
December 3, 2018
Bharat Saini
ext. 5160
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning has identified as its Strategic Priority #7 to continue to build a diverse and inclusive community of exceptional students, faculty and staff. This priority is listed under Strategic Pillar #3 – Healthy and Inclusive Community.

Humber is seeking members of the College to join an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Task Force that will work alongside the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity to establish an institutional EDI framework and strategy. The Call for Membership booklet (PDF) with further details is attached below.

For more information about the EDI Task Force, please visit:

EDI Task Force Mandate:
Through a consultative and collaborative process, members of the EDI Task Force will develop an institutional framework and strategy for advancing inclusion throughout Humber.

How to Apply?
Please complete the on-line application form available at

The deadline to submit your application is Wednesday, December 12, 2018.

If you have questions pertaining to the EDI Task Force Call for Membership, please contact: Nancy Simms, Director of the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity, at

We have the Power to Transform.

December 3, 2018
Jessica Camara
Invitation poster for the Executive Team Holiday Open House

Join us for the Executive Team's Holiday Open House, taking place on Tuesday, December 18 from 2 - 3 pm on the 6th Floor of the LRC (North Campus).


December 3, 2018
Marie Kyrinis
e-card for 2018 samples


Humber's holiday e-card for 2018 is just being finalized. 

You will be able to share this eco-friendly holiday wish to your associates, team, business partners and the community very soon


December 3, 2018
Heidi Marsh
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

We are pleased to share the latest issue of Scholars & Co. This month, we would like to draw your attention to page 2 of the newsletter, with the list of active projects (those currently collecting data) in the Teaching Innovation Fund (TIF). This fall, we have had a record number of projects running, completed, and in development, with a grand total of 47 SoTL projects in progress or completed since 2016. When we reflect upon the fact that we had only seven TIF projects running three years ago, it is pretty exciting to see the growth in SoTL research at Humber.

We'd also like to invite you to read the article for this month’s Scholars’ Café. In this month’s paper, six faculty reflect upon transformative - or ‘Eureka’ -moments in their teaching. It should form the foundation for an interesting conversation at our session on December 12 on the lessons we have each learned - as teachers - in the classroom.

December 3, 2018
Jennifer Morrison

Nishal Nair is joining the HR Client Services Team on December 10, 2018.

Nishal is the successful candidate for the HR Business Partner position. Nishal joins us with over 14 years of unionized and non-unionized HR experience including 7 years with Manitoba Civil Service Commission as a HR Consultant, Acting Project Manager and Policy Advisor. In his most recent position, he provided advice and guidance to senior management in the Manitoba Justice Court Operations and Consumer Protection Division in staffing and recruitment, job classification, labour relations and workforce planning. 

Nishal holds his Masters in Personnel Management and a post secondary diploma in Human Resources from Seneca College, Toronto. He has successfully acquired his CHRL designation and certification in Prosci organizational design and change management framework.

Please join me in welcoming Nishal to Humber College.

Heather L. Black

Associate Director, Human Resources Business Partner Services, Employee and Labour Relations



December 3, 2018

Congratulations to Nancy Simms, Director of the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity at Humber College, on receiving the Scholar’s Choice Award at the 8th Annual Black Star Movement Unsung Heroes Volunteer Awards.

The Unsung Heroes Volunteer Awards was established in 2011 to publicly honour and celebrate Blacks in Canada who have demonstrated excellence in volunteer services and notable achievements. The awards recognize persons, groups and organizations who have developed and nurtured strong ties while giving of themselves above and beyond to serve communities in areas of need. Nancy was nominated for this award by the Black Action Defense Committee.

Nancy has integrated volunteerism as a way of life for over 30 years. Currently, she volunteers at the City of Toronto on its Black Leadership Governance Training Grant Committee, mentors and coach young women and men on leadership skills and provides coaching to racialized female faculty across Canada on managing experiences of racism. Nancy has been a committed volunteer member of CAPDHHE since 2010 and currently serves as the Communications Coordinator.

Congratulations Nancy on receiving this distinguished award!

November 30, 2018

As the TTC continues its transition to PRESTO, the Metropass program, including the TTC’s Metropass Volume Incentive Program (VIP), will end as of December 31, 2018.

The TTC informs us that the December 2018 passes will be the last ones Humber College receives. To make the transition away from VIP as smooth as possible, the TTC has provided Humber College with complimentary PRESTO cards for its staff who usually purchase VIP passes. These PRESTO Cards can be picked up from both the North and Lakeshore Campus Bookstore effective Monday, December 3.

The TTC is working with PRESTO to see if a discounted pass program for organizations could be introduced on PRESTO. More details will be shared in the coming months.

Loading funds onto your PRESTO Card and using it to pay as you go:

You can load your PRESTO card with funds at a PRESTO Fare Vending Machine at TTC Subway Stations, online at or Shoppers Drug Mart locations that sell PRESTO.

A single adult fare costs $3 when you use your PRESTO card on the TTC.

November 30, 2018
meg houghton

As of December 3, 2018, Matthew Travill will assume the role of Acting Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator with primary responsibility for the LGBTQ+ Resource Centres.

Matthew has been an asset to SSE and the Student Support and Intervention Coordinator team over the past year. We are so pleased he is taking on this new role. Matthew’s experience working within the community, providing case support and coordinating mentoring programs will be an asset in this role.

Congratulations Matthew!

November 30, 2018
Registered Massage Therapist Association of Ontario at Queen's Park

On November 26, the Registered Massage Therapist Association of Ontario (RMTAO), which is the professional association of Massage Therapists in Ontario, organized a lobby day at Queen's Park. Several members of the association were asked to participate in meetings with Members of Provincial Parliament (MPP) from all political parties to discuss the benefits of massage therapy and the role that massage therapists can play in health care. Several Humber faculty members were involved in this day of advocacy for the profession. The key message was that massage therapists have a role in palliative care, chronic pain and home care, as well as the other well known benefits of massage therapy.

Alex Kidd, MPP Daisy Wai, Susan Bessonette and Patrick BelangerAlex Kidd, MPP Daisy Wai, Susan Bessonette and Patrick Belanger

November 30, 2018
Bharat Saini

Humber College is committed to principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The Employment Equity Act was passed in 1986. Recognizing that "systemic discrimination" was responsible for most of the inequality found in employment, the Abella Royal Commission on Equality in Employment outlined a systemic response and chose the term "Employment Equity" to describe the process.

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity is re-establishing the Employment Equity Program at Humber.

Humber voluntarily complies with the Employment Equity Act.

The Implementation of an Employment Equity Program includes the following steps:

  • Step 1: Initiate an employment equity program
  • Step 2-1: Conduct a workforce analysis
  • Step 2-2: Conduct an employment systems review
  • Step 3: Create an employment equity plan
  • Step 4: Establish and sustain an employment equity program
  • Step 5: Produce an annual report

An Employment Equity Program was initiated at Humber several years ago. An ongoing process of the Employment Equity Program is to collect workforce information via Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire. The workforce information is used to conduct the workforce analysis (Step 2-1).

Please visit the Centre website for Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to Humber’s Employment Equity Program.

If you have questions pertaining to Humber's Employment Equity Program, please contact: Bharat Saini at 416.665.6622 x5160 or

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity thanks you for helping to build a more inclusive Humber.
