply for the Social Innovation Awards, email the completed form to by 5 p.m. on February 21, 2020 (please include in the email subject “Social Innovation Award Application”).


If you have any questions, please email

January 17, 2020
Siobhan Williams
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Centre for Teaching & Learning is pleased to announce a final call for applications for the Teaching Innovation Fund.

About the fund: The fund includes $1,400 per investigator and support in developing and conducting a research project about teaching and learning. There are typically two types of projects: “Build” projects, in which you develop and build a new, evidence-based teaching tool or approach, and “Impact” projects, in which you measure the impact of an innovative teaching tool or approach with your students. 

For more information and to access the application form, see the attached documents. To hear from faculty that have previously conducted research with the fund, visit the CTL's YouTube channel.

The deadline for applications is Monday, January 20 at 5 p.m.

Applications may be submitted to
