Call for Proposals
Making the Shift has put out a call for Expressions of Interest for research and implementation projects focussing on the prevention of, and/or sustainable exits from youth homelessness. Projects are eligible for one to five years of funding. Successful applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal this summer.
Making the Shift – Youth Homelessness Social Innovation Lab (MtS) is a federally funded Networks of Centres of Excellence, with the goal of transforming how we respond to youth homelessness in Canada. MtS is designed to affect a shift from the ad-hoc response to youth homelessness – centred on emergency services and time-limited supports – to a strategic and coordinated system that prioritizes the prevention and ending of youth homelessness.
Funding Streams
There are two funding streams one can apply to:
- Core Research Projects (CRP) These are larger multi-year projects with budgets of over $50,000 (total).
- Small Research Projects (SRP) This program funds smaller scale, shorter term research projects valued at less than $50,000 (total). The application process for this stream is less onerous.
How to apply
To submit an Expression of Interest:
- All applications must use the MtS Expression of Interest Portal.
- Applicants should consult the Making the Shift – Research Application Guidelines before completing the Expression of Interest.
- Applicants should determine eligibility before submitting an Expression of interest
- Ensure your project fits with the research and knowledge mobilization mandate of Making the Shift
- All sections of this template must be completed.
- For inquiries and to discuss how your proposed project can fit with the vision and overall deliverables of MtS, please contact:
Completed application packages are due by 5 pm ET on May 20, 2019.
If you are interested in applying for these funding opportunities or if you would like more information about Applied Research & Innovation opportunities at Humber, please contact